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Protesters display terrorist flag at Calgary war memorial


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You didn't hear what the terrorists did to our war memorial? That's because the mainstream media was too timid to tell you

Ezra Levant - September 11, 2006

How does the media treat the desecration of our war memorials? Depends on the desecrators.

After the evening fireworks on Dominion Day, three drunk teenagers relieved themselves on the National War Memorial in Ottawa. A retired major in the Canadian Forces snapped pictures of that loutish act, and the story became a national scandal. Newspapers put the insult on the front page, and it burned up countless hours of radio and television talk. David McGuinty, a Liberal MP from Ottawa, even called for an amendment to the Criminal Code to specifically punish memorial-peeing.

One of the midnight pishers, Stephen Fernandes, saw his photo on the front page of the Ottawa Citizen and turned himself in. He claims he drank a whole bottle of vodka that day, and had no clue what he was doing--it wasn't a political act. "I didn't mean any disrespect to any veterans, any soldier serving our country right now, or any Canadian citizen," he said, "and I'd like to extend my apologies to anybody that I offended." His fellow micturaters also made tearful apologies to the police and to the Royal Canadian Legion.

The boys were contrite. In the sober light of day they realized their offence. Still, the media had a field day on the subject, huffing and puffing as the self-appointed guardians of the memory of our war dead.

And well that they did. But where was the media honour guard six weeks later at the completely sober, premeditated desecration of Calgary's war memorial-- a protest in support of the terrorist group Hezbollah?

Calgary's wasn't the first Canadian "peace" rally to fly the flag of the explicitly anti-Semitic, explicitly terrorist group Hezbollah--a flag whose central image is a fist holding an AK-47 machine-gun. But it was the first time that a terrorist emblem was proudly displayed on a war memorial honouring Canada's dead soldiers, including soldiers who died fighting other fascists.

The leftist activists who ran the rally, which featured local Muslim and labour leaders, huffily denied that Hezbollah flags were flown. But home video taken of the rally shows the opposite: not only were Hezbollah flags flown, but the organizer of the event herself was draped in the terrorist flag as she led the protest. Go to this website, www.tinyurl.com/j4gft, and see the video for yourself.

Like the Nazis, Hezbollah is fascist, anti-Semitic, violent and disregards any rules of war. But unlike the Nazis, Hezbollah is actually illegal in Canada.

How would the media react if a Nazi rally were held on a war memorial? No need to ask--we saw their response to Piddlegate. So why the double standard when it comes to Islamic fascism?

Political correctness, of course. It's easy to take a tough line on the Nazis, 60 years after the Second World War. And it's easy to be stern with young white men going wee. But our political and media establishment is too worried about being called "racist" or "intolerant" when the fascists are Muslim, not white. It's the same reason Toronto's police chief, Bill Blair, bragged that he didn't mention the word Muslim once when he arrested 17 Muslims for plotting to blow up the CN Tower, and why James Judd, the director of CSIS, proudly claims that racial profiling is "fundamentally stupid."
Super Drug Mart

Self-delusion by the media hasn't gone unnoticed by a news-hungry public that increasingly turns to the Internet to hear what their daily papers are too polite to tell them. And self-delusion by the police has led to a kind of vigilantism, as vulnerable citizens refuse to pretend, like Blair or Judd, that they're still living in September 10, 2001. Passengers on Europe's Monarch Airlines flight last month refused to let the pilot fly until two Muslim men, wearing bulky clothes, speaking Arabic and acting erratically, were removed from the plane. It's unclear whether the passengers were overreacting, but it's clear what they were reacting to: a security establishment that, like Judd, takes pride in ignoring the obvious nature of the terrorist threat.

This is not a call for 1940's-style profiling--internment camps of enemy aliens. Far from it; it's a call for honest reporting and even-handedness from a press corps so concerned about appearing liberal that it has started to make excuses for the most illiberal fascists we've seen in a half-century.
Would it not seem appropriate to ban symbols associated with illegal groups, and make them subject to immediate seizure?

The fact that someone can walk around draped in a Hezbollah flag which stands for the annihilation of Jews without being prosecuted is surreal.

