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Problems and Bugs

not sure if it is a bug or not, but if the mission says it has a success rate of 98%, I expect it to be 98 success out off 100.  However, in my experience, it is never even close to it??  :rage:
I've actually put some effort into ensuring that missions success rates are truly random (based on the % displayed)... a quick check on the stats shows this is still holding true. I think we just remember the failures more vividly than the successes. :) Either that or you're getting all the failures for everyone else. ;)
Mike Bobbitt said:
I think we just remember the failures more vividly than the successes. :)
I tried to remind myself of this fact after a string of failures, but it was little consolation when I saw I was the daily leader in mission failure.
Unlocked the Arghandab region then bought a few medals that gave reputation boosts. Went to my AOR and Arghandab was locked down without having done anything.
shiska said:
Unlocked the Arghandab region then bought a few medals that gave reputation boosts. Went to my AOR and Arghandab was locked down without having done anything.

+300 for being honest.

Thanks shiska, there was indeed a bug in initializing the insurgency in new locations. It's all fixed up now, so the next time you play it should be set correctly. +300 from me as well. :)
Just checked in today but it said I failed to check in yesterday. Maybe a DST bug?
JohnTBay said:
Just checked in today but it said I failed to check in yesterday. Maybe a DST bug?

Same here. Just checked in, as I have every day. Surprised to have it tell me that I hadn't checked in yesterday and I would lose 40 morale.
Yep, got the same error. My bet is the DST screwing it up a bit.
I got this error tonight:

You failed to check in yesterday! -40 Morale

However I have been playing all weekend.
Yeah I received that error myself (-40 moral for not checking) or atleast I hope it was an error.  I haven't missed a day since I've started playing..
So, we have now overwhelmingly established that the system is glitching (as pointed out - probably due to the clock change); I'm sure that Mike will fix it tomorrow when he comes online.
Looking at the database, it doesn't appear that the consecutive days streaks were reset... can you have a look on your PER screens and see what it shows for concurrent days and max concurrent days played?
Mike Bobbitt said:
Looking at the database, it doesn't appear that the consecutive days streaks were reset... can you have a look on your PER screens and see what it shows for concurrent days and max concurrent days played?

It glitched there too; mine says:

Current Consecutive Days Played: 1
Max Consecutive Days Played: 179
Daily Challenges Completed: 204
I'm in the same boat too. I played yesterday morning, the when I went in just after 2100 MST, I was told that I missed a day.

Current Consecutive Days Played: 1
Max Consecutive Days Played: 65
Daily Challenges Completed: 46
Mike Bobbitt said:
Looking at the database, it doesn't appear that the consecutive days streaks were reset... can you have a look on your PER screens and see what it shows for concurrent days and max concurrent days played?

Glitched there for me. Mine Says:

Current Consecutive Days Played: 1
Max Consecutive Days Played: 66
Daily Challenges Completed: 61