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PTSD / OSI [Merged]

Thanks for those links, already read them. Was curious about the phone call. Has anyone experienced anything like that in the past?
So, I've had my fill of getting nothing accomplished with VAC and empty promises! I contacted the ombudsmans office, and the Ministers office as well, they said they were going to do something but haven't seen anything yet!

On a whim I called to find out what happened with one of my numerous claims that showed concluded. I was assuming I would have been denied, I was ready for it! I spoke with a very nice lady who has been with VAC for 28 years. I explained the situation, she went into my file and saw everything I said and confirmed it. She also found out nothing had been done that was promised. This very nice lady straightened everything for me. I have 2 claims left in stage 2, the remainder are in stage 3. Several of those are past 16 and 30 weeks. She said I should have a call in a few days, well, it took a few hours to get a call, but, I got the call!

So far things seem to be back on track, let's see what the next few weeks bring!
One down, 10 claims left and at 50% now. PTSD final assessment submitted as are reassessments for 5 other things. I'm a shitshow.
Well, yet more crap from VAC. They finally made a decision for dental issues. They approved one of them and will cover dental issues, no buy out or anything like that! It's great they pay for dental work as I need a tonne now. I grind my teeth so bad I have the teeth of a 70 yr old. Not even 50 yet. My splint is 10 years old.

They denied the second one for dental condition as there was no diagnosis made. Odd they sent me the documents for the dentist to complete. Nowhere on there does it request a diagnosis. Back to the dentist to get a diagnosis.

They also said about the dental issues that I suffered mildly at best. Really? I have TMJ, which will be the diagnosis they didn't want on the document! I'm in constant pain requiring methadone to semi control it.

They just keep making excuse after excuse! I was re assessed in Jan by a VAC Dr, well they are sending his finding off to a panel now, WTF?  Looking for aye to deny my claims once again! Feels like WCB!

More to follow as it becomes available.

In regards to yr mysterious phone call, I suspect it is a VAC employee w/ info on yr case. I have heard of this before fr other vets, as well as personal experience in "off the record" face to face conversations. Have heard many horror stories fr VAC employees and veteran support workers. What many vets can't seem to understand is that those that apply for this kind of work generally do so with the desire to genuinely help veterans. Sometimes laziness, bitterness and cynicism set in but no one joins up at VAC to "screw vets". This person calling you would have nothing to gain by advising you to appeal this decision. Think about it.

As far as hearing loss and tinnitus, I would also argue an appeal. These injuries are very common among veterans of any trade. I have heard of many initial denials but none of appeals. You really have nothing to lose and quite a bit to gain.

Good luck
Hey Gronk,

I agree with you! I would hate to be an employee of VAC. I would love to go in and help other vets out, but, when they tie your hands it would get very difficult, and I would probably do the same thing! A little long run on sentence, lol....

I will appeal every denial! I have nothing to lose for sure!
Received a positive result for IBS at 15%. Was also told today to expect additional funds based on my other payout claims since 2006.
I received a phone call from the Monister of Veterans affairs office today about my issues. I was told a decision had been made on the reassessment of injuries from years ago. Problem is no one has posted it yet. I was also given all info that I asked for and was to be called later this afternoon or early next week for another update.

My suggestion would be to email the M of VAC directly!

I've gone everywhere and this is the only path that seems to get an answer!

They finally processed my 7 reassessments, I can barely walk and move some days. They approved my monthly to an increase of $400 a month, what a fucking joke! The very helpful VAC lady suggested that once I get the letters, which apparently we will be able to access online starting tomorrow. Take the approval letter and take it right to BPA to fight it!

Never ceases to amaze me how that outfit operates!
Just received the reassessment letter today and how they broke it down. Needless to say I will be calling BPA tomorrow. It's almost like they just made an offer to see if I would accept it or not. I just don't get it.

I read the tables compared to my assessment and they don't even compare at all. All of them are about at least 10% under what they should be. They approved all but only increased 2 by minimal amounts.

Here goes yet another fight with VAC.
Has anyone has success with a hypertension claim consequential to PTSD?  VAC requires medical evidence despite a letter from a Psychiatrist  from the OSI clinic.  Iam unsure what else they are looking for. Any help is appreciated. TIA
You need a MD to confirm the physical aspects and how your PTSD connects to those of hypertension. Take all of your paperwork, including your phsyc report to your doctor and explain the situation. If they have ever had dealings with VAC and Medavie/BC, they'll know what's needed.

I would be interested in seeing any update you have on this.

My hypertension was attributed to PTSD by an MO and the OSI clinic. My claim went from Step 1 to Step 3 in a flash but stalled there. I'll let you know what they decide. Maybe it will assist... or not.
Hi, AirDet

So I went back to my MD and he wrote a letter stating my hypertension started around the same time as my diagnosis of PTSD, BP readings previous were 138 over 82 consistently. The NP at the OSI clinic here is a bitch, no support from her at all. She fills out VAC paperwork as judge, jury and executioner.  Submitted to BPA, hoping for a file review before a review board.