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Protesters display terrorist flag at Calgary war memorial


How can the media have missed this one?  Calling out "What do we want, peace, when do we want it, now" while being draped by a flag with an AK-47 on it?  This cow needs a slap upside the head.  AND if the Hizaballah is currently illegal in Canada, why did the police not arrest her for showing that flag? 

Now i know why we left Cow town for Edmonton because if that happened here i think it would, i hope, be alittle different, but that Calgary for ya! Homos!
Now I understand the irony in a person draped in a Hezbollah flag chanting for peace.  But the argument about how the flag has a gun on it doesn't really wash.
http://www.crwflags.com/fotw/flags/ch-ne012.html  Now I don't know about you,  but when the Swiss do something....

Angola's flag has a machete on it.
the flag of Saudi Arabia has a sword which seems bad until you remember that the flag of Essex has three swords!
Mozambique has the best reputation of all though http://www.crwflags.com/fotw/flags/mz.html putting the gun they used to liberate themselves on their flag.  And I am only 90% sure on this,  but I think she has every right to drape herself in whatever flag she wants to and say whatever annoying thing she wants.  (Unless she is advocating violence or haterid towards a particular group or until the riot act has been read - when she can still say things,  but just has to do it elsewhere)

What point would be served in banning a flag? Frankly I thought the point of a free a democratic socitity was that people could, if they wanted to, make asses of themselves? And like I said,  the hardest part for us fighting terrorism is sifting out who is and isn't a terrorist.  Let them do their thing,  let them cause the public to see their argument for what it is.  :-)  Last thing I want id for Canada to dissend into Maccarthism!  Are you now or ever have been somewhat sympathedic to .....
recceguy said:
I'm betting if you walked around, draped in a swaztika, it wouldn't be long before you were explaining yourself to the boys in blue.

I'm not so sure. Perhaps the boys in blue, but I'd be surprised to see a CA take much interest in it other than to avoid it and drop charges.
CA's dont particularly relish bringing up Charter Rights issues.

Wear your swastika. Wear your ignorance with pride if you wish. Start yelling obscenities and you've just breached the peace.

Personally Id rather us not be arresting people just for wearing particular clothing we may vehomently be against.

Meridian said:
Personally Id rather us not be arresting people just for wearing particular clothing we may vehomently be against.
me neither. I'd rather just shoot them. Especially idiots with pants 5 sizes too large and a sun visor on upside down and backwards, or pastel sweaters tied over their shoulders and pom-poms on their loafers.
Zell_Dietrich said:
Angola's flag has a machete on it.  the flag of Saudi Arabia has a sword which seems bad until you remember that the flag of Essex has three swords!
Mozambique has the best reputation of all though http://www.crwflags.com/fotw/flags/mz.html putting the gun they used to liberate themselves on their flag.  And I am only 90% sure on this,  but I think she has every right to drape herself in whatever flag she wants to and say whatever annoying thing she wants.  (Unless she is advocating violence or haterid towards a particular group or until the riot act has been read - when she can still say things,  but just has to do it elsewhere).

First, I must point out that the countries you name are nationally recognized states with legitimate governments, unlike the Hizballah who are an independent organization.  You are comparing apples and oranges.

Second, none of the countries you mention are walking down our city streets and proclaiming themsleves advocates of peace while displaying arms of warfare as their symbol.  These are incongruous actions.    

Third, a precedent has already been set in the display of flags and symbols that represent ideas abhorant to specific populations.  The nazi flag is not accepted for public displays (both legally and ethically/morally), there are many in the US who protest the use of the confederate flag because of its perceived links to proponents of racism (its even forbidden for display at CF-controlled workplaces and living areas), and there are laws passed that make it illegal to display certain other symbols and identifiers in private and/or public places.  Its a little too late to start talking about how flags have no meaning and shouldnt be regulated.    
I'm pretty sure displaying a Carolina Hurricanes flag will get you killed on Whyte Avenue in Edmonton. Hospitalized at the very least.   :D
probum non poenitet said:
I'm pretty sure displaying a Carolina Panthers flag will get you killed on Whyte Avenue in Edmonton. Hospitalized at the very least.   :D

Ha! Good example!
Centurian1985 said:
(its even forbidden for display at CF-controlled workplaces and living areas)

There is a difference between what soldiers may do and what citizens may do.  That whole "protect democracy,  not to take part in it yourself" bunk.

On the plus side I found this:

(4) In determining whether an accused participates in or contributes to any activity of a terrorist group, the court may consider, among other factors, whether the accused
    (a) uses a name, word, symbol or other representation that identifies, or is associated with, the terrorist group;
    (b) frequently associates with any of the persons who constitute the terrorist group;
    (c) receives any benefit from the terrorist group; or
    (d) repeatedly engages in activities at the instruction of any of the persons who constitute the terrorist

Also  if we look at some of the funner clauses in http://laws.justice.gc.ca/en/h-6/243963.html :

12. It is a discriminatory practice to publish or display before the public or to cause to be published or displayed before the public any notice, sign, symbol, emblem or other representation that
    (a) expresses or implies discrimination or an intention to discriminate, or
    (b) incites or is calculated to incite others to discriminate

if the discrimination expressed or implied, intended to be expressed or implied or incited or calculated to be incited would otherwise, if engaged in, be a discriminatory practice described in any of sections 5 to 11 or in section 14.

1976-77, c. 33, s. 12; 1980-81-82-83, c. 143, s. 6.

