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Punishment Too HARSH

paracowboy said:
even when chemically castrated?

Who said anything about using chemicals?
I would've had some of his victims use a blunt penknife to perform the "minor surgery"
....9mm surgical castration sounds about right. 

Why do you suppose that castration isn't the punishment for this crime or rape? Should be!
Booked_Spice said:
I agree 100 percent para...

Do you know that most of the people serving time for this kind of crime, they are placed in isolation and not allowed to be with the main population. I wonder why this is hmm could it be that they would not make it out alive. I think we should just throw them to the lions and see how they like it.
  Well you know they would go in with an A-hole and come out with a Manhole...and rightly so
Who are these judges that see fit to protect these criminals at the expense of their victims...there's one for PM Harper to fix...god that makes me furious...

Para --I still think stoning is a better idea... - smaller rocks too so they dont get knocked out
what about shooting em with Flechette Rounds? how much do you figure that would hurt?

i still say just release em into general population in the prison and let nature takes its course..... there is no good reason why these o2 Thieves are wasting our Taxpayer Dollars....

Dont get me wrong... there are some crimes that can be rehabillitated..... but in my opinion this isnt one of them.... 
Do we get to insert the Flechette needles one at a time? ;)
Infidel-6 said:
Para --I still think stoning is a better idea... - smaller rocks too so they dont get knocked out

Shovels full of gravel into the Chicken Cannon......you may fire when ready!
Just remember folks: even convicts have families and kids ...this scumbag isn't going to see the light of day in prison .
I think there might be a way to put this guy to good use and pay back to the community, while we, the tax payers, pay for his room and board...


As for the judge - who obviously doesn't have kids - he can help the other dummy!
nuthin' to do with retribution on my part. Purely preventative. Kill 'em now before they make things worse for other children.
Enzo said:
I smile at the thought of a convicted biker (a man with a children of his own perhaps?) sharing a cell with such a deviant.

Yes...for 15 yrs, not so harsh....  >:D

Death would be too forgiving.
Quote from FastEddy

Welcome to my World, as the old saying goes, "QUEBEC KNOWS HOW".

Hum, as I read in to that thread, its nor only in Quebec that this ?&* is happening.


Judge Coté is a she, and there is a petition to remove her from the bench.
But I read somewhere on this web site that soldiers can't signs petitions,
so if its truth, then its for the civilians...


I have one answer to this problem, in three sizes:

5.56 mm
7.62 mm
9.00 mm

Pick one.
5000 pictures and 5000 videos of child porn on his computer? :-X Posting pics of his own daughter?  :-X I think his punishment is much, much too light.
Yrys said:
Quote from FastEddy
But I read somewhere on this web site that soldiers can't signs petitions,
so if its truth, then its for the civilians...

Members of the CF are not supposed to sign petitions - ture


Mermbers of the CF have the right to write a letter to their MP / MNA or MLA.... exercies you right & encourage others to do same.
This punishment is way too light?  And doing this to his own daughter, god that makes me sick.  I say put him in a cell with a friendly cellmate named Bubba for 15 years and see if he likes his own medicine.

My two cents
Nail genitals to a log.Cover log in naphtha set on fire.hand knife to pedophile to either cut it off or kill himself.
I agree with Juvat and rcac_011. He should be given more than 9 years... way more.