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Question on force generation for TF 1-08

Well that's good to here about training in E town.That would help with seeing my family.Keep the info coming much appreciated. :)
Whats does TMST training stand for?
Just one more CFTPO related question. On 1-06 augmentees from my unit were paired together in sections and found that this worked really well in terms of adjusting, post tour etc. On CFTPO are posn going to be generic i.e. Augmentee 3 PPCLI, or more specific i.e. Augmentee C Coy 9pl 1 Sec? Obviously everything could change once you show up and work with the battalion but its good to know at the start point.
PhilB said:
Just one more CFTPO related question. On 1-06 augmentees from my unit were paired together in sections and found that this worked really well in terms of adjusting, post tour etc. On CFTPO are posn going to be generic i.e. Augmentee 3 PPCLI, or more specific i.e. Augmentee C Coy 9pl 1 Sec? Obviously everything could change once you show up and work with the battalion but its good to know at the start point.


Right now, the individual augmentees to the rifle companies are listed as two per section...with the rest being listed as regular force.....so not generic....


Well I sent in the memo last night.Got assigned a postion number for force protection.Just wondering if you had any idea if we would be in Edmonton or Shilo?
Good to have you aboard.  I am not sure of the location of the FP Coy but more information will be made available after the 8th of Nov main planning conference.  Alot of the finer details will be worked out...



Did you request that position in your memo, or did you just request a position number and that's what they gave you?

I have also put my name down for tf 1-08, but given the fact that MikeH put in a memo and recieved a position number so quick, I wonder if I should be doing the same?

MikeH, if you don't mind me asking, what would you recommend I put in my memo? Should I request a specific position or what?

We have the CFTPO built with the reserve postions and the Reserve Brigades are filling the positions now.....so yes...you could have a position number.....

The postions I could go for where FP or rifle coy as rifleman or LMG gunner.I chose FP because of my buddy we are doing this tour together and the only thing that was available for a Mcpl was 2ic for FP section.So that's why I went that route for now, could change if my buddy who is a LT in 2PP Bcoy can slide the both of us in his platoon.

logos just write that you request a postion for TF08.When I went and talked to the Reg Warrant he told me that the postions for me where FP, coy rifleman or LMG Gunner.I also was asked if I have 404's for LSVW, MLVW, HLVW or DP2a.I told him I have the old MG course C6 and .50CAL he said good enough its transferable.
Best to get your name in now.
Just got a posn for 1-08. In charlie company 3VP. Thanks all the help Morpheus. If you wouldnt mind giving me an update on any changes or new details after the leadership conference on the 8th I would appreciate it.
Oh boy.......

I'll take ' Pissed-off M/Cpl for $200, Alex.'
Bruce Monkhouse said:
Oh boy.......

I'll take ' Pissed-off M/Cpl for $200, Alex.'
not at all, I just think he has the wrong company. We're not sending C Coy on TF 1-08.
Ahh, I thought this was a Charles thingy.......my bad. :-[

Who let me post in an Infantry thread anyway??
never mind, I think I got it. CFTPO probably says "C Coy", since it's a generic template. It wouldn't matter if the company going was Duke's 1 RCR or B Coy 2 VP.

Betcha that's it.

On a side-note:
hope you're fit, dude. The Coy you're going to is the one 3 VP has been using to trial Crossfit, along with regular Bn PT. They've been torqueing themselves for a couple months now.  :D Good fellas, though. They kinda smell funny, but you get used to that.
PhilB said:
Just got a posn for 1-08. In charlie company 3VP. Thanks all the help Morpheus. If you wouldnt mind giving me an update on any changes or new details after the leadership conference on the 8th I would appreciate it.

Glad I could help.  I think you might be in a company from 2 VP as 3 VP is sending B Coy....I don't have my spread sheet in front of me so I might be mixed up a bit.......

Watch the website....after the meeting, we will be having the site upgraded with new information.....we will also be defining the training plan...MTF


Paracowboy is right, it is 3VP but its a CFTPO thing. Apparently the Coy from 3 VP will be the C Coy for the battle group. Of course everything and anything could change as it is quite early in the game. Only time will tell.

I know a lot of really good guys that have gone from my mo unit to 3VP so I'm looking forward to it. It should be a good go.

As for the cross fit, thanks for the heads up, I guess I need to start running more! :o
PhilB said:
As for the cross fit, thanks for the heads up, I guess I need to start running more!
you need to do more than run, my friend. They've been doing quite a bit of strength training. Actually, it's as much muscular endurance as it is strength training. A couple hundred squats in a session isn't strength training, after all.

pm me. I'll give you my army e-mail address, and can send you the Crossfit workout that was advocated to them by the Bn SME on all things fitness, our 2IC Adm Coy. Then you can work in some long runs and ruck marches on your own.

That'll cover off the fitness. The rest, well that's up to you. I'd start talking to people in your unit, or anyone outside your unit you know, who's been over there, and bone up on topics/subjects you may need. We cut a few Reservists from the last group for lack of military knowledge, laziness, or attitude. You don't want to be one of those guys.
Just so's we're all on the same net, C Coy 3VP is going over with the 2RCR BG for TF 1-07 in Feb next year.  No new additions are required, nor desired.  They are at CMTC, and are locked and loaded.

TF 1-08 is led by 2 PPCLI, but includes a rifle coy (vehicle platform TBD) from 3VP.  That sub-unit is A Coy, and starts work-up trg (starting with PCFs) in Jan. Res F augmentation to the tune of two positions per rifle section has been identified, and ought to be making its way to the armoury floor.  3 VP will also provide the basis of the OMLT, however that element has no Res F component. 

I expect that there will be sufficient pers manning shortfalls within TF 1-08 that anyone with a basic MOC qualification and a desire to soldier hard will find employment.  If you are in Western Canada and have not been solicited by your local chain of command?  Start asking about 1-08.  We form and commence training in April 07.