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Redress of Grievance – Mega thread [MERGED]

ArmyVern said:
I never wrote a PER that I didn't like!!  >:D

You've written one for ME that I didn't like... (It didn't have any JD shot glasses included...)


BinRat55 said:
You've written one for ME that I didn't like... (It didn't have any JD shot glasses included...)


You still haven't "carried on" yet??  >:D
Quick question, I was promoted Cpl in April 08 but I haven`t signed a PDR since Jan 08.  I mentioned this to my Mcpl but his response was that I will get it in March 09?!? Do I have the right not sign a PDR that has been backdated? I am pretty skeptical I will get a fair and correct PER with how things are going.
meni0n said:
Quick question, I was promoted Cpl in April 08 but I haven`t signed a PDR since Jan 08.  I mentioned this to my Mcpl but his response was that I will get it in March 09?!? Do I have the right not sign a PDR that has been backdated? I am pretty skeptical I will get a fair and correct PER with how things are going.

Your MCpl is slack and idle.  If he gives you a PDR with anything but the current date on it, cross off the date beside the member's signature block and put the current date in by hand, initial the correction, and THEN sign it and ask for a copy back.  He'll have questions to answer when he submits it to the reviewer.  Even if nobody questions the PDR, in the future (after receiving your PER) you'll still be able to raise the point that you received no feedback sessions during the year, and grieving the PER will go much easier.
As a Pte(t) you are not entitled to a PER as they for Cpl's and up. Expect a PER at the end of this year 08/09. PDR's are done 3 times a year, so you might be do for one shortly.

Your profile doesn't state if you are Reg or Res, if you are Res then the reason you haven't seen one since Jan 08 could be because of the summer stand downs.
I am Reg Force. I know PERs are only done once a year but they should be based on PDRs which I haven`t signed any in almost a year. Last PDR I signed had ending period of Dec 07.
Sounds like you fell through the cracks, how about talking to your Tp WO?
meni0n said:
I am Reg Force. I know PERs are only done once a year but they should be based on PDRs which I haven`t signed any in almost a year. Last PDR I signed had ending period of Dec 07.

Arent staff in supervisory positions subject to disciplinary action for failing to do this? (i.e. not complete PDR's/PR's on a timely basis)

Sounds like the positions above the MCpl are also at fault here...
Heh... don't worry about it.... I signed mine Ummm..... 2 weeks ago
To read it, I continue to walk on water without getting my boots wet - but there you have it....
Oh yeah - had to crank out the PDRs for my section that same day... and we are supposed to have our 1st review early next week

They told me I could have always grieved for the late PER - but, I'd probably have been made to answer it for the Area commander... can't win!
NFLD Sapper said:
As a Pte(t) you are not entitled to a PER as they for Cpl's and up. Expect a PER at the end of this year 08/09. PDR's are done 3 times a year, so you might be do for one shortly.

Your profile doesn't state if you are Reg or Res, if you are Res then the reason you haven't seen one since Jan 08 could be because of the summer stand downs.

Sorry big guy - i'm not in the habit of disagreeing with you, but...

"The PDR is a two step process. Step 1 is the initial interview between the member and supervisor, which occurs at the beginning of the reporting period. The aim of this interview is to establish a list of critical tasks and the results expected of the member during the reporting period. This initial meeting must also be used by the supervisor and member to develop an initial action plan for the member. Step 2 of the PDR process consists of a minimum of two feedback sessions that take place during the reporting period. The aim of the feedback sessions is to review the member's performance and to establish performance and potential development action plans. The feedback sessions will be based on the member's accomplishments and the supervisor's assessment. The PDR process is formally closed with the PER briefing. Upon completion of the reporting year, the PDR cycle is restarted with a re-establishment of critical tasks and action plans."
If you are talking about the frequency of PDRs...the policy is the minimums.  Alot of unit direct quarterly PDRs, which was the case in my last 2 green units.
Quarterly PDR's? Four? Plus a PER? Crap, I wouldn't have time for work - that equals (for me) 64 PDR's (16 X 4) and 16 PER's... and THAT ain't happenin...
BinRat55 said:
Quarterly PDR's? Four? Plus a PER? Crap, I wouldn't have time for work - that equals (for me) 64 PDR's (16 X 4) and 16 PER's... and THAT ain't happenin...

Initial PDR start of FY...1st quarter review (Julyish), 2nd quarter review (Octoberish), 3rd quarter review (Januaryish) and start writing draft PERs after the 3rd, then the "PER shuffle", PER at end FY, repeat.  I had 2 subordinates at the time and it was a PITA.

Could anyone assist me in writing a ROG? I'm aware of the manual available online, but I feel it's very vague and not helpful. I'm a very visual person and need to see an example or template. Thank you in advance!
You are entitled to an Assisting Officer who can help. Make sure he/she is someone that you can trust to do a thorough and competent job.

I have done that a few times in the past.
I probably should have included that fact that I do not trust anyone in my CoC or unit. With that being said, I am looking elsewhere in hopes I'll still write a good ROG.

With what you have told us, I would advise you then contact the Alternative Dispute Resolution centre nearest you;


