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Previous drug use question 2002 - 2018 [Merged]

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If you used it, fine. Admit it up front and don't touch it again.

It's better to get it out in the open. The tests may or may not find it, but at least you'll have a clean conscience...which a better start than lying.

If you do there will be ramifications to your actions while you are in the CF when they find out.....oh BTW, they always do sooner or later.

patton13 said:
how would they know if i did use it anyway, do i take a lie detector test, if it doesnt show up i my system

Depending on what trade you apply for and if you're enrolling as an officer or NCM, you could be subject to a very detailed security screening, including a background investigation by some habitually suspicious people from CSIS.

Come clean, now, before you get found out later.

paracowboy said:
that, right there, tells me you intend to continue using that poisonous crap, despite what the Law, QR&Os, and common sense says.

+1 big time.  If that's the case, I don't want you in my Army.
I was initially very patient, even though I absolutely despise druggies.  However, it seems that you are just going to keep re-phrasing your question until someone gives you an answer you like. So, in the interest of time saving, here you go:  Hell no, c'mon in!  Just make sure you don't shoot up for an hour before you go in, wouldn't want you to sign on the date line by mistake.  Other than that, we're just like the Cripps, lots of dope, less firepower, better crack dens. Hope this helps, and welcome aboard, you get jumped in on Tuesday.
no, thats not the case at all, i wont ever do it again. Im just curious as to how they would find that out, there not the CIA, there the Canadian army. But i will come out and tell them
You have a drug use profile (Everything from chocolate bars and soda pop to crystal meth and cocaine) to fill out. As has been said, don't lie and don't tell half the truth. I do not pretend to be an expert but how long have you been off any illicit drugs? Best bet I think in my un-expert opinion is to go for character in that you're better than a drug user today, correct me if I'm wrong though guys.
Here's the deal:

Like Zertz said, when you are doing your medical testing, they will give you a form with every type of drug imaginable (and tons I certain have never heard of) and they want to know exactly what all you tried, how much, how long ago, etc.

In terms of a urine test (the only way they test for drugs, and that test is primarily for other reason) I assume cocaine only shows up for probably a few days, or maybe a few weeks.  I think pot is the only real drug that stays detectable in the system for an extended period of time, but I'm not really sure on that.

Anyway,  its a good idea to be honest.  Because they *could* find out, and then your army career is over permanantely before it begun. Plus you can get into legal trouble for lying.  However if you are honest, say it was a one-time thing, a big mistake, you never plan on doing it again, then the worst that can happen is they ask you to re-apply in around 6 months or so.  I think they really prefer you to be completely clean for at least 6 months, just to prove you're in it for the long haul.  If you can't stop doing drugs for 6 months then the whole army thing probably won't go so well.

Anyway thats my 2 cents.
The last reply is pushing the limits of what should be discussed in a public forum. Info regarding drugs and the recruiting processes is Protect B, and therefore treated as confidential.
Not entirely sure what it means to be 'Protected B', but sorry if I said something that I was not supposed to be said.
double0three said:
Not entirely sure what it means to be 'Protected B', but sorry if I said something that I was not supposed to be said.

I wouldn't worry about it.

If it was sensitive enough, the proper thing to do would have been to PM a mod and have
it removed, not openly chew you out in a forum.
I'm not in the current recruiting sytem, so cant spill any Protected B info.  I do however, have extensive interviewing experience, so here's my input on your statements:

I have not dont pot in a year and i dont care to use it ever again.
Normal. Welcome to the human race.
But my problem is I had a few to many one night at a party and I guess i tried some cocaine.
ALARM! You went from using mary-ju-wanna 'once' to saying OK to a line of coke?  I smell serious BS factor here.  You would have to do some serious backpedaling to convince me that you are not a habitual drug user.  And the words 'I guess'; did you or didnt you? This is a sign of evasion.       
but yeah it was only once, but it was only last weekend.
ALARM! You admit knowing that the organization has a no-drugs policy and you want to join, yet you 'tried' coke 'once' anyway, and only a week ago?  The dial on the BS  olfactory detector in doing some crazy swinging back and forth.  Even if your statement is absolutely true this places serious doubt on your ability to apply common sense, especially when under the influence. 
how would they know if i did use it anyway, do i take a lie detector test, if it doesnt show up i my system
DOUBLE ALARM! Even though you claim that it would never happen again, you reply with 'how would they know?'.  This is a statement implying that you would not commit the same offense only if there was a chance of your being detected.  This further implies that if you knew you could get away with it, you would contemplate doing it.  You forget, its not whether it will show up in your system, its about not using drugs because they are prohibited by law.
no, thats not the case at all, i wont ever do it again.
Based on the preceding statements, I am extremely doubtful.
Is this goin to show up in a couple months in the testing, and should i just admit to this? It will come back to screw me wont it..
I can see the sweat dripping from your forehead...
ive read other threads on here in similiar situations where they said they were honest but had to wait six months or somethin before trying to get in, i dont wanna wait that long
If you didnt want to wait that long, you should have exercised more self-control.  This is an important skill for a soldier.
Im just curious as to how they would find that out, there not the CIA, there the Canadian army.
DOUBLE ALARM! Even after all you've been told you're still looking for a loophole.  This speaks volumes to a trained interviewer.  Mainly, you are still trying to figure out "how can I get away with it?" or "how can I beat the system?". 

As your analyst I recommend you take two glasses of fresh water, stay clean, and dont call for 180 mornings.
People are not as stupid as you think, and neither is the CF recruiting sytem.  They can tell a lot about what you're thinking by your choice of words and questions!
If you do get caught for THC. you might be able to appeal that.

Absinthe has thc in it. Which is legal in Ontario at least. It also has a closely related chemical to thc. Which might show up as a positive. LCBO sells absinthe. But not the thc ones. Though its still possible to get.

Just. if you appeal and get in. they will probably be keeping an eye on you. so stay straight and drugs are bad MMMMkay.
munky99999 said:
If you do get caught for THC. you might be able to appeal that.

Absinthe has thc in it. Which is legal in Ontario at least. It also has a closely related chemical to thc. Which might show up as a positive. LCBO sells absinthe. But not the thc ones. Though its still possible to get.

Just. if you appeal and get in. they will probably be keeping an eye on you. so stay straight and drugs are bad MMMMkay.

The "active ingredient" in absinthe is thujone, which is not related at all to THC.  If you test positve for any drug, my bet is that your application basically is over.  If there's even a question about whether you're a dopehead, you don't deserve to join.
Redeye said:
The "active ingredient" in absinthe is thujone, which is not related at all to THC.  If you test positve for any drug, my bet is that your application basically is over.  If there's even a question about whether you're a dopehead, you don't deserve to join.
I definitely agree with you on all this and I also agree that if you indeed have done drugs you should be eligible for the military; but, if the person will go cold turkey or has I think they should have the opportunity. Which from other people on this forum, they have said they do give them another chance to prove they have gone cold turkey. This is why I prefer they do hair test instead of urine test. It’s much more accurate in terms of mistaken drug use.

from http://www.absinth.com/links/faq.html
One of the main herbs in legitimate Absinthe is wormwood and its derivative essence thujone. Thujone is classified as a convulsant poison, NOT a drug, having a similar structure as T.H.C., the active chemical in cannabis. Both thujone and T.H.C. are terpenoids and have a similar molecular geometry and similar functional groups available for metabolism.

Structural similarities between thujone (in its delta-3,4 enol form) and tetrahydrocannabinol (THC, the active component in marijuana) have led some to hypothesize that both substances have the same site of action in the brain (del Castillo et al 1975)

PS. I have never done a drug in my life. I simply am very interested in chemistry and biochemistry.
Last march i applied to the CF and like many others got my dreams crushed when being honest about past drug use..
Last Dec. I made the worst mistake ever by trying ecstasy . The CF recruiting staff told me to reapply after 3 years  :-\ .. After alot of regret and reading on these forums i've decided to reapply after one year . I've recently paid for a drug screening to ensure I have no toxins in my body . The biomedical lab sent the screening results to my family physician and my physician has given me a letter of reference the basically says i'm physically healthy , in excellent shape and there is no chance of any drugs resurfacing in the future .. I also will enclose my personal letter of apology to the CF recruiting staff .. In the time between my applications i've also continued with my education .. When I last applied I had a grade 11 education now i'm in the process of completing my GED ..  There's nothing more important to me than a carear in the army and I hope my actions will show the recruiting staff i'm responsible enough to serve in the CF ..

Is there any chance of the recruiting staff re-opening my application ...  ?
STING said:
The CF recruiting staff told me to reapply after 3 years   :-\ ..

I'm glad you have realized and regret your error.  You can try....though I wouldn't count on it.  Good luck.
Perseverance, my friend.  Getting out of the rut and going clean looks good on ya.

Hard drugs suck.... if anything stick to mary-jane its not so hard on the body and doesnt contain rat poisoning. (also no chance of you to stop breathing).

Best of luck though.  :blotto:

(Edited by Moderator to strike out inappropriate advice.)
The CF recruiting staff told me to reapply after 3 years 

There is your answer.  No ifs, ands or buts.
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