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Questions about Joining

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Okay, i have a bit of an issue here... The base i was originally planning on joining -

CFS Aldergrove, Building 26 PO Box 4000
Aldergrove, British Columbia

is apparently shut down now? *sigh... It closed about a year ago i was told, and that really sucks cause its so close i'd be able to walk there, plus it was an infantry base! anyways, I have been looking to see what bases are near me using http://www.forces.ca/en/centres/findarecruitmentcentre-110 but i don't think its all that accurate, because i always thought there was a base in Langely, but it doesn't list any Langely bases here... Does anybody know a site that lists ALL the bases in British Columbia that is accurate and up to date? I'm wanting to join into something combat, artillery, infantry, armoured..

I know theres an Infantry base also in New Westminster, but thats a while aways from my house and i don't think i can get a ride there every week if not more often... So, any help would be greatly appreciated  :) 
PMedMoe said:
List of units with 39 Canadian Brigade Group:  http://www.army.gc.ca/iaol/143000440001128/index-Eng.html

Thank you! But it doesn't list the location for all of them, and the ones it does list aren't anywhere near my area *sigh

I could go to new westminster, but thats an hour and a half bus ride each way, and who even knows if the bus will drop me off anywhere near the base! It really sucks that the Aldergrove base shut down  :-[
Who told you it was shut down?  Also, jaykay,  don't moan over that location being shut down,  not going to do you any good.  If B Coy is no longer in Aldergrove,  then you have to goto New Westminister(Westies) or Vancouver(Seaforth).  Accept it and if you want to join the Reserves as Infantry make it happen.  Google map the location, check out bus routes, etc,  also if you do get into the unit, ask around maybe someone else lives near you and you can get a ride.

-Skeletor- said:
Who told you it was shut down?  Also, jaykay,  don't moan over that location being shut down,  not going to do you any good.  If B Coy is no longer in Aldergrove,  then you have to goto New Westminister(Westies) or Vancouver(Seaforth).  Accept it and if you want to join the Reserves as Infantry make it happen.  Google map the location, check out bus routes, etc,  also if you do get into the unit, ask around maybe someone else lives near you and you can get a ride.

Actually, only my parents told me it shut down, but neither of them want me joining that much anyways so maybe they're just saying that  ;D but, i think it actually might be shut down... i think the building is still there, like a recruitment center, but its not actually an infantry base anymore, or so i was told...

And yes, i have google mapped the locations, but its kind of difficult getting there if nobodies willing to give me a ride (i don't have my licens yet) but yes, i'm considering going to new westminster then, but thats almost 2 hours each way, i guess i'll have to make it work...

Also, when in the Reserves, is there set times as to when i have to be there? like with a normal part time job? for example would i be working like.. 4-8? or something like that? or does that not matter? because if i have to be there at certain times that could conflict with the bus scheduals
jaykay said:
Thank you! But it doesn't list the location for all of them, and the ones it does list aren't anywhere near my area *sigh

Use some initiative, call and ask:  39 Canadian Brigade Group

4050 West 4th Avenue

Vancouver, British Columbia  V6R 1P6

604-225-2520 ext. 2496

Although, they're probably shut for the holidays now.
jaykay said:
because if i have to be there at certain times that could conflict with the bus scheduals

Yes, there are specific times. You are going to have to find a way to make it happen.

PMedMoe said:
Use some initiative, call and ask:  39 Canadian Brigade Group

4050 West 4th Avenue

Vancouver, British Columbia  V6R 1P6

604-225-2520 ext. 2496

Although, they're probably shut for the holidays now.

when do you think they'll be re-opened? January 2nd?
CDN Aviator said:
Yes, there are specific times. You are going to have to find a way to make it happen.

