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Questions about joining the Reserves

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TN2IC said:
Is there anything in "the books" stating I can not use chew?

This may help.
"Rules regarding chewing tobacco"; 
TN2IC said:
Is there anything in "the books" stating I can not use chew?

I've never seen anything against it, especially if you're using a bottle and not leaving it out in the open so people don't have to see it. Far cleaner than smoking.
Like any other unit, the CO may make regulations regarding where and when you can chew. In 1985 or so the Commandant of CFRS Cornwallis decreed that no chewing tobacco was to be used in any CFRS building.
Personally I don't have an issue with chew but some people have issues with everything.
If you have a situation where you wouldn't be chewing gum, don't use your chew.

There's bigger things to worry about.
I have never seen anyone take any issue to/for chewing, minus 3 very obvious inappropriate times contrary to common courtesy.

-Someone in a class who spat so loud it sounded like a movie sound effect.
-Someone who left a nice present in a sink for the CSM on his walkaround of the lines (no chewing in building for a month).
-Someone on battle school who got caught with a lipper in during a drill class (I don't know his logic, I'm not a doctor).

I find it hard to imagine why someone who one was working with would have that big of a grievance with it if it was done discreetly and cleanly, but then again I'm kind of part of the problem on this issue ;) *ptew*

We used to have a policy on the airbus not to allow passengers to chew after one to many Flight Attendants reached into a seat back to clean it out and found either a water bottle half full of spit, or even worse, one of the paper cups leaking over the place.

I know some Scandinavian officers who use this brand of spitless chewing tobacco, more of a dip they keep tucked  into their cheek/lip area. They only spit it out when they are done.
1CAD Vol3

.  Use of Tobacco Products 

5. The use of tobacco products is forbidden on all 1 Cdn Air Div aircraft.  Use of tobacco includes the act of lighting, chewing, expectorating, or smoking a product containing tobacco.     
Some units do have restrictions on chewing tobacco, unless its changed, 2 RCR isn't allowed chewing except in designated smoking areas.

In my section we had a policy of NO CLEAR SPITOONS because it's friggin gross to look at.
captloadie said:
We used to have a policy on the airbus not to allow passengers to chew after one to many Flight Attendants reached into a seat back to clean it out and found either a water bottle half full of spit, or even worse, one of the paper cups leaking over the place.

I know some Scandinavian officers who use this brand of spitless chewing tobacco, more of a dip they keep tucked  into their cheek/lip area. They only spit it out when they are done.

It's called Snus. You can't get it in Canada per se, but you can get it by mail order. I switched to it when I was quitting smoking. Interestingly, because of the way it's processed (steam curing) it's being studied with great interest by harm reduction types as it doesn't contain significant quantities of tobacco-specific nitrosamines that are generally fingered as the main carcinogenic agent in tobacco. It doesn't require spitting, as it doesn't generate hypersalivation like North American chewing tobaccos. I got it from a Swedish website, and in small orders never once did I get customs hassles.

Better, however, to just use one of the mainly aids available to break the nicotine addiction. It's better in the long run.
Going to try some of this stuff soon:

I'll pass on a review when I get it.
VIChris said:
Going to try some of this stuff soon:

I'll pass on a review when I get it.

It's good. I used a mint "snuff" of a different type to wean myself off snus (sort of a three step process). It wasn't that kind but same idea.

Don't bother with the "Smokey Mountain" brand stuff you might see around. It's a sticky mess, not a good substitute.
Redeye said:
It's good. I used a mint "snuff" of a different type to wean myself off snus (sort of a three step process). It wasn't that kind but same idea.

Very similar to you, I used Copenhagen's Winter Green for a week and a half to quit smoking. I believe it kept the nicotine in my system yet broke my hands of the habit of lighting up. I was on a rig at the time and threw my tin out the window a mile from home, being a randy youngish buck at the time I knew SWMBO would not be receptive to a lip full...if you catch my drift ;D
TN said:
What is your unit policy on chewing tobacco? I'm getting rode hard over me chewing. Can't do it in the garage...nor the smoking area. And I use a bottle to spit. Civvies cried foul to the Sgt over me. And this my way of getting my fix without smoking.  Seems to me that if you are unionized in DND, you get to go on a whining campaign. I hate garrison!

Sorry for the vent,
It pisses me off even now.. pills or not.

Your thoughts?

What did your Sgt do?
I've been interested in joining the army for a while so i wnt ahead and contacted a recrutiter, he said that you are able to join the reserves at 16 with parental consent but today my mom wanted more information about the reserves so she contacted a recruiter and he told her that you cannot join reserves under the age of 18 so im just wondering if this is true?
I joined the reserves at 16 with parental consent. The rules have changed a bit though since then, someone correct me if I am wrong. I believe it is 17 with parental consent for reserves and 16 with parental consent while applying for RMC
Lil r said:
I joined the reserves at 16 with parental consent. The rules have changed a bit though since then, someone correct me if I am wrong. I believe it is 17 with parental consent for reserves and 16 with parental consent while applying for RMC
  Well that sucks i was really looking forward to enlisting but i've been waiting for 6 years one mores not so bad.
Off forces.ca

Be 17 years of age (with parental or guardian consent) or older, except:

    Regular Officer Training Plan – Junior applicants, who must be 16 years of age or older

This has also been discussed on the this forum before, remember to use the search function (or google, it works better) before starting a new thread and good luck with your eventual process.
It is correct that the age is now 17. However I would still reccomend trying, for me they still processed me while I was 16 but I was not able to swear in until I turned 17. I can't guarantee it will happen, but its worth a try.

yeah i hope i could get my processing done at least and to be honest i'm not sure if the guy even knew everything because he said there is no possible way to get into the forces until the age of 18 unless i do a high school coop program and i don't think thats true.