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Rant - Reservists CTing to Regs;don't be a douchbag


Army.ca Myth
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I'll go out of my way to help young reservists CT to the reg force. I'll push guys and girls. Go regs and get a career or go to school (or do both). Lots of people do.

Hands down the most obnoxious attitude coming from young reservists (such as some of you reading this) is when you get your offer for the reg force and you feel step 1 is to become a total dick head to everyone you worked with the last 5 or 6 years.

Anytime I work with the reg force I can pick out the ex reservists, more often than not they are the ones bitching about the reserves.
Reservists this, reservists that, blah blah blah. You might think it makes you sound bad ***, sound hilarious or make you "fit it". 
It doesn't. It makes you sound like a douchbag. The guys around you won't say anything much at first because your doing what they did years ago and they see how stupid they looked.

Worst still, are the guys and girls who haven't even cleared out of their reserve regiment but begin walking around like their some kind of untouchable  who's in good with the don.
Accepting an offer to CT somehow elevates you the rank of awesome and you can spend the rest of your limited time talking about all the 'toons' and how ***ked up the reserves are. 

Guess what, It's a very small army and quite easy for your "old buddies" to let "new buddies" know about the time you cried because people were making mom jokes towards you or the time you crap your pants on patrol because you ate too much home made beef jerky. Or how you're mysteriously sick 3 hours into  every ex any time you go out to the field for a whopping 2 and a half days.  Your new buddies will love hearing your nick name is Debie Downer or Glowstick because you last about 6 hours on ex.

It's nice when you come back to your old regiment and visit during special events. Christmas dinner, changes of command etc.. 
Don't come back and walk around with your nose in the air thinking your Perseus because you learned how to do a 5&20 out the back of a LAV. No one really gives a crap and you'll succeed at impressing BMQ level soldiers.

When you get an offer be thankful, put in whatever time and work you need to do to clear out and don't burn any bridges. You'll never know when you might need a favor from you old buddies or some help from your old regiment.
Can we substitute "MCpl" or "Promoted" for "CT" and basically have the same rant?  Sure we can.
There, feel better?  ;)  We've had quite a few CT in the past few years, and I can't think of any that acted too much like asses at the unit before they left.  Run into some of them later on while they are with their new buddies, and it comes out.  I think they crap on their former peers and life because they are worried about being seen as "one of them" by their new peers.
I think the the only time I acted like a douche bag to former Reserve colleagues was because I was already a douche bag to them on a regular basis, not because I became a Regular.

Good points. I'd just like to point out that it's equally important for reservists not to burn bridges with those who CT. Who knows what or where that guy will be a few years down the road.

Personally I think it's important to remember where you started, and those who you started with. Just today I saw an article about one of my old PRes NCO's who is going to the sandbox. It's going on the wall beside my old beret.

Very, very true.
Also, if you are applying for a CT...............you still have a job to do  - whether you are a class A reservist or class B. We all want to see you persue your dream job, but in the meantime, there's still work to be done.
Let's also look at the flip side of the coin, and support guys who are CTing.

When I did mine after my first deployment, my Res RSM tried to guilt the hell out of me for "abandoning the Regiment" when I cleared out. Left a bitter taste in my mouth
I haven't said anything since CT'ing that I didn't say for the last 2 years of my Reserve time ... of course, I've never bashed the people, just 'the system' and the way it treats it's people ... and it was quite well known that the things I said were the reasons FOR my CT.

So, if that's being a douche, then count me in ... I'm one!
As an MWO who constantly sees reservists CTing to the Regs, I encourage them and always tell them:

If you want to return to us, we will welcome you back with open arms.

Beadwindow 7 said:
When I did mine after my first deployment, my Res RSM tried to guilt the hell out of me for "abandoning the Regiment" when I cleared out. Left a bitter taste in my mouth

I've seen RSM's do that to people that OT - they're programmed to.  I've even seen them do it to people OT'ing into a trade with the same hat badge.

Beadwindow 7 said:
Let's also look at the flip side of the coin, and support guys who are CTing.

When I did mine after my first deployment, my Res RSM tried to guilt the hell out of me for "abandoning the Regiment" when I cleared out. Left a bitter taste in my mouth

Personally, I encourage any of my troops thinking about a CT to go for it. I even drag 'em down to the CFRC so I can point them in the right direction.
The way I look at it ( And my CO and RSM) : Part of our role is to acting as a staging ground for the regs.
We lose some of our best to the Regs, but that is the price of doing business. I just make sure they KNOW we appreciated their service in the Reg't, and ya know, some come back to us with lots of new knowledge and skills.
Same goes for Reg's CTing to Reserves. welcome them in and employ them wisely.

As for abandoning the Reg't.......I don't see it that way. Once a guy CT's he is still a part of the regimental family....
Steel Badger said:
Personally, I encourage any of my troops thinking about a CT to go for it. I even drag 'em down to the CFRC so I can point them in the right direction.
The way I look at it ( And my CO and RSM) : Part of our role is to acting as a staging ground for the regs.
We lose some of our best to the Regs, but that is the price of doing business. I just make sure they KNOW we appreciated their service in the Reg't, and ya know, some come back to us with lots of new knowledge and skills.
Same goes for Reg's CTing to Reserves. welcome them in and employ them wisely.

As for abandoning the Reg't.......I don't see it that way. Once a guy CT's he is still a part of the regimental family....

Well said. We are force generators.
I'm currently waiting to CT and I don't plan on acting like an arse hole or dumping on the reserves when I do.  I met a lot of good folks in the reserves and the system helped me through university. 

People who CT deserve a little bit of credit too.  It's a long, uncertain process.  And while you're in limbo you may not receive much support from higher.