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Regular Officer Training Plan (ROTP)-RMC 2000 - 2018 [Merged]

  • Thread starter Thread starter Travis Silcox
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Hey everyone, another ROTP hopeful here :)

I'm currently in first year CompSci at the University of Waterloo and if I get the opportunity, I'll definitely want to attend RMC over a civvy U.
My top 3 choices are Armour, Infantry, and Artillery and it seems like a few people here have already listed these choices as well so here's to a friendly competition.
I'll also be looking to switch my major from CompSci to Business Admin as I feel that the former is not really for me.

Looking over the past applicants and my extra-curricular's/volunteering, I feel that I'm in the competition... expect for a single factor; my 10-11 marks. I came close to failing in a couple of my subjects due to some family issues at the time. My grade 9 average is somewhere around 78 and my grade 12 is an 88. Do any of you think that my 10-11 will hold me back from admission?

GSun103 said:
Hey everyone, another ROTP hopeful here :)

I'm currently in first year CompSci at the University of Waterloo and if I get the opportunity, I'll definitely want to attend RMC over a civvy U.
My top 3 choices are Armour, Infantry, and Artillery and it seems like a few people here have already listed these choices as well so here's to a friendly competition.
I'll also be looking to switch my major from CompSci to Business Admin as I feel that the former is not really for me.

Looking over the past applicants and my extra-curricular's/volunteering, I feel that I'm in the competition... expect for a single factor; my 10-11 marks. I came close to failing in a couple of my subjects due to some family issues at the time. My grade 9 average is somewhere around 78 and my grade 12 is an 88. Do any of you think that my 10-11 will hold me back from admission?


Absolutely not. Averages in between 78 and 88 is what to be expected but only if you have a good degree of extra curricular activities and volunteering, these are important factors. Don't be too stressed about grades. The stories I've heard of some people getting into RMC involving averages, I can tell you I've heard it all and it makes me roll my eyes. If you're applying for a degree in Engineering though, grades will be highly regarded. The best advice I can provide is in the future, always strive for a higher standard and never get discouraged.

Good luck.
I am planning to apply to ROTP with the desire to attend RMC in Engineering.  I am running about an overall average aroung 92% in all subjects I am in grade 12 taking the required courses for engineering.  I am active in SADD and our grad comittee in our school.  I currently in our school concert band and jazz band as I play the trumpet.  In terms of sports I play both outdoor and indoor soccer and I am a goaltender for my school hockey team and play in our minor hockey league.  At 16 I joined the Loyal Edmonton Regiment - Company C as a reservist,  I am BMQ qualiflied along with my BMQ - Land and was a week away from finishing my infantry course when I got a concussion and was RTU while on course.  I am wondering if there are other things I can do to enhance my chance of admission to RMG?
It's picular that your course gave you a medical RTU (I'm guessing?) with a week left on your course.

Did you miss the FTX because of your medical restrictions? We had a girl thunder in less than 100 meters off the bus at the start of our ftx (which she missed) and she still passed under the clause that she attend a weekend defensive ex within the next year.

You might be able to challange your course RTU
Park, your file looks decently competitive.  Individual and team sports as well as life guarding, good. Variety of extra-curricular activities ranging from social service to organizational leadership (camp counsellor, EH leadership, etc...)  Academics are decent if not ever so slightly towards the less competitive side.  Comment ça va, votre comprehension et expression en votre lange secondaire?

Much of your competitiveness also depends on which classification, or MOSID, you are looking to apply for.  Whatever you chose, it should be something you would like to do if you are accepted to the ROTP at RMC. Some make the mistake of applying to a classification that they feel will give them better odds of being accepted and thinking they can just change to what they really want later down the road -- doesn't work well.

Now is a good time to get your file moving, and you can update the file with your mid-term marks when you get them.

Well, you look much more competitive than me when I was applying if that is worth anything.

Just apply and see what happens.

Good luck.
Hey brother, just a quick response from my part, when I applied for the "General" degree at RMC they asked me specifically if I was taking University English and University Math (the per-requisites for the degree program). So I would HIGHLY suggest you take a 4U Math in your second semester.
Update on previous post

I am planning to apply to ROTP  with the desire to attend RMC in Engineering / Computer Engineering(career path Naval Combat System Engineering Officer - I am very interested in communication ).  I am running about an overall average aroung 92% in all subjects I am in grade 12 taking all the required courses for engineering.  I am also taking Calculus AP this year.  I am active in Student Against Drunk Driving and our grad comittee in our school and have received two awards from my school acknowledging both academic success and service to the school and the community ( Northern Lights awards)  I am  currently in our school concert band and jazz band - as I play the trumpet.  I recently bought Rosseta Stone - french module with the hope of enhancing my french language training.  In terms of sports I play both outdoor, indoor soccer and squash.  I am a goaltender for my school hockey team and play in our minor hockey league in Yellowknife.  Upon my  16 birthday I joined the Loyal Edmonton Regiment - Company C as a infantry reservist,  I am BMQ qualiflied along with my BMQ - Land.  I am wondering if my application is competitive for RMC? Is  there other things I can do to enhance my chances to secure a spot at RMC?  Should I get a recommendation letter from my commanding officer of my reserve unit?  Any insight folks could offer would be appreciated.

