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Pushups- Try Reading Here First- Merged Thread

There is a website for a 100 push-up challenge. I'm in the exact same boat as you and want to try and get at least 10 by mid September. http://hundredpushups.com/  I'm not sure (yet) what the link posting policy is here, so I'll post it and then deal with any fall out after (I'll go check it out)...

The challenge is designed to get you to 100 push-ups in just six weeks. However, that won't happen in my lifetime... but, you can see how they devised the program and alter it to your own needs and levels.

I have been asking people around me for good tips to do good push-ups. I can seriously make about 6 (better than 2 weeks ago when I could barely do one) But is there a trick that I could use to make more? Since I don't want to do only 9 I would want to be able to do more to push myself a bit more.



I think it's great that you are taking your BMQ training so seriously.  Way to go for you.  Small piece of advice: don't be so hard on yourself!!! Push ups are difficult, especially for women.  I think a big part of it is that it's just not a natural part of our lives.  Boys do push up from childhood so they develop their biceps, triceps and chest muscles by their teenage years.  Women generally don't.  When I joined I could only do 3. Now I can do 40 with ease.  I say, take it slow.  I practiced doing 5, and then 10, and then 15, etc.  Over time you will develop stronger abs, back and arm muscles. 

You're obviously very determined to succeed so undoubtedly you will  :nod: :yellow:
I am scheduled to start my BMQ on October 19th. Pushups are probably the hardest for me, I can get 20-25 max before it becomes forced and slow. I was wondering, if I don't piss off my superiors too much, how often does the average recruit have to do them per day? And how many reps are in a usual set, like during morning PT?
Did you go through the mega push up thread?

Also, you will learn the BMQ isn't about you. You could be the perfect recruit but if someone in your Platoon screws up, you will all pay for it an do whatever the course staff comes up with.

The most pushups I've done in a single set during course was 50

As you go through BMQ, etc you will get better at pushups, etc
It appears the search isn't working tonight

I did a quick search(going page to page) in this forum an find these threads



Don't use the search "box" - it only searches messages in whatever thread you are currently reading.

Use the search function - which can be accessed by clicking the "Search" tab at the top of your screen (right beside "Help").

Try these threads  (found by search on "push ups" - you can find more threads by deleting the space between "push" and "ups":


  When I did my BMQ a few years ago, I was the Course senior on our Warrants inspection.( I followed him with a clipboard)  For everyone in our platoon that had problems with their kit, I was required to do the punishment pushups that the person being inspected had to do. 
  Needless to say I did over 200 pushups that morning.  That was after a 5K run and then breakfast afterwards.
  One of the worst mornings of my life, lol.  But hey.  I saw guys show up to BMQ who could do 20 pushups...but holy crap, by the end of it they were doing 60-80 pushups straight.
  Like Nike says......Just do it.
Thanks for the info guys, two more questions though: On a regular BMQ morning, namely during the first couple of weeks, how many pushups are done during routine PT? Are they done before or after the 5k?
sinclairlm said:
Thanks for the info guys, two more questions though: On a regular BMQ morning, namely during the first couple of weeks, how many pushups are done during routine PT? Are they done before or after the 5k?

Does it really matter??  ::)
sinclairlm said:
Thanks for the info guys, two more questions though: On a regular BMQ morning, namely during the first couple of weeks, how many pushups are done during routine PT? Are they done before or after the 5k?

When you cross a street, do you look left first, or right?

Which sock do you put on first; the left or the right?

When you eat your Smarties, do you eat the red ones last?
George Wallace said:
When you cross a street, do you look left first, or right?

Which sock do you put on first; the left or the right?

When you eat your Smarties, do you eat the red ones last?

fair enough, disregard the last question, I'd like to know usually how many pushups are expected each morning... 20? 30? over 9000?
Do you also want to know what's served for breakfast, too?

Stop obsessing over it.  As long as you can do the proper push ups to pass your ExPres test, the rest isn't going to be a show-stopper.  Just do your best.  It's been ages since I did Basic, but if we did push ups, it was usually at intervals during the run.  E.g.  Run 2 km, do 20 push ups, run 2 km, do 20 sit ups, etc.