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Red Cross in Afghanistan gives Taliban first aid help


You corrected "allot" (i.e. to parcel out) to be "alot," which is not a word in the english language.

I think you're looking for "a lot." >:D

I obsessive compulsively cannot pass faults...  ;D
Wonderbread said:

You corrected "allot" (i.e. to parcel out) to be "alot," which is not a word in the english language.

I think you're looking for "a lot." >:D
Nobody likes Wonderbread, which is why we buy Dempsters!

(PS: Thank you)

If the ICRC make more inroads reaching out to the Taliban with this teaching perhaps there might be a positive spin off it.  Perhaps they might be more inclined to respect the Red Cross/Red Cresent and those work under it.  As I see it, this does seem to keep in line with the original intent of the ICRC and why is was created in the first place.  Perhaps they might humanise the animals somewhat.
Red Cross defends helping Taliban treat casualties
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The International Committee of the Red Cross is defending its practice of providing medical training and basic medical supplies to the Taliban in Afghanistan – saying it is in line with the ICRC’s mandate not to discriminate between different sides in a conflict.

In the latest situation report issued Tuesday the Red Cross disclosed that in April its workers “reached over 100 Afghan security personnel, over 70 members of the armed opposition, taxi drivers involved in the transport of wounded people, first-aiders and its own staff.”

That prompted plenty of quizzical and some critical comments in the international media and among bloggers – and some grumbling among Afghan officials. But an ICRC spokesman in Geneva said the practice is consistent with its obligation of neutrality and its mandate to provide assistance to all sides in conflict.The ICRC says it provides a three-day course that includes lessons in international humanitarian law, practical work with bandages and other basic medical techniques. It says the course is also a chance to remind all sides about respect for civilians and proper treatment of detainees.

Some critics have drawn a distinction between providing medical care to the wounded and training insurgents to do so. But the ICRC says it has provided similar training in Darfur, Sudan and to Hamas members in Gaza. ICRC spokesman Christian Cardon says it has been providing such training in Afghanistan for about four years to the Taliban as well as to Afghan police and civilian first-aiders. He added that the ICRC was not training the Taliban in surgical skills; the focus was on stabilizing those injured.

The ICRC says that roadblocks, fighting and mines have made access to hospitals very difficult – especially in provinces like Helmand and Kandahar in the south of Afghanistan.
GAP said:
Red Cross defends helping Taliban treat casualties
Article Link

Your all entitled to your opinions and reason

But as far as I'm concerned, if you even give a glass of water to a Known Taliban, you are GIVING COMFORT AND AID TO THE EMEMY, regardless of the Guise or Organization you belong to. Who's side are they on, Oh ! they don,t take sides, Well tell that to all the WIDOWS, MOTHERS, and FAMILIES of our fallen Service Men/Women.

Services and assistance to the general public is one thing, but the ENEMY .

FastEddy said:
YourYou're all entitled to your opinions and reason

It's not about our opinions in the CF, it's about the rules of a neutral organization who sees no good guys or bad guys.

And even if it were the CF involved, it's not about opinions because we have rules, too. 

Canada has signed on to Hague/Geneva, so if you want to wear the flag on your shoulder to represent the values of Canada, you perform your duty to those rules and provide aid even to the enemy if possible.
FastEddy said:
But as far as I'm concerned, if you even give a glass of water to a Known Taliban, you are GIVING COMFORT AND AID TO THE EMEMY, regardless of the Guise or Organization you belong to. Who's side are they on, Oh ! they don,t take sides, Well tell that to all the WIDOWS, MOTHERS, and FAMILIES of our fallen Service Men/Women.

Services and assistance to the general public is one thing, but the ENEMY .

They are Canada's enemy, not the INTERNATIONAL Red Cross' enemy. ICRC is not on one side or the other.