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Red Friday Rally Today on the Hill

I think the picture of the sea of red shirts on Parliament Hill will do wonders for the morale of the troops over there. We should print up millions of leaflet sized ones and scatter them over Taliban held areas with a suitable message, something like "We're here; They're behind us."

Come to think of it, there are a few ridings here in Canada that could have these leaflets scattered over them as well..........
That's freakin' awesome!!!!  The pictures gave me chills.  I'll be looking for the PM's speach on the news tonight.
:salute: :cdn: :salute: :cdn:
Well, I'm in KAF, just got back from PBW, and I must say I was pleasantly surprised by the news of the rally, and everyone here that I've spoken too were delighted to hear about it. Between this, the news of the tanks, Van Doo Coy, and possible CF-18s coming it helped soften the edge of that last ramp ceremony.
It's nice being reminded that people support us when all the news we seem to hear about is the NDP yelling 'RUN FOR YOUR LIVES!! AHHH!', plummeting public support, being more likely to die than anyone in Iraq or Afghanistan, constant critisizing that we should be carrying teddy bears instead of guns ::), etc

Thanks all.
kilekaldar said:
Well, I'm in KAF, just got back from PBW, and I must say I was pleasantly surprised by the news of the rally, and everyone here that I've spoken too were delighted to hear about it. Between this, the news of the tanks, Van Doo Coy, and possible CF-18s coming it helped soften the edge of that last ramp ceremony.
It's nice being reminded that people support us when all the news we seem to hear about is the NDP yelling 'RUN FOR YOUR LIVES!! AHHH!', plummeting public support, being more likely to die than anyone in Iraq or Afghanistan, constant critisizing that we should be carrying teddy bears instead of guns ::), etc

Thanks all.

No no...Thank YOU!!

Stay safe.
+ 1!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Watch your arcs, stay safe, and keep the faith!
kilekaldar said:
Well, I'm in KAF, just got back from PBW, and I must say I was pleasantly surprised by the news of the rally, and everyone here that I've spoken too were delighted to hear about it. Between this, the news of the tanks, Van Doo Coy, and possible CF-18s coming it helped soften the edge of that last ramp ceremony.
It's nice being reminded that people support us when all the news we seem to hear about is the NDP yelling 'RUN FOR YOUR LIVES!! AHHH!', plummeting public support, being more likely to die than anyone in Iraq or Afghanistan, constant critisizing that we should be carrying teddy bears instead of guns ::), etc

Thanks all.
Im sure that everyone here is behind you all %110. Be safe over there and watch you'r back.  :salute:  :cdn:  :salute:
This is making my heart swell.  Anyone know if there is a transcript of the PM's speech anywhere?

+1 to all the troops overseas, and a  big +1 to the wives that organized the red Friday campaign
The PM's speech has not been cleared for posting on the web yet but it will be here: http://www.pm.gc.ca/eng/media.asp?category=2&pageId=46 when it's released.  I was out there today and it was awesome seeing SO MANY coming together - I'm no suck but I have to admit, there were a few moments where I was overwhelmed and amazed by the energy and positive vibe of the crowd to the brink of tears.  :cdn:
For once tonight I loved watching the news!!! Was very nice to see all the support!!! :cdn: :salute:
I just new something good had to happen today, by far made my day  :cdn::salute::cdn:

Nice article.  I also like this part:
At Albert and Metcalfe streets, another event had just taken place. People in red were gathered around a small, agitated woman in a red beret. "She nailed the big bastard," said an older man.
"He was shouting our troops were war mongers," said the woman. She said her name was Gail Latourelle, 20 years old. "I dared him to say it to my face.
"He did, so I punched him in the mouth. I actually decked him. I won't have anyone talking about Canadians that way. His mouth was bleeding. He jumped up and ran. The coward just took off."

Now, I KNOW it was nobody from here, because our punch of choice is throat punch ;D

Well done, Ottawa!
(and naturally, those who made the journey from elsewhere!)
Toronto next?

Go Hogtown, go!!!!!!!

and the writer needs help:
Now many of you know I couldn't organize a drunk-up in a distillery, so if somebody wants to help do this in a bigger way, e-mail me and we'll do it.

Nothing fancy. We're just going to do our part.

Big or small, either way, I will be at Yonge-Dundas Square between noon and 1:30 p.m. next Friday wearing red and white and saying thank-you to the service men and women in Afghanistan. And thank you to those who have already died. Join me.

Here is his email address.  Now, he DOES say "e-mail me and we'll do it", so, I assume it's safe to post here:
