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RCHA Reunion Thread 1970's- 1980's-Come One, Come All

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Paul Gillman said:
Yeah, I knew all of the above names. I know Mark is married and living in BC. The others I lost track of.

I was in C BTY from 76-80......Do we know each other?

Paul Gillman
could you send me marks  email add. hows it going paul ? do you now were joe berry is . love to see you again by greg or gibby p.s. i was in b bty you have red hair or not and you are a scottchman just like mayself i now mark & joe very good also bob dave ..... so howdy spent 3 months with mark in monteal 76 then we went to germany by greg gibson p.s. anyone now these guys From the 15 sep - 20 nov 75 shilo
GNR  : Gibson
"    : Whitiker
"    : Gillman
"    : Houser
"    : Tibbel
"    : Bigalow
"    : Springbet
"    : Trever
"    : Resbeck
"    : Drichel
"    : Linky
"    : Paches
by again greg

Drichel, Man there is a name I haven't heard in 20+ years. He was a good guy , for a tall streak of misery ;D
Dreichel was a lot of fun and living proof that treating a subordinate badly will embarrass you.  I recall with great glee the fun he had as a driver for a certain Captain.  Pulling the pintle hook as he was stepping into the trailer, following orders to the letter!  "Follow that jeep", Yes Sir and zooming off leaving him in the dust.  I clearly recall the Capt lamenting as he rode to the next site on the running board of the kitchen truck. 

"Turn left now".... right into the ditch he would go.  There are so many more.  Some of you will remember the Capt writting coded messages several times because Dreichel would be "confused" about which code packet to use.  Write one... burn it, write a new one, "Oops, I was wrong, the first one was right".  Rewrite needed.  Great fun indeed.

This is bringing a smile to my face.  Thank you for reminding me of him.  Last I heard John was in Edmonton in the late 80's.
Ok, folks, bumping this one up as there is only one week to go.

Hope you all have a blast!!!!! :cheers:
For anyone wanting to see current pics of the South Marg, I recently uploaded a series of pics to the RCHA Oldtimers and the RCHA Past and Present members.  Its a bit shocking, but in some ways not unexpected. 
chili said:
hello i too was in C bty, i was with the crew of 35c or what we called 35 cobra,my name Danny hiscock i remember some of those names. And the beer bucket but not much more.

Hey Danny I was on 25/A we were Arrowsmith Sgt Doc Haliday Phil Wonta ,Alex Macintosh, Thats all I remember right now ,and I remember sharing a few buckets with you

Fixed the quote box,
Bruce Monkhouse said:

How was it?

Terrific doesn't do it justice.
It was so cool to share a a beverage and time with some of the finest people I have ever met. :salute: There was the odd tale told :warstory: and a good time was had by all.
Seeing these Brothers in Arms was nothing less than amazing for this old Gunner. I want to thank each and everyone that took the time and expended the effort to attend.

I hope that the word spreads about this reunion and we get to see more of the old crew at the next one.
Rhibwolf said:
For anyone wanting to see current pics of the South Marg, I recently uploaded a series of pics to the RCHA Oldtimers and the RCHA Past and Present members.  Its a bit shocking, but in some ways not unexpected. 
well the south marg is flate only c bty is a bit i think in fall its all gone the main hanger is still there was just there in spring take a look in the fall by greg gibson
So now we plan for 2009.  The Arnprior Legion treated us very well and the golf course was not busy for a Sunday morning. Smal town Legions are the best. We were mostly from Ontario and covered from Windsor to Ottawa. I vote for Arnprior again but we go solo and crash at a hotel like this time, and give Turtle and Denise a break.  Is the August long week end good for all you none shift workers. 
Thanks for a great weekend.
We have to do an annual as we are getting older.
Hi all,  I would like to here from gunners that were 1RCHA 84-88, I was in Cbty 35C with sgt Jantz, did a year or so as ammo driver with Lachappel, Richard poisson, Gaudette, Bonhomme. and finally ended my tour as RSM driver for Ben Russel, I particularlly like some info on David Laverdure (Were are you buddy). Normand Vesina, Frank Besset etc etc, so many good guys to mention. Any info would be good,, not only on the guys mentionned, we were 600 strong in those years, I'v forgotten a lot of names but all faces are still in my mind.

Michel Bandet 
Hey, I recall Bonhomme but thats about it, as I was up in Z bty for 87-92 tour.  I do remember the RSM, could strike fear into me and make me laugh at the same time.
Mike Wendehorst
Lol,, Ben Russel was quite the character,, of course I got to know him in another way with all those hours spent in the truck with him, really not a bad guy  ;D  do you remember him treating all of us donkey's on the parade square,,lol It was his favorite line. Last time I herd anything about Bonhomme, he was in Gagetown, but that was many years ago.  You guys in Zbty were cut off (sort of) I don't recall any names.    Cheers !!
Couple of things I recall, on a sunset parade practice, the RSM, turned to the DCO when the officers were messing up the drill and said something along the lines of , DCO I sugest that you and the Adjt, sort out the officers, the men and I will be back in an hour, BSM;s fall out your men. I must say they were pretty bad.

Yes in Z bty we were in our own world, some if it was good and others bad, once I became the Regt Ammo NCO, in 90 I found a whole bunch of great guys down in the Marge

Hey guys - I have just discovered there is another gunner reunion afoot.

Apparently Shilo holds a gunner reunion every 3 years and 09 is one of them.  I believe it is also big anniversary for the Corps as well.

It is scheduled to take place from June 26th to the 28th in and around Shilo.

So far it is in the planning stages, so stay tuned. 

I am hoping to go and hoist a few with the boys from the West who couldn't make Arnprior this year.

I am also hoping someone from Shilo is arranging a golf day or two. 

Well I'll be An old gunner looking for a brother!  Well looks like you found me.  How have you been doing ?  :salute:
Holy crap !!! Dave,, is that you ????  this is incredible,,,, I'm doing fine,, You are one hard guy to find,, over the years I'v serched the internet without success,, I even remembered that your mom lived on Laverdure st in montreal but it did not help. your name is not exactly uncommon so that was a big problem LOL. Anyways,,, WOW,, were do I start,,,, so many things to say,,,,,,. Are you still in the forces ?? where are you. ,,,    would you believe the last news I have of you is shortly after Hunter's fatal accident in Lahr,, you pulled the plug,,,, I had heard rumers that you where back in but it was never confirmed to me. Just last week I was going through photos of us,,, what memories,, we were so skinny LOl.
Listen,,, I personally don't mind chatting on this forum,, but if you prefer Email me   michelbandet[AT]hotmail.com
cheers !!!!!

Changed the @ symbol in your email address, helps keep the skimmers away.
I tell you it is good to hear from you! Yeah i left after Hunters accident 'cause it sort of flipped a switch inside. I bummed around for a bit then settled down with a wife and kids. Three kids, 2 boys and a girl. the oldest boy being 18. I now live in Montreal and work in emergency services for the commuter trains.
I also give survival training and practice (summer and winter) as a hobby to those who are interested.

What about you. Married, Kids, what  Where do you live. Where did you hear that I had gone back in.

Anyway, like I said it's good to hear from you gunny. If you want to continue writing my e-mail is dlaverdure[AT}amt.qc.ca  ;D

and you too.

I got Ed Patten, sitting on the couch beside me, he says hello, showed him this site and he's now going to go home and check it out. :salute: