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Problems and Bugs

FB chat is always broken, I haven't noticed any correlation with it and AOps
I might be wrong here but I was under the impression that Regen dropped 1 sec for every 2 points added. So why am I only dropping 1 or 2 seconds a level when I have been putting 6 points towards it?

There's a calculation for it. 

(1440 - 2 * Initiative ) / Max CR

In your case, it's

(1440 - 2x130) / 560

Which works out to 2.1 minutes.

Mike did up a spreadsheet to help you figure it out:


Thanks for that, it must be working correctly. Math and I are not good friends. My "Mo" Advance Arty Tech course report stated "M/Bdr Strong's math is suspect without the use of a calculator" :-[
No worries Larry. 

Somehow a kid that dropped grade 13 calculus with a 29% average at the Christmas break managed to muddle his way through a Tech course that demanded me to be able to complete Fast Fourier Transformations (uber advanced calculus stuff.)

In High school, I could never see the point to figuring out the volume of a cone....I figured I'd never work in an ice-cream shop so who gives a damn? 

In the Navy, I had the school's civilian head instructor walk in and threaten the class "If you can't do this, then civvie street is 500 feet that way"  (pointing out window and shouting).

That was inspiration.

What I wish I could do is PER's.  The red ink I got back was a kick in the nads.

When ever I select purchase equipment and it brings me to the Quartermaster Stores screen, the place where it is supposed to tell me the total MP that it will cost me has ?? instead.

dangerboy said:
When ever I select purchase equipment and it brings me to the Quartermaster Stores screen, the place where it is supposed to tell me the total MP that it will cost me has ?? instead.

Mike did a fix for that awhile back.  Do you let your whole page load?  Mine will show "??" right away, but once the page has loaded, it puts the total in.
Yes, I let the whole page load.  I am using firefox version 3.6.13 on windows 7.  It is not a big bug but just something I noticed.
I'm having the same problem as well... After the first fix it was working fine, but now it's gone back to the "??" even when I add/subtract stuff...
It's still working ok, but if anything is blocking Javascript, it won't work. Some anti-virus software strips out javascript automatically...

On the "INT" Page, is it possible to put the Dossier number beside the target's name? 

The only way to know which one you're on right now is to either go to the Medals page or your PER page, or count all the little lines from bottom to top.


I'm not going to type it all out again.

Sorry folks: http://forums.army.ca/forums/threads/99046/post-1018410.html#new

We know that the only people it really could adversely affect would be the AO players and we sincerely apologize but we have no other choice.


Scott said:
I'm not going to type it all out again.

Sorry folks: http://forums.army.ca/forums/threads/99046/post-1018410.html#new

We know that the only people it really could adversely affect would be the AO players and we sincerely apologize but we have no other choice.



ahhh, that explains my multiple 'topic deleted' in the history.  No worries at all, and thank you for keeping us up-to-date on the issues.  As always, the time and effort put into this site by the (volunteer) staff is appreciated.  Apology accepted  :nod:
I've credited the lost points for all posts and topics deleted over the last 3 days, and I have suspended the deductions until the cleanup is more complete. Thanks for your patience all!
This one is weird...

I just did the "Investigate reports of enemy activity in the mountains" mission at Shah Wali Kot twice. I was at level 7 then so both times it consumed 7 "120 x 5.56 Ball."

One of the daily incentives is "299 equipment consumed" for 409 MPs.

For some reason I did that mission twice and never got the 14 equipment consumed... I then did the "Train the ANSF" mission in the same AOR which required 3x "120 x 5.56 Ball" and my daily incentive worked for it and now reads 3/299.
