Blackhawk 99% of the time = crap.
I dont like the design of the SERPA - but beyond the design fault ;D its made well...
(yeah yeah - I know a few guys using them I'm just not a fan)
FWIW - rotating the hood on the 6004 puts your thumb in a good postion to remove the safety on a 1911 or BHP style gun, on a Sig or Glock you have a thumb high grip made ready...
The Bianchi UM-84 holster was a POS from the get go -- I got one in 1990 - when I did not know any better -- I was given an Uncle Mikes tac holster by a nice person two years later, and ran it till 2004 when I started using 6004's
The 6004 is not perfect - but watching Larry Vickers and Ken Hackathorn run them last week gives me the idea nothing has really surpased it.
FYI there are TWO models of 6004 one for a readied pistol and one for dumb euro's that dont know the fights over if you dont show up with readied weapons...