I am impressed with your comments.  Take a good look at the other subject items in regards to RMC, there is already a lot up there.  I have posted a couple of things as my two sons are currently there,  One in fourth year and a pilot, the other in first year engineering (construction engineer)

Get things moving now as it does take some time to wind through the system.  You may have to get additional medical info if you have any sort of condition such as allergies, migraines, have ever had a fracture of any kind etc.  As well take a look at the eyesight requirements for the trade you want.......... second son and we were surprised about the vision requirements and he had laser eye surgery.

Prepare yourself for the  aptitude test.... don't just do the same ones.  I think the boys said that they went back and reviewed grade 10 math as this seemed to be what a lot of it is.

Prepare yourself for the interview and have thought about your responses and items indicated in other posts.  You are applying to be a future officer, they can ask you about situations you have had, how you would describe yourself, what you like about the trade you are applying for etc??

Be also ready for the negative questions... what do you think that you might not like about the trade etc. 

AND know the trade you are applying for and the training required etc. 

Hope this helps and good luck... hope to hear that you are there next year. 
ktipnorth  - maybe this makes more sense tacked on to your original post?

Stand by for merge....

Milnet.ca Staff
It is indeed an impressive resume. Unless you fail CFAT or have a terrible interview, I am pretty sure your application will be very competitive.

As was said before: know the trades you apply for and know what is expected of a CF officer.
This link is quite usefull: www.11rca.ca/web_pdf/prep.pdf
Hi to all other ROTP applicants for 2013-2014. I am new to this site and have recently sent in my application for ROTP. I am 26 years old with a lot of life experiences under my belt. I am extreamly athletic and have played competitive sports for 15+ years (hockey and baseball). I represented Canada before for baseball and was chosen captain for majority of my past teams. I accumulated many hours volunteering over the years as a coach/instructor for numerous youth sport teams. I applied for Infantry officer as my 1st choice, then armour and artillery. I graduated high school with a 83% average then attended York University for half a year, but withdrew from my studies due to my young age and immaturity at the time. I was not ready for the dedication and hard work University life required at such a young age. However, the recruiter I spoke to said that withdrawing from University is nothing to stress over due to the fact that RMC focuses more on your highschool grades and extra curricular activities. I was hoping I can receive some insight on how the whole application process is done and any other advice that can be shared. How soon after I have submitted my application to RMC will I receive a call to schedule my CFAT and other tests?

It would be nice to meet some people with the same goals as me and to share some friendly competitive details about one another. Feel free to message me or share advice and I will do the same.

Good luck to everyone.
Hi, just thought I would give this topic some new life as it has been stagnant for a while now.

I am currently applying to RMC for the following trades.
1: Engineer Officer
2: Infantry Officer
3: Armour Officer

I would be glad to hear from others in a similar situation but am currently pretty confident that I will be accepted.

Good luck to everyone currently applying.
I'm applying for RMC this month and I'm wondering whether or not I have a chance. Academically is what I'm most worried about, I have had mid 70's in English and Math courses all through High School, and technology courses are in the low 80's and history courses are high 70's. My dramatic arts courses are high 90's such as a 93 in drama 10 and a 98 in drama 11. I currently also have a 97 in Leadership 12. What I'm worried about is that I've really gone wrong with science, I had received a 55 in Advanced Chemistry 11 and a 60 in Physics 11. Outside of school I'm involved as a major character in school musicals, Video announcements and I'm a volunteer for an environmental organization that helps clean up multiple islands around the Nova Scotia area and am currently raising for a organization known as Laing House with my Leadership class, Which is a place where youth with Depression, PTSD ETC... come to for emotional support. I'm also involved with the cadet program and am currently a Cadet WO. I participate in my Army Cadet Corps drill team, Shooting team, and Biathlon team. I'm incredibly fit and am a very good marksman, and my drill has been evaluated as great. These are the kinds of things that don't go on the High School transcript so I'm wondering if they'll take this into consideration or did I really lose my chance when I took those science courses that were out of my league? I plan to do a bachelor of arts in the field of War Studies. Do you think I would be a good candidate for RMC?
I'm just wondering about my chances for admission, If my marks weren't good enough for RMC maybe I should apply for a civ U and then do ROTP?
How about you apply and find out? It's free of charge. Nobody here can really tell you your chances, only the system can do that.

On that note however, RMC/ROTP is a very competitive procedure. You should aim as high as you can go... Out of the group of my friends from high school and cadets that went to RMC each one of them had no grade lower than 85%.
I'm actually going to be going down my CFRC to drop off my application on Monday, I really hope those two marks don't effect me too much. I hope what I lack academically I make up for in MP.
AlexLarade said:
I'm just wondering about my chances for admission, If my marks weren't good enough for RMC maybe I should apply for a civ U and then do ROTP?

I showed you that just so you could check if you met the requirements, you didn't mention any 12 U courses and most RMC programs will require them. I myself am attending a Civ U and recently applied for ROTP, called in to check in on my status and was told that the RMC handles all ROTP candidates (as far as wether they are offered ROTP for RMC or Civ U) and that the main priority for them was actually to fill all the spots at the RMC. I don't know if that provides any insight or not.
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