Ah, yeah i thought so, what are the regular working hours? i know its only once a week, and one weekend a month, but is it like... 3-4 hours per day?
In the new year, call the unit and they will be able to tell you the night/hours they parade, etc

Before you ask, I don't know what day they start up again.. just keep calling untill someone answers.  Or you might get lucky and a member of this forum will be a member of that Regiment and be able to tell you.
-Skeletor- said:
In the new year, call the unit and they will be able to tell you the night/hours they parade, etc

Before you ask, I don't know what day they start up again.. just keep calling untill someone answers.  Or you might get lucky and a member of this forum will be a member of that Regiment and be able to tell you.

I actually just called them (not even realizing it was sunday today  ;D ) and so the machine picked up, but it said nothing about being closed for the holidays yet, it said they're open tuesday-friday, so i'll try again tuesday...

Also, i actually did kind of find somebody on this forum in this regiment! But, it was a post from 2007 so i don't know if he's still an active member on the forum, but he has a lot of posts so maybe, does anyone know if MedTech is still around? I PM'd him in hope that he would be, i saw him talking about the Royal Westminster Regiment B Company, which is the one i think is shut down now
Poking my head in as the (quite recent) recruiting NCO for a reserve regiment.

First, good luck finding a reserve combat arms unit that isn't shut down for the holidays right now. Rule of thumb, look at what night they work, and start calling back starting on the first occurrence of that day after the new year.  Or, better yet, actually visit where they are and walk in. We're used to walk-ins. Nobody will be fussed by it, and some face time never hurts. Dress decently, bring a resume with you in case someone wants to hear where you've come from.

The military gets a budget every year that updates every April 1st. We get new recruiting numbers about the same time. This late in the fiscal year, the unit you want to join may well be full up. We can only take a certain number per year. If they are full, start calling back again starting in April when they get their new numbers.

You will be expected to show up on the parade night each week, and for exercises once a month. The unit doesn't much care where you live- if you've committed to joining, you'll be expected to be there, and the details are your problem. We understand that occasionally school/work/family commitments will mean you can't make it in, but the expected norm will be attendance. It's a job.

You recruit through the C.F. recruiting centre. However, in order to do so the unit must give you a letter to present to CFRC saying 'yes we have room and are willing to take this individual. Start processing them'. From the day you get that letter to the day you pass your fitness test and your personnel file is sent to the reserve unit, it's entirely out of their hands and in the hands of the recruiting centre.

Reserve units only run Basic Military Qualifications a couple times a year. Even applying now you may well not be able to start training until the fall depending on how soon the next serial starts.

Anyway, hopefully that helps. You need to be actually talking to them in person or over the phone. You've gotten pretty much everything useful that you'll get out of this site on this issue- the ball's put in your hands, and now you have to make the effort to make this happen.
Brihard said:
Poking my head in as the (quite recent) recruiting NCO for a reserve regiment.

First, good luck finding a reserve combat arms unit that isn't shut down for the holidays right now. Rule of thumb, look at what night they work, and start calling back starting on the first occurrence of that day after the new year.  Or, better yet, actually visit where they are and walk in. We're used to walk-ins. Nobody will be fussed by it, and some face time never hurts. Dress decently, bring a resume with you in case someone wants to hear where you've come from.

The military gets a budget every year that updates every April 1st. We get new recruiting numbers about the same time. This late in the fiscal year, the unit you want to join may well be full up. We can only take a certain number per year. If they are full, start calling back again starting in April when they get their new numbers.

You will be expected to show up on the parade night each week, and for exercises once a month. The unit doesn't much care where you live- if you've committed to joining, you'll be expected to be there, and the details are your problem. We understand that occasionally school/work/family commitments will mean you can't make it in, but the expected norm will be attendance. It's a job.

You recruit through the C.F. recruiting centre. However, in order to do so the unit must give you a letter to present to CFRC saying 'yes we have room and are willing to take this individual. Start processing them'. From the day you get that letter to the day you pass your fitness test and your personnel file is sent to the reserve unit, it's entirely out of their hands and in the hands of the recruiting centre.

