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RCAC sholder title/rank


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I recently found this out reference the RCAC on students uniforms.

RCAC applets cancelled.
This action stems for the remarks made in the old system stating: RCAC was discontinued with the advent of unification in 1968.At the time the corps became a branch and the RCAC combat shoulder title was replaced with the AST for each armoured regiment.Thus any recruits to the branch would,like any other recruit prior to being sent to their respective unit,wear CANADA combat shoulder title.

I received this at base QM a few days ago when some of our guys went in to ask for them.Never heard of it before,figured I'd spread the word.
099* said:
So are we really the "armoured corp" or the armoured branch?

Because people who don't read others' postings before responding just aren't irritating enough, we now have people who don't read their own postings...
RCAC was discontinued with the advent of unification in 1968. At the time the corps became a branch
Yes indeed,

The RCAC slip-ons are gone and have been for quite some time. Actually, the hand-out below was probably distributed more than any other in Clothing Stores. Again and again and again.

The Librarian said:
Yes indeed,

The RCAC slip-ons are gone and have been for quite some time. Actually, the hand-out below was probably distributed more than any other in Clothing Stores. Again and again and again.

Missing your hand-out.....

Is it not true that RCAC slipons are still used at the School for the students on Regular Force Phase Courses, as well by the pers in 'Corps' positions, ie Commandant of the Corps and Corps RSM?
Journeyman said:
Because people who don't read others' postings before responding just aren't irritating enough, we now have people who don't read their own postings... ::)

Actually journeyman I was referring to the schools the units/everyone referring to ourselves/themselves as the armoured corp.

i.e:the armoured corp the king of war-my boy willie(version 2)

I was posting to get a response from another armoured person or one that is enlightened on the subject.Specifically asking if it was proper to even call the branch a corp anymore.

As with the applets that were discontinued in the 60's we were still using them up until this course.

I would like a weigh in from other per's who would know,not always taking one response from a single person as automatically the right answer.

Thanks for your comments they added much to the topic.I found yours equally irritating.

George Wallace said:
Missing your hand-out.....

Is it not true that RCAC slipons are still used at the School for the students on Regular Force Phase Courses, as well by the pers in 'Corps' positions, ie Commandant of the Corps and Corps RSM?

That was my whole point to the topic,which slipped by journeyman somehow.Apparently according to a e mail I received from base QM we are no longer a corp but a branch.Therefore all RCAC applets have been discontinued and members will wear Canada while at the schools.

So really are there such things as Corp positions if we are a branch?When did things change as up to now we always have worn RCAC flashes.Now they will no longer be produced.

I can send you the email from work George.
George Wallace said:
Missing your hand-out.....

Is it not true that RCAC slipons are still used at the School for the students on Regular Force Phase Courses, as well by the pers in 'Corps' positions, ie Commandant of the Corps and Corps RSM?

We have not carried RCAC epaulets at Clothing Stores in Gagetown for at least the past 3.5 years (my time there). They were frequently requested and I frequently had to supply the DS of the courses with the e-mail/hand-out below advising that they were not available. Published it in ROs....forwarded appropraitely to the School CoC via electronic means...yet still course after course would come in asking for them.

We gave the students "Canada" slip-ons as directed by NDHQ until they became "qualified" and slotted for their Regiment, at which time the Regimental slip-ons were distributed.
Base QMs hardly dictate what the Corps calls itself, semantics regarding slip-ons aside.

Legally, it is a "branch" (and has been since *ptoo* unification), but you won't hear anyone in the RCAC calling it that.  AFAIK, the Col Cmdt and Branch-specific appointments still wear the fist and the shoulder titles.  See the Association page at:

http://www.rcaca.org/En/indexLM.asp?ID=1  (check out senior appointments)
Teddy Ruxpin said:
Base QMs hardly dictate what the Corps calls itself, semantics regarding slip-ons aside.

So would wearing the RCAC applets be illegal dress teddy?And why do we continue to call ourselfs a corp when we are a branch?

