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Question about housing once posted


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I'm currently considering joining up and I've been researching a lot but I have some questions. For now though, I have one:

Let's say I join, go through basic training, then training for the job I chose - once I get posted to a base, where do I live? Am I able to just get my own place? Because I read somewhere (can't remember where) that the first year they want you to live on base to cut back on housing costs and you don't run into financial issues.

I'm single but I do have 2 of my family members living with me so what I'm wonder is even though I'm single, does that matter for the first year? Because ideally I would like to get my own place with my family, right away and not have to wait.

Any help would be appreciated. Thanks!
You are not the first person too ask about housing,  search around the forums.  When you say you live with family,  what do you mean?  Just like those 2 family members more or less are "room mates" or are they dependent on you? Will they always be living with you and moving in at your first posting,  and then if you get posted again from there as well?

Generally single troops will live in the barracks on their first posting.  Yes it helps on saving money,  as well it helps to get you knowing the other people in your unit,  ensures you are close to work and able to get to and from, etc.  You can put in a request for a PMQ on base or to live off base on your first posting.

During BMQ, and the following courses you do,  you will be living in barracks as a single member,  so your 2 family members you live with will either have to stay living where they are now,  or find a new place to live.  As well moving costs for those two family members will be on them.
Hey thanks for the reply.

I've searched around but didn't find a specific answer to my particular question that's why. But it's my mother and uncle that live with me. It's no problem for them to stay here during all the training, it's just after that it would be best if we stuck together, so I'm just wondering about the first year. They don't depend on me necessarily but we're close and stick together so living together right away would be great for them financially. They can survive without me right now but it would be tight.

So basically is it REQUIRED to live on base during the first year? Or is it totally based upon each person's situation? Putting in a request is good but is it flexible or more or less a black & white kind of rule?
It is not a black and white you must live in barracks after training and you are posted to a unit.  For example a couple guys on my QL3 course were being posted to the same base/unit and they requested to live in a PMQ together, and they were allowed too.

During your DP1/QL3 course at whichever point they start the posting info, etc wite a memo saying you wish to ge a PMQ or live off base for whatever reasons, stating you want the house so you can have your mom and uncle live with you, etc.  No guarantee though.  As well just because you request a PMQ doesn't mean you will get one as members with family/dependents will get priority, etc and there could be none available. 

As for being close/sticking together depending on the trade you want and unit(if you do join, etc) you could end up being away a lot.  Something too keep in mind.
Unless your family members are dependants (as per the CRA definition), DND will not pay to move them and getting a PMQ at many bases will be a problem.
Sorry, I don't mean during training, if that's what you're answering. What I mean is once I'm actually working, during my first year is it an issue to live off of base?

Yes, I do understand the fact that I could be away a lot depending on what field I'm in. I'm not saying I can't live away from them, LOL, just that they live with me whatever base I'm posted to.
grantus,  what myself and CDN Aviator are talking about is for after training,  not sure how you didn't understand that as that is what the subject here is.

Again.. no one here can give you a 100% answer,  you could be allowed to live off base as soon as you are posted,  or you may not.  As well,  costs associated with moving your family with you will be on you and your family.

Basically to sum up,  don't expect being able to live off base on your first posting as a right as it can go either way depending on your chain of command.  And any costs for moving your family will be on you and your family.
Exactly, I understand so it's just a matter of filing a request and hoping for the best!
Bumping this rather than starting a new thread.

I've read the pilot training can take years to actually get through all of the courses. Are there options to live on/off base with your family (wife + kids) for the duration of the training courses? Some of the courses e.g. 7 months of french training and 8 months of BFT would be easier to manage if the family can come in tow. Not as fussed about costs (family vehicle + uhaul trailer for basic needs), more so just the feasibility of trying to make that work.

The shorter courses are obviously not worth the effort of trying to pull that off.