Matthew.  ???
I'm betting if you walked around, draped in a swaztika, it wouldn't be long before you were explaining yourself to the boys in blue.
But, to be honest, other than us here (and not nearly all of us), a FEW of the "protesters" and a relatively small handful of knowledgeable people (including reporters), who else would know the Hez flag?

Don't get me wrong, I would have made myself a very bad public affairs spectacle if I had of been present, but I'm not going to hack on the Calgary cops for not knowing they were flying the flag of an illegal group.

That does bring up a good question, if the group is illegal, does that also cover their symbols? Any police types know?
Talk about hypocritical.

Calling for peace draped in the flag of hate-mongers such as Hezbollah.

*shakes head*
Does seem rather hypocritical to call for peace and cheer for Hezbollah at the same time.... ::)
Infanteer said:
Does seem rather hypocritical to call for peace and cheer for Hezbollah at the same time....
depends on what you call 'peace'. These scumbags, for instance, want the "peace" that the Romans used to create.
Very hypocritical...(from my perspective)

And several times in the past week this thought has run through my mind...Euthanasia.
God, why are some people so dumb?  Was it the way they were raised?
Is it a sad cry for attention they don't deserve?

I just don't get it, and if it means getting close to them to understand, I don't want to get it.
what's the point in bitching about it.....no one is listening , nor  does anyone seem to care. These terrorist rallies  don't seem to bother anyone because they have more important things to worry about.... like catching the last episode of Canadian Idol. Now, that's important shit. Man alive....you should of heard the outrage some people displayed at the outcome of the show. Followed by heated debates and arguments over who should of won, and why. Everyone is so comfortably numb with their everyday lives that no one can appreciate that our values are being rotted away from the inside , like a cancer. And no one has the balls to say or do anything because that wouldn't be tolerant of other peoples' views (eventhough our views are not tolerated by those hippies who supposedly are the champions of toleration) , even if these views are horribly wrong. We are at war with these muslim groups ....they're killing our sons and daughters, they wish to convert us all to islam or kill us if we don't.. They advocate the total destruction of the West, yet people who are born and raised here want to assist them!  This hippie logic makes absolutely no sense, yet people buy into it whole heartedly. 

"Al-Qaida in Iraq" warned Pope Benedict yesterday that its war against Christianity and the West will go on until Islam takes over the world....
(AP -http://www.torontosun.ca/News/World/2006/09/19/1862081-sun.html)

....And to think , these hippies actually sympathise with these groups.....it's WWII all over again.

They aide and accept groups who's rhetoric is similar to the above quote, yet they won't rally behind their own country because  we are the war mongers! get real people.
Is it possible that the video link was editted?  I watched it a couple of times and didn't see the flag on the memorial.  You can see the tool with the bullhorn clearly enough, but not the flag on the Memorial. 
Before you will see your police take action in a situation like this, you will need to have political will to deal with it.  Start writing useless letters to your MP's.  :P
zipperhead_cop said:
Start writing useless letters to your MP's.  :P

I like to give it to Taliban Jack at least 2 times a week...usually when I'm stressed out or pissed off! ;) I just go to his website and let 'er rip. Sent him a long demeaning letter today...I'm having a horrible day at work.  >:( Try it it's fun....    www.ndp.ca/jack
zipperhead_cop said:
Is it possible that the video link was editted?  I watched it a couple of times and didn't see the flag on the memorial.  You can see the tool with the bullhorn clearly enough, but not the flag on the Memorial. 
Before you will see your police take action in a situation like this, you will need to have political will to deal with it.  Start writing useless letters to your MP's.  :P

Have you been to this particular memorial in Calgary? The woman draped in the hezbollah flag can be seen standing on the platform where, on Remembrance Day the Canadian Flag, Union Jack and other significant Flags are placed. Also as another point, there are "peace rally" participants standing on a platform that is inscribed with a message to the war dead. I can’t remember exactly what it says, but I believe it is something to the effect that we will never forget their sacrifice.

