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Questions about the Reserves


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Hi everyone,

I‘m 99% sure about joining the regs after I‘m done with school (not sure how far I‘ll get, tho), but I was thinking about joining the Reserves, to get a taste of the army before I _really_ join up. However, I do have some questions. First, will it help me if I join the reserves as an enlisted and then the regs as an officer (hopefully)?

Also, I‘m still in high school and play football in the fall, and since we play on weekends, I was wondering if I can be in the reserves but miss the training (or whatever it is) on weekends when I have games? Anybody know if it can work out?

Finally, how‘s the basic training done in the Reserves?

Thanks for the answers,


PS: Sorry about putting 3 questions in a single post, if it‘s inconvenient for you, just tell me! ...And why do I post at crazy hours anyway?
Joining part-time before you join full-time might give you an advantage - it‘s all dependant upon whether you enjoy the part-time experience (and learn from it!)

Most reserve units have part-time training on the weekend once in a while - thus, it would conflict with your football (and you would have to decide your priorities ...).

As for your third question ... it‘s a long story (and I‘m too tired to answer it right now - sorry).

Good luck, whatever you decide.
As the American recruiting slogan said:
"It‘s not a career, it‘s an adventure!"
I am a very hard worker and would be good as a leader. I really want to be an officer but my grades are not as good as they could be. I have always wanted to be a officer in the army. I am willing to work hard and i think i could be a good leader. The things my teachers always say about me is that I am a good leader and a team player. Please let me know if I can become an officer.
bubba: it sounds like you have some of the basic attributes to be a leader in the Army. If you are interested in pursuing this further, you should drop by the recruiting centre, or visit your local Army reserve unit (look in the blue pages under National Defence). If you are considering the Regular Army, you will be required to have a degree or to obtaon one through one of the degreed entry programs. At the moment you can still become an officer in the Army reserve withuot a degree. Good luck.

I thought you still had to be working towards a university degree?
BDTyre said:
I thought you still had to be working towards a university degree?

I'm not 100% sure (I just got back from Afgh and I haven't gotten my nose back into the books yet), but I believe that at present you can still become a commissioned officer in the Army Reserve without a degree. I stand to be corrected on this.

I just finished all my testing a couple days ago for the Reserves and I originally wanted to go in as an Officer but I am only 17 and my reg't thinks it would be good experience if I go in the ranks for 2 years, after that I can go for my Commission, but I will have to be in College..... but I think for all Commissioned ranks you need a degree except for the CIC...
Last time they tried to lure me to the dark side I was told that as long as I "intended" to get a degree sometime in the "future" I could accept a commission in the Reserves. I would however be limited to a max rank of Captain until I received the degree.

All I know is that two people, both in the CF (and one being my recruiter), knowing that I am in university, have suggested I go officer.

However, it seems like many reserve units prefer to give the recruits some experience first.
BDTyre said:
All I know is that two people, both in the CF (and one being my recruiter), knowing that I am in university, have suggested I go officer.

However, it seems like many reserve units prefer to give the recruits some experience first.
I spent 18 months in the ranks before my commission.  I felt that it taught me a great deal.  But I would think long and hard before going that route.  There are no guarantees, for myself it was a family tradition to enter the ranks before seeking a commission.  I joined and was successful, but my brother Paul was not.  He never made it past Private before he died.
Frederik G said:
Finally, how's the basic training done in the Reserves?

Basic trg in the Reserves is done one of two ways, on weekends during the year, or full time during the summer. The reason for the two streams is so that the militia can attract a greater segment of potential recruits who have varying schedules and commitments in civilian life.

After six years in the militia, I would have to advise that you should-if at all possible-do all of your training on a full time basis in the summer. The quality of full time training as opposed to part time courses is far greater. Additionally, it gives everyone a chance to become accustomed to Army life.

If you are not willing or able to be called up to full time active service-if required, usually in an emergency-you should look for another part-time job.
If not, good luck to you in your recruiting process!
To enter RESO, you must have at least 2 years of attendance to university or college.
Canuck_25(Banned) said:
To enter RESO, you must have at least 2 years of attendance to university or college.

I didn't think college counted?  I thought you had to have a degree?