Reserve units only run Basic Military Qualifications a couple times a year. Even applying now you may well not be able to start training until the fall depending on how soon the next serial starts.

Anyway, hopefully that helps. You need to be actually talking to them in person or over the phone. You've gotten pretty much everything useful that you'll get out of this site on this issue- the ball's put in your hands, and now you have to make the effort to make this happen.

Thank you, this was quite helpful!

may i ask, what exactly is parade night? In the reserves, i won't ever be having to do street parades, like playing instruments in a band and stuff, right? I'm not really into that stuff, i just want to train, use/maintain guns, do fitness exercises, and that kind of stuff... but parade night kind of sounds like a 'band camp' type of thing to me...?

But yes, i will try contacting the recruitment center asap and get all the details first hand as to how to apply and what i'll need to do
Parade night = The night each week you go to work at the reserve unit.
jaykay....post less and read more.

Your questions, except "what's a parade night?" have all been asked and answered multi bazillion times.....read the recruiting threads....
We use the word "parade" a lot in the military and it means many different (albeit similar) things.  Yes, a parade is forming up in the street and marching through town (although we don't make you play an instrument unless you actually know how).  You will have to do this occasionally.  It's part of being in the military. 

A "parade" night is when you go to your reserve unit on a weekday (usually) evening to train.  It will likely start on the "parade" square where everyone falls in for the opening ceremony and announcements.  We form people up on "parade" in order to talk to them as a group.  At the end of the evening, you will likely "parade" again for the closing ceremony and announcements.  These parades are usually short and sweet unless it's a "CO's Parade," when it's similar but longer as there are often inspections involved.  These types of "parades" involve some marching.

We also refer to getting equipment ready for the day as "first parade."  In short, we use the "parade" a lot.  Some of it involves marching around for varying lengths of time, but not all of it.  Nevertheless, you still have to do it.  Military service is not just about kicking in doors and shooting stuff.

PS:  Aldergrove is actually a naval radio station that is no longer manned on a full time basis.  Most of its work is controlled remotely out of Esquimalt.
jaykay said:
may i ask, what exactly is parade night? In the reserves, i won't ever be having to do street parades, like playing instruments in a band and stuff, right? I'm not really into that stuff, i just want to train, use/maintain guns, do fitness exercises, and that kind of stuff... but parade night kind of sounds like a 'band camp' type of thing to me...?

Pusser said:
We use the word "parade" a lot in the military and it means many different (albeit similar) things.  Yes, a parade is forming up in the street and marching through town (although we don't make you play an instrument unless you actually know how).  You will have to do this occasionally.  It's part of being in the military. 

A "parade" night is when you go to your reserve unit on a weekday (usually) evening to train.  It will likely start on the "parade" square where everyone falls in for the opening ceremony and announcements.  We form people up on "parade" in order to talk to them as a group.  At the end of the evening, you will likely "parade" again for the closing ceremony and announcements.  These parades are usually short and sweet unless it's a "CO's Parade," when it's similar but longer as there are often inspections involved.  These types of "parades" involve some marching.

We also refer to getting equipment ready for the day as "first parade."  In short, we use the "parade" a lot.  Some of it involves marching around for varying lengths of time, but not all of it.  Nevertheless, you still have to do it.  Military service is not just about kicking in doors and shooting stuff.

PS:  Aldergrove is actually a naval radio station that is no longer manned on a full time basis.  Most of its work is controlled remotely out of Esquimalt.

ahh i see, okay thats good! When i was told i had to attend 'parade night' every week i was getting a bit worried, i thought i'd be having to march around in some parade weekly  ;D it made me question if i wanted to join the reserves for a second.... but this makes much more sense

and what? Aldergrove is a naval radio station? But i thought the Royal Westminster Regiment was here (or used to be?) which is an Infantry Regiment? But i don't think its here anymore so i'd have to go to New Westminster
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