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Putting on weight

Oh yeah it could, also youll be eating literaly every 2 hours to keep that up, but that much calories paired with good protein and whole grains daily AND power work outs EVERY day, and im talking like 3-4 hour work outs. Is garanteed to build lean muscle mass. Your right though, if you dont work out 4-5 days a week while eating that much it could turn to fat givin motabolism is slow, im just giving examples from my training ive done.

A good pre work out is jack3d, its being banned in canada ive heard but some stores manage to get it.

MOST IMPORTENT!!! DO NOT USE CREATINE!! Your really just cheating yourself by putting water into your muscles so they look big and round, theyll never get cut up, veiny, and defined unless its after a huge workout where your muscles used up that stored water and it deprives body cells and kidneys of water they need to cleanse the carbon from your blood as you work out. After a year of creatine your kidneys will be shot to shit and the muscles you gained will leave WAY faster then the lean muscle youll gain from hard work, protein, and good nutrients. If at all i would use it as i did for a month to two months MAX just to get a natural boost but not become dependent.  Its hard enough to drink the recomended 8L a day but when your muscles absord 2l of that from creatine use its even harder to keep up.
If you want to bulk up(Muscle) Lot's  of carbo and pump. Forget the scam's, Pump. lol
This page has a lot of information for putting on lean muscle. Both suggested work outs and nutrition information.


On another note I just started this (link below) work out and its one of the hardest things I've ever done. Threw up twice the first time I went thru it  :crybaby:. There is no scheduled rest for the whole workout, you just go through everything as fast as you can. So after the first 10 minutes you feel like you have nothing left, but you just have cowboy up and keep going. Its not a routine for beginners or something I'll do for an extended period of time but its an awesome way to get to that next level or work past a plateau.

I've been using a program called MASS for the last month or so while deployed. Along with eating right (or as right as possible) and adding in a protein shake after each workout, I'm up 10lbs of muscle on a frame that normally can never gain weight. I've tried other things with limited success, for people looking to gain weight find a program that works for you, but always make sure you're eating right.
PuckChaser said:
I've been using a program called MASS for the last month or so while deployed. Along with eating right (or as right as possible) and adding in a protein shake after each workout, I'm up 10lbs of muscle on a frame that normally can never gain weight. I've tried other things with limited success, for people looking to gain weight find a program that works for you, but always make sure you're eating right.

I've found that's one of the most difficult things in terms of training- diet while away.  You get in a good routine then deploy somewhere an the gym equipment is a little different than what you're used too (maybe missing some stuff) and especially, the food isn't healthy.

I've also noticed a marked dislike of supplements by some older members of the CF while going on ex.  "You don't need that protein crap you can get by with what they army serves in the kitchen or ration packs".
PuckChaser said:
I've been using a program called MASS for the last month or so while deployed. Along with eating right (or as right as possible) and adding in a protein shake after each workout, I'm up 10lbs of muscle on a frame that normally can never gain weight. I've tried other things with limited success, for people looking to gain weight find a program that works for you, but always make sure you're eating right.

You put on 10 lbs of muscle in a month? That's intense, I have been working my butt off for the last 6 months and have put on 13lbs of muscle. Keep it up!
Josh_Robertson said:
This page has a lot of information for putting on lean muscle. Both suggested work outs and nutrition information.


On another note I just started this (link below) work out and its one of the hardest things I've ever done. Threw up twice the first time I went thru it  :crybaby:. There is no scheduled rest for the whole workout, you just go through everything as fast as you can. So after the first 10 minutes you feel like you have nothing left, but you just have cowboy up and keep going. Its not a routine for beginners or something I'll do for an extended period of time but its an awesome way to get to that next level or work past a plateau.


The "300" workout has been mentioned here, (ie 5 years ago when the movie came out).  The cast only did that workout twice, once for a baseline and once to see where they had improved.  It's CrossFit basically,  back before Mark Twight (The guy who made the workout and trained the crew), had his little hissy fit and parted company.  There are plenty of harder workouts though (Filthy 50s and Murphy come to mind).  But points to remember 1) Harder does not always equal more effective in terms of improving your GPP (and with thousands of CrossFit affiliates posting their own workouts, some are better/worse than others).  2) CrossFit by and large is designed for GPP (General Physical Prepardness), not muscular hypertrophy.  That said their are many "flavours" of CrossFit, including some sites/affliates that specifically cater to those, who's own personal bias is for more 'strength' (read, heavier) workouts.  And before you ask do a search, plenty of threads/topics about CrossFit on here and with google. 
roadrunner60 said:
A good pre work out is jack3d, its being banned in canada ive heard but some stores manage to get it.


That's a little contradicting, seeing as jack3d actually contains some Creatine Monohydrate.  :facepalm:
roadrunner60 said:
A good pre work out is jack3d, its being banned in canada ive heard but some stores manage to get it.

So, you're trying to join the CF and using and/or recommending a product that is illegal to purchase in Canada?  Wow, just.......wow.

Is Jack3d Legal?

However, due to Jack3d containing 1,3-Dimethylamylamine HCl (DMAA), it is illegal to purchase in Canada (or to ship there), unfortunately. Any product with DMAA is no longer available in Canada.
Creatine seems alright to me.  More strength, faster recovery and my endurance seems better.

ObedientiaZelum said:
Creatine seems alright to me.  More strength, faster recovery and my endurance seems better.

May I suggest all of you take the Top Fuel for Top Performance Seminar run by Health Promotions?

Creatine does bulk you up, but the effects dissappear when you stop taking it.

Jim Seggie said:
May I suggest all of you take the Top Fuel for Top Performance Seminar run by Health Promotions?

Creatine does bulk you up, but the effects dissappear when you stop taking it.

Thanks Jim I will look into that seminar today for sure.

I attribute getting in shape  (bulking up, protein shakes, creatine over fast food and pop) to dropping my blood pressure from a high of 163/131 at times to 121 over 88. It'll be a hard sell but still worth at least learning about.
ObedientiaZelum said:
Thanks Jim I will look into that seminar today for sure.

I attribute getting in shape  (bulking up, protein shakes, creatine over fast food and pop) to dropping my blood pressure from a high of 163/131 at times to 121 over 88. It'll be a hard sell but still worth at least learning about.

That is why your BP is lower.  Bulking up - I am still not sold on that. I will say resistance trg - free weights - were a big reason why I could finish a 10 miler with a marathon runner who happened to be doing his 10 miler as well. Mind you....I was a lot younger then.
roadrunner60 said:
You know something tells me you dont work out much

The Jack3d website ( link provided kindly by PMedMoe ) clearly says that their product is currently illegal to purchase in Canada or ship to Canada. Something tells me you don't do much reading.
You can get it at any gnc or suppliment store its not like your shipping fully automatic weapons across the border and its not like police are conductings raids for the strategic north american jack3d supply. Tell a policeman you have jack3d in your car next time you see one i dont think he'll care, its about as illegal as owning a airsoft gun.
roadrunner60 said:
You can get it at any gnc or suppliment store its not like your shipping fully automatic weapons across the border and its not like police are conductings raids for the strategic north american jack3d supply. Tell a policeman you have jack3d in your car next time you see one i dont think he'll care, its about as illegal as owning a airsoft gun.

Just because you can still get it does not make it a legal substance, it was ordered recalled here http://www.hc-sc.gc.ca/dhp-mps/compli-conform/recall-retrait/_list/rec-ret_drugs-med_trade-marque_july-sept_2011-eng.php  About halfway down, it specially says Jack3d.  So anyone selling is in non-compliance.  PMedMoe, is  Preventative Medical Technician, making sure troops don't put harmful shit in their bodies is part of her job.  The product is banned in sports competitions, because its related to amphetamine.  Hence why it was also banned by Health Canada.  And just because a random Police probably won't know what the product is or its legality, also doesn't somehow magically make this a product one should be using especially if they want to have a career with the CF. 
Recruiting officer: so tell me a bit about yourself

Recruit: i work out daily and use jack3d

Recruiting officer: GET OUT

I dont think that would happen. I think its worse to drink american milk coming from steroid injected cows
You just don't get it, do you?  :not-again:

It's illegal in Canada. Is that really such a difficult concept?

IF you do manage to get in the CF, get used to hearing the term "admin burden" used in your vicinity.