If you look hard enough I'm sure I could find a law that makes anything illegal.  I haven't found the law that makes public display of Nazi symbols illegal,  where is it?  (I am not a Nazi,  like I said before I'd be one of the first to be gassed)  I think we do have to look at what we want to do and why.  It is an extremely slippery slope once we start banning flags outright.  I remember being called a racist when I was walking down the streets with my German fußball shirt on during  the world cup.  ( Now that is Irony ) Who was I harming by wearing that shirt?  Do I have the right to cheer for the German team even though I'm Canadian (of Irish decent)  Was my intention when I wore that shirt the same as other perceived it,  do they have the right to stop me from wearing a t-shirt?  (which in no way implied hatrid or violence)

Where in our laws does it say that you can stop people from saying things that might offend you? 

Whats your point?  Im not going to interpret your rambling.  If you're as intelligent as you think you are, then you know exactly where to look to find out that we have laws that stop people from saying things that might offend other people.  Every country has them. 

The point here is that many of us are offended by the waving of a terrorist flag on our Canadian streets.
Centurian1985 said:
Im not going to interpret your rambling.
don't bother. ZD has appointed himself the guardian of civil rights on the site. Apparently, we who kill and die for our citizens to enjoy those Rights, are incapable of understanding or implementing them.  ::)
paracowboy said:
don't bother. ZD has appointed himself the guardian of civil rights on the site. Apparently, we who kill and die for our citizens to enjoy those Rights, are incapable of understanding or implementing them.  ::) 

Seems to be the trend doesnt it?

Still, it irks me when people make claims about democracy based on watching too many TV shows...   
Punishment for treason
(2) Every one who commits treason is guilty of an indictable offence and liable

(a) to be sentenced to imprisonment for life if he is guilty of an offence under paragraph 46(2)(a), (c) or (d);

(b) to be sentenced to imprisonment for life if he is guilty of an offence under paragraph 46(2)(b) or (e) committed while a state of war exists between Canada and another country; or

Personally, I'd be happy if somebody merely punched her in the throat on the spot.
high treason? Bit extreme, no? Bad taste, certainly. Possibly hate crime. But high treason?
I know I'm the nerd who in the middle of a lynching mob goes (imagine a Pat voice from Saturday night live) " What's going on,  why are we doing this, oh that's terrible but do we have to... oh come on is that allowed?"   I know I'm a kill joy,  but before I light my torch and grab my pitchfork I like to be very clear on whats what.  

I was waiting for the treason argument.  If she owes Canada loyalty, (not a foreign student)  and she is deliberately taking steps to undermine us to a foreign power (epically if we are at war with that nation,  but not really a requirement) then yes treason it is.   (regular treason,  not high treason http://dictionary.laborlawtalk.com/high_treason )

Now,  how is she betraying the state into the hands of a foreign power?  Have we been attacked by Hezbollah? Are we at war with them?  I always thought of them as a one trick pony -against Israel.
And Paracowboy,  yes if she is advocating violence towards an identifiable group, it is a hate crime.  Which group is she threatening when she chants for peace?

(look I'm not a Hezbollah supporter,  I know I'd be #3 on their list of people to deal with, but if these are questions that will come up once we pop our heads out of this homogeneous group.  If we can't understand and provide a counter argument to other points of view we'll end up only talking to like minded people and become victim to "group think".  )  Group-think is slow death.
logos said:
I intend to monitor this group’s and other similar group’s websites to determine when other such rallies will be held and will post the times and dates on this site. I will be down there to protect this monument from further desecration and WILL NOT ALLOW this place to be disgraced again. I encourage all other people from Calgary to come down there to do the same, but I will do it alone if need be.

No need to stand alone - just let the rest of us know when and where.
Zell_Dietrich said:
And Paracowboy,  yes if she is advocating violence towards an identifiable group, it is a hate crime.  Which group is she threatening when she chants for peace?
hence the fucking "possibly" in italics. A case could be made that by, supporting a group that calls for the extermination of a race, she supports genocide and a good lawyer could turn it into a hate crime.

Don't put words in my mouth.
paracowboy said:
hence the ******* "possibly" in italics. A case could be made that by, supporting a group that calls for the extermination of a race, she supports genocide and a good lawyer could turn it into a hate crime.

Don't put words in my mouth.

Good point.  I didn't intend to imply you meant anything.  I wanted to point out how hard it would be to get her on hate crime charges when she is calling for peace. I feel it is asinine to chant for peace when you're wearing the flag of the aggressor group,  but I also feel it is her right to malign her own cause.  I believe her action were infact in direct line to support the terrorist organisation's military objectives.  They started a fight,  were getting creamed and now were trying to get others to intervein.  Not a terrably original idea, but since Hezbollah wasn't engaged in military actions against us I think treason would be outside of what she's guilty of.  In fact this would have been great proof of Hezbollah's involvement in the peace protests.  (But frankly that cup runnth over,  there are some interesting pictures of NDP and Bloc politicians near/in front of Hezbollah flags in protests)  By bringing that flag she showed the involvement of outside forces,  suddenly it isn't Canadians expressing their views,  it is foreigners trying to manipulate to their advantage.  Now isn't that better than banning a flag?  Using it to stop them from attaining their objective?


great word, big lebowski  ;D

if some good ol' boys tossed their best starched sheets on themselves and paraded about the streets, the media would be all over it, remember on 9/11 when a few of the news agencies showed people in the middle east celebrating/cheering/chanting over the attacks?

not many do, as the media was afraid they might taint our views towards many middle eastern countries by showing large crowds cheering the attack, shown once or twice then pulled