(I am being serious)

Teddy Ruxpin said:
Base QMs hardly dictate what the Corps calls itself, semantics regarding slip-ons aside.

It isn't the Base QMs dictating it. The word came down to the QMs Clothing Stores through Dress Committee NDHQ.
The slip-ons are a fine line.  I suspect that the "staff answer" would be that they're not authorized.  However, they have been traditional for corps specific appointments for many, many years and IMHO would take a major effort to get rid of.  At one time, there was a variety of RCAC specific appointments throughout the Army, some of which still exist today.  I also know that unqualified OCdts on phase training wore the fist, although I'm not sure (in my current paper-pusher position) if that's still the case.

Someone from the Armour School would be better placed that I to tell you what the Corps RSM (double hatted as the School RSM) and the School Cmdt are wearing.  My guess would be Regimental accountrements, perhaps with the "fist" pin on DEU.  The Col Cmdt, a semi-official appointment, certainly wears RCAC badges.

It's a more a matter of terminology than anything else.  The RCAC has always had more of a Corps ethos than many other branches, partially because we tended to post people between regiments on a regular basis.  Legally, there's only the "Armour Branch", but "Corps" is the traditional term and one that's widely accepted.  The RCAC had major problems with unification (partially stemming from the effort to ban the black beret) and the term "branch" never really caught on as a result.

The bottom line is that you're correct in referring to the Armour Branch or to the Royal Canadian Armoured Corps, despite the fact that the latter isn't the "official" term.
The Librarian said:
It isn't the Base QMs dictating it. The word came down to the QMs Clothing Stores through Dress Committee NDHQ.

Which, I suppose, is the "staff answer" that I refer to above.
I suppose it may be time to question why the Artillery have two different slippons then?  They are one, but still differentiate between RCA and RCHA.  I wonder what the Dress Committee in NDHQ has to say on that (or are they all Arty  ;D)?
Sorry for the deviation from the thread, but what is behind the secret squirrel user name ?? and encoding it every 7 days?? "*=+97865334"

what gives?
To think I spent my whole career living a lie: I was never a member of the RCAC, but the RCAB. What would Worthy think?!?

This almost sounds too crazy to be true, but the boundless stupidity of people with apparently too much time has no bounds. Too busy coming up with the CombatBra (tm), or thinking about a revival of Garrison dress, or something equally worthless. Lord knows that pumping out a couple hundred RCAC slipons a year would have bankrupted the system. They must have realized that it was more important to create distinctive blue threaded slipons, name tapes, UnderRoos, etc for the Air Force.

As an aside, I suspect I know how we have been coming out with RCAC slipons, even if the system shall not provide: http://www.cpgear.com/default.asp?mn=1.19.56&f=bp&pcat=15


Editted for typo
Well, let's find out what the Infantry do - it may prove enlightening.  Do they wear "CANADA" slip-ons and the Infantry Branch Badge before passing their BIQ?

Or do they have RCIC slip-ons?

On Tuesday, I will go take a look at the Corps RSM and see what he is wearing.  For the last nine years I have been at the school he has always worn the stitched Armour fist cap badge.  I have not taken a long enough time to check out his chest but I will make a point to do so on Tuesday. I am near positive he wears a generic DEU when parading.  More to follow.

Oh fer cryin' out loud.

The Commandant and RSM of the Armour School wear the Corps hatbadge on their beret's.  The slip-ons say "RCAC".  Despite the fact that the Armour Corps doesn't exist, the RCAC School has Corps appointments for the CO and RSM. 
Lance Wiebe is right.

Both the RSM and the Cmdt wear the fist on their berets (RSM's is stitched) and they both wear RCAC epaulets.  Further many pers who hold specific posns (like the Adj and I think the OPS O) also wear RCAC epaulets.  Some students, especially 2Lts on phase training wear them as well, their is a VERY limited supply available and subbies are generally requested to return theirs when they move on to Regiments.  Infantry students, subbies at least, wear CANADA epaulets and Inf. badges.  RCA students all wear RCA epaulets and Engineers the generic Engineers ones.

Matt Johns
LdSH (RC) - 31