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Profiles of posters

OLD F of S

Jr. Member
Reaction score
        Just a personal observation, it would help an old soldier if posters filled in their profiles
it would assist me in determining from which orfice they speak.

                    Regards Old F of S
In fact, it's in the Conduct Guidelines:

I strongly encourage you to fill out all the sections of your public profile that you're comfortable with. We respect your privacy and won't force you to fill out your profile if you don't want to. Bear in mind though, that the amount of identifyable info in your profile will increase your general credibility here. Those with empty profiles are much harder to verify and will have to put a lot more effort into building a credible presence here.
Nothing like some new member of the forum spouting off about how no one but them knows whats wrong with the military, full of balsamic and pee, but without anything at all in their profile!

If you want to be taken seriously here then fill it out...Or don't post.

Slim :cdn: :salute:
Old F of S: I agree 100%. I highly suspect that some don"t fill in their profile so they can pretend to have more experience than they really have. Would be next to impossible to enforce though. If you had to fill in the military experience section or you could not post, then those who want to mislead would simply make something up. No way could the forum research all this info for a few who try to mislead us.
Very similar discusion on the "new members using regimental avatars,ranks,usernames" thread reccentally.

Best Wishes
Exactly as Slim said...

If you spout off, at least give a frame of reference to the rest as to your point of view. I am as forgiving to a 16 yr old or a 25 yr veteran, if I understand where they are coming from. It does piss me off when someone says something controversial, and they have zip in their profile.
Then again, the information in your profile is only as accurate as you care to make it... that's the joy of being signals... who'd fake being in signals? If I was going to fake somthing, I'd definitly claim to be in the 138th ninja-pirate squadron.
Perhaps providing some profile categories for people who are civilians. The profile set up is geared towards people with Military experience, and there is not much to put down if you don't have any. I can't really put anything down in the MOC, RANK, or UNIT sections. For example, I don't have an MOC but that does not mean I don't have a job ;) That also does not mean I can't speak with authority on certain topics. For those of you who want to know where someone is coming from, then make room for more information.

If new categories are to be put in, I   for one urge extream caution when providing information about yourself on the interenet. It is amazing how much info you can dig up on a person knowing very little about them, one must be villigent against identity theft these days. It is a very serious problem.

Pieman a person with no military experience could add what ever information they felt necessary in the "additional Information" section of their profile. The problem is not with people with little or no military experience posting, but when they post as if they have more experience than they really have. I have reviewed some of your past posts(not all) and I didn't find any misleading statements re: your military experience. It appears to me you have interest in the military so these forums can give you access to some good info.

Pro Patria
HFXCrow said:

I enjoy the anonymity the internet provides to post my views based on experience and TI without reprecussion.


Thanks HFXCrow, I guess so much for ones profile to assess credibility or experience. Which is harped on so much on this Forum.

One could also imagine you going around and telling small children theres No Santa-Claus.
Michael Dorosh said:
wtf, over   :o

Ah ! that got your attention. Now if you would comment on the first part (profiles), that would be informative.
mdh said:
No Santa Claus? What's he talking about.... ???

I was just wondering what part of a post would be most concerning (the issue) or (the unconnected).

So while I have your attention, so what do you think about the importance of Profiles ?.
Quote from: HFXCrow on Yesterday at 05:39:48

I enjoy the anonymity the internet provides to post my views based on experience and TI without reprecussion.


Thanks HFXCrow, I guess so much for ones profile to assess credibility or experience. Which is harped on so much on this Forum.

One could also imagine you going around and telling small children theres No Santa-Claus.

I wonder WTF you guys don't see in your search of 'Santa Claus' .  It seems quite obvious that Crow has been called out.  You guys missed it and focused on only half of a conversation/post.  Halloween isn't even here and you are off on the Jolly ole elf before it is time.
Does anyone know if the GGs residence has a pool, because I don't go to BBQs if there's no pool.
Santa Claus for GG!!!

Sure he's Dutch but thanks to Coca-cola marketing he wears our national colours!
FastEddy said:

I was just wondering what part of a post would be most concerning (the issue) or (the unconnected).

So while I have your attention, so what do you think about the importance of Profiles ?.
Profiles ~= Bullshit

Good ideas stand on their own.  If you have experience to back them up, then by all means do share it.  Writing an entry in a profile saying you landed at Normandy and worked as a counter-espionage agent in Vietnam is all well and good, but what does it matter if you enter it in your profile or write it in a message?  Someone who's going to assert made-up "facts" to win an argument isn't going to balk at forging their credentials in a profile.

That being said, HfXCrow did give himself away by saying he won a GCS at that particular ceremony and that he's in the navy.  But what should it matter to the rest of us?
hamiltongs said:
Profiles ~= Bullshit

Good ideas stand on their own.   If you have experience to back them up, then by all means do share it.   Writing an entry in a profile saying you landed at Normandy and worked as a counter-espionage agent in Vietnam is all well and good, but what does it matter if you enter it in your profile or write it in a message?   Someone who's going to assert made-up "facts" to win an argument isn't going to balk at forging their credentials in a profile.

Glad you feel this way.  ::)

Usually a persons profile will give others an idea of who they are and where they are coming from.   If someone wants to be a "POSER" on a forum such as this, they are usually found out rather quickly and dealt with in a 'suitable' manner.   We do like to have some fun with our Posers first though - it does get entertaining.    ;D
Usually a persons profile will give others an idea of who they are and where they are coming from.  If someone wants to be a "POSER" on a forum such as this, they are usually found out rather quickly and dealt with in a 'suitable' manner.  We do like to have some fun with our Posers first though - it does get entertaining.

I agree with GW about filling out profiles - it's especially important if you want to promote certain arguments to have some sense of what you're actually talking about. And as George noted it's not that difficult to figure out if someone is faking it - the devil is always in the details.  My only caveat is that profiles should not be used as a weapon to stifle debate ie a well-read, well-informed civvy who wants to discuss military issues may have something constructive to say or offer a perspective from outside the military that's valuable by virtue of the fact he or she doesn't have a vested interest in an issue.

my two cents.... ;)

cheers, mdh