I intend to monitor this group’s and other similar group’s websites to determine when other such rallies will be held and will post the times and dates on this site. I will be down there to protect this monument from further desecration and WILL NOT ALLOW this place to be disgraced again. I encourage all other people from Calgary to come down there to do the same, but I will do it alone if need be.
Things might get interesting come Remembrance Day, since it is on a Saturday this year.  Especially as units parade through their cities.  Us we get to march past U of T, Toronto City Hall and the Eaton Centre.  I am willing to bet some asshat will do or say something rather stupid as we march by.  I would be really happy to see someone come near the colours and get a rifle butt to the face for his efforts (as happened many years ago I am told.).
Hatchet Man said:
Things might get interesting come Remembrance Day, since it is on a Saturday this year.  Especially as units parade through their cities.  Us we get to march past U of T, Toronto City Hall and the Eaton Centre.  I am willing to bet some asshat will do or say something rather stupid as we march by.  I would be really happy to see someone come near the colours and get a rifle butt to the face for his efforts (as happened many years ago I am told.).

I nearly got attacked one year on that march.

A drunk man started shouting at the parade and the slowly made his way towards it.  Of course by the time he
reached the ranks it was me that was that he singled out and yelled at (while we were marching) and kept yelling
for about 10 seconds.  All I was thinking was ... touch the weapon.. please touch the weapon... cause it gave me
every right to rifle butt in to prevent him from taking it.

Fortunately (for me) a police officer came up and said "what are you doing"
He replied "just having fun"


The MCpl behind me then said.. why didn't you rifle butt him???  ::)
Cause without legitmate provocation or threat I would have been in deep trouble.
I've seen so many people pull out terrorist flags on campus, it's disgusting - of course I can't say or do anything or I'll probably be expelled from the University as a racist!

But, if you see something, and it bothers you, and you want to at least feel like you did something

1. PSEPC List of Terrorist Entities

2. CSIS National Security Threat Tip Line
As one of the many people who would face the gallows if Islamic militants to controll of Canada, (about as likely as the NDP ever getting my vote again)  I feel within my rights to say I don't agree with what they stand for.  I find it ironic that they were protesting, asking the Canadian government to pressure Israel to stop the war that Israel didn't want in the first place. Since when was it our duty to tell people what to do?

It was posted earlier that one couldn't walk down the street with a Nazi flag or a swastika and march for very long before you'd have to explain yourself to the police... I remember a few run ins with skinheads in Alberta that say differently.  They'd march about shouting their typical dribble and people would do their best to ignore them or (more often) run away in fear.  People saw them for what they are,  misguided, disturbed and dangerous.  But now we know who they are.

Now as far as banning the symbols,  I think it would be a strategic mistake.  If we ban them all that it means is that we can't see it.  It is much easier to know what is going on when you know who's doing what.  Besides there are much better ways of dealing with things.  She is a student right?  International student?  Humm,  I think someones visa is pulled - bureaucratic snafu,  too many issued,  please go home and reapply. (and if your flight home happens to have an unexpected layover in Israel ... how would we know?)  Oh her brother wants to come over as well... humm... lets just put that application in the round file bin as we do a quick check on your socail circle for people to boot out.  Freedom of association is one thing.  Looking into a group of people because they are exhibiting a pattern of illegal behaviour,  quite another.

Trinity said:
I nearly got attacked one year on that march.

A drunk man started shouting at the parade and the slowly made his way towards it.  Of course by the time he
reached the ranks it was me that was that he singled out and yelled at (while we were marching) and kept yelling
for about 10 seconds.  All I was thinking was ... touch the weapon.. please touch the weapon... cause it gave me
every right to rifle butt in to prevent him from taking it.

Fortunately (for me) a police officer came up and said "what are you doing"
He replied "just having fun"


The MCpl behind me then said.. why didn't you rifle butt him???   ::)
Cause without legitmate provocation or threat I would have been in deep trouble.

Wow...I would love to be around to hear him explain the welts on his head to his buddies.

"What happened?"
"I was viciously attacked by one of the army guys."
"Really?  Wow you look messed up man, how many were there?"
"There were lots around, but it was only one soldier."
"Damn, man, that looks like it hurts.  Was he special forces or something?"
"Well, no...he was the..ummm...Padre."
