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Recruiting center and their rules. Centre de recruitemnet et leurs règles


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I everyone, my girlfriend wants to join to RMS Clk. She've done the aptitude test and failed with 2 other girls on math. One of the girl was very good in math because she's studying in accounts something, she's knows the math. They offer to my girlfriend and a other girl, Cook(861) and no other choice, the girl good and math and have a shape of un man got Cook and the other combat arms.

It's possible that the recruit centre can't failed people to have their quota's for certain GPM. My girlfriend want's to see the test she made and they didn't show, they can do that?

Thanks for your support


Bonjour tout le monde, ma blonde veut rentrer dans l'armée comme commis à la salle des rapports. Elle a fait son test d'aptitude et a eu un échec comme 2 autres filles en math. Une des filles était très bonne en math pcq 'elle étudiait en comptabilité. Ils ont offert cuisinier à ma blonde et a une autrer des filles et celle qui était bonne en math et qui avait une shape d'homme ils lui ont offert cuisinier et toutes les armes de combat.

Est-ce possible que le centre de recrutement failed du monde pour pouvoiur atteindre leur quota pour certain GPM. Est-ce normal que lorsque ma blonde est demandé à voir ses résultats de test, ils lui refusèrent ce droit.

Merci pour votre support.

:salute: :cdn:
No.  The recruiting centres do not tell people they didn't meet the cut-off score for their MOC based on quotas.  They wouldn't tell here she didn't make it unless she didn't make it.  The MCC would have also counselled her on how she could improve should she choose to try again.
Exactment m'amie beach_bum.


Tell your girlfriend to follow the advice of the CCM and if she has any questions she should contact the CCM or you can PM me.  I know you want to hear that there is some sinister plan at work in recruiting but unfortunately we have a somewhat sinister free working environment.

Jaxson said:
I'm sensing a conspiracy here.  :threat:  ;D
You should start a cult or something about this conspiracy and I was gonna say something funny but I forgot ;D
any way on topic do they actually not allow you to see your finished test O wait he he sorry I just remembered provincials ha I'm smart and thats smrt
now I'm gonna get flamed  ;D
Cabose said:
You should start a cult or something about this conspiracy and I was gonna say something funny but I forgot ;D
any way on topic do they actually not allow you to see your finished test O wait he he sorry I just remembered provincials ha I'm smart and thats smrt
now I'm gonna get flamed   ;D


I'm going to take into consideration that you are only 16 years old and prevail upon your basic human decency to please try to articulate your posts better. I am having a very hard time deciding whether it is by design or sheer idiocy that you continue to post these unintelligible diatribes.

Sorry to the original poster for the hijack

/end rant