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Problems and Bugs

NS, that link was actually never supposed to work... it's direct to the server and not through Facebook, so none of the Facebook interface is loaded. Because of some issues I uncovered, I recently had that link automatically forward to the correct URL. If facebook is blocked for you, that probably means you can no longer get to the game. :( I'll see if I can figure something out.
I can get to the game, the main page, but when I try to run a mission, I get the old Zero sized reply error, but hitting F5 a few times (10-20) sometimes lets a successful mission get through....

On the other hand, since I've jacked up my Initiative so I get a full regen every 6 hours, I've been in a morale losing gambit.....and the limits of the game here for me don't let me change locations to run a bunch of cheap missions to build it back up again....looks like I'm heading for the -500 morale medal!!

Enabled HTTPS (secure mode) on F-book....things seem to be working MUCH better in AO now....I can actually add my own PER points!!!!

Alas, the speed has dropped considerably...

In other news, I've also dropped about 850 morale in the past couple of weeks....OUCH.


On the stats page, how come when you click on most player's names, it will take you to their PER.  But others will go to their FB page?  An example of this is "Hacker Cracker".  The stats for that member, especially given the name, made me question it but I wasn't able to see their PER at all.  I guess I just want to make sure too, that mine doesn't link back to my FB.  Thanks!

More info: found them on the roster (current spot #211) and that goes to their FB page too vice PER.  It might just be me, but their numbers especially Max CR, seem a bit off compared to others at that rank.
I'm actually having issues getting my incentives to work properly - Milpoints were deducted, but I do not seem to be getting the bonuses for the following (I THINK they are operating, as they show up on the PER - but my main readout still has me at 180 morale (standard for level 40), and none of the bonuses show up in the PER beside the original stats):

Initiative level 2 - +50 to morale for 24 hours
Total Time played level 2 - +10 to Attention to detail

in particular, I had the really clever plan to bump my morale up to get the medal for 200 morale (and thus getting the 50 incentives attained award) - should this have worked?

Thanks in advance!
Morale incentives cann't raise your morale above your rank defined maximum .... they fill the gas tank but don't give you an extra gas tank
ah, figured that was possible - Thank you for the explanation!

The error of not showing said bonuses on the PER screen still stands however - my morale reads 230, but there is no indicator of time, etc. reloading the page/waiting does nothing either.
I can not get it to load either. Hopefully it gets fixed soon otherwise I will not be able to log in today, and start back at 1 day continuous play.
Just tried now and I have no issues loading or playing.
dangerboy said:
Anyone else having this problem?

Yarp, I am having that problem. Game seems to only want to load about 1 in 100 tries it seems. Frustrating.
Teeps74 said:
Yarp, I am having that problem. Game seems to only want to load about 1 in 100 tries it seems. Frustrating.

yeah, hasn't been working for me all day