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Regular Officer Training Plan (ROTP)-RMC 2000 - 2018 [Merged]

  • Thread starter Thread starter Travis Silcox
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If you join early in september, you should be done ROTP in time for Christmas leave. Then if you train aggressively, you should be able to join JTF-2 in March, and be in combat by June, just in time for the Summer fighting season...  ::)

Seriously... do some research.
You forgot to mention