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refusing an offer


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I just recently had to refuse a job offer from the CF.  They told me that they will leave my file open for 6 months and that if I changed my mind I would have to reapply.  I had to refuse because of financial and personal reasons.  I was just wondering if anyone out there knows what my chances are of getting another offer----good-----average-----or next to none.
I had a recruiter tell me that if you refused a job offer it reflects poorly on your application because it brings into question your dedication to the CF.

Of course that's just hearsay though...
About 7 years ago I applied for Pilot. About 6 months after the year long component transfer process was complete I got an offer for navigator. I turned this down. About 8 - 10 months later I got an offer for pilot. It had now been 2.5 years since the start of my  application and I was not in a position to accept the offer (job and personal reasons) so I turned it down (we all have our regrets, and hind sight is 20-20  :().

I currently have accepted a new offer for pilot (this time I got the offer after about 10 months from start of application). My current offer was contingent upon completing an expanded CAPSS and redoing my air factor medical and my fitness test. Since I've completed the first two, and the fitness test will simply be a formality for me, I'll be starting in the new year.

In my case, it seems, my previous refusal was not held against me.
Tribal Jedi said:
I had a recruiter tell me that if you refused a job offer it reflects poorly on your application because it brings into question your dedication to the CF.

Makes sense , its kinda like wasting the recruiters time.
I think it shows responsibility and maturity to deny a posting if you are not ready.  Your mind wouldn't be on your training if you have financial or personal issues that are left unfinished.
Dude, i think once you say no its stays that way, but if its a no with reason then they have reason  :)
ramy said:
Makes sense , its kinda like wasting the recruiters time.

Sounds like a slight threat, that if you don't take this posting you'll never see another offer for making them work a second time around.   Damn!
Did you explain to him why you refused or just said no?  I guess if you explain the reason why and the recruiting can understand why you refuse they won't hold it against you.
Hi folks, here's my take and what happened to me...

I applied along time ago when I was still in highschool and was turned down b/c of medical reasons (asthma), went through a bunch of testing the CF recommended to prove I had beaten the asthma and had the physical ability to do the training. Did that, by the time the offer came through, I denied b/c I was about to go to college and found a woman and decided I'd apply later on after I got a degree etc etc... In other words, I changed my mind.

So, applied 1 time, denied, applied again, got offer.

THIS time. I am applying for Reserve force infantry. Recruiter told me I was ranked a 6 out of 9 enstead of 8 out of 9 because of the fact I'd been denied a position before and also refused to take an offer. He said it's common and not to worry much but it's noted....

Needless to say, I still don't have my offer yet. Last time we talked (last week), said in my area they are holding off the new recruits until January in reserves because not enough people applied and they don't want to have to truck us all over the place together to train...

SOOO.... We'll see what happens. I'm not holding my breath, last time I had an offer I was a "7 out of 9" he said. This time it's lower, and not very good.

Anyway, good luck to you all. You can make it in again later, especially if your applying for something they need (Pilots atm+other technical trades especially)

If they offered to keep your file open for 6 months then I would figure that they are still interested in you.  If not, they would have flat out closed it.  But that's just my personal opinion.
If they offered to keep your file open for 6 months ...

As long as you have more than one occupation selected, then refusing an offer is no big deal.  If you have three occupations, your file will go to the selection boards for the occupations that you qualified AND asked for.  It is possible that your third choice could have a board before either of the other two and you may get an offer, this does not mean that you automatically have your file pulled from the other boards.  So, If you really want to be in the Infantry and your thirs choice was cook, but you get an offer for cook, turn it down.  Wait.

It only looks bad if you turn down an offer for your first choice.  You should always explain or inform the recruiters why you are turning down an offer.  Such as "that is my third choice, when does the inf board set?  I will wait, thanks"  Remember, it is an offer not a job, that comes after when you get enrolled.

If at some point you realize that if you were to get an offer and would not take it, call the recruiting Office an Voluntarily close your file.  No harm done.
sorry to reawaken this board but my situation is a little different than above.  I have an offer that is going to expire today.  For some personal reasons and timelines I am thinking about refusing the offer.  How bad will this be for me in the future?  I am looking for someone that might know and am really not looking for some smart A*& to jump all over me.
mbhabfan said:
sorry to reawaken this board but my situation is a little different than above.   I have an offer that is going to expire today.   For some personal reasons and timelines I am thinking about refusing the offer.   How bad will this be for me in the future?   I am looking for someone that might know and am really not looking for some smart A*& to jump all over me.

Your file will be closed for six months minimum and you will either have to go through the process again or update in some cases depending on when you reapply.  Personally, and not knowing your circumstances, I think it would be a dumb idea to turn it down because you never know if there will ever be another opportunity.
Long before I applied to the CF I had enquired at another federal location.  There was no openings at that time.  In the mean time I applied to the CF.  About the time I was having some medical issues there was an advertisement at the original location.  I don't want to get into details but it is federal about $20k more starting than the CF and it would mean my family and myself would more than likely not have to move all over the country.  I applied as a long shot...accepted for the testing, passed...interview...etc. anyways qualified and in a pool waiting for an offer there.  It could be 1-2 years before an offer from them and the CF offer expires today and I am soo torn in which way to go.  I know you guys can't make my decision for me just wanted a place to vent.
It is your choice, refusing an offer looks bad on you, but if you have to, then you have to.

Good luck on your choice.

wish there was a way to postphone my answer for a year without negative impact on my file.  Thanks for your help.
I personally don't thinkit has a real negative effect on you unless you refuse your first choice. My friend was switching over to Reg Force, applied a year and a half ago, and they finally gave him an offer as a Armour Soldier (as he was at the time).  He had an offer to fly out to Petawawa for Coyote training 8 days after the phone call. He flat out denied it. Month later, he had another offer for the Support trade, took it and left July 7th. Since then, hes had a great time and no problems, no real negative look on him at all. Moral of the story, don't sweat it if you deny, you'll have more chances I believe. Plus, its your career not theirs. Best of luck in whatever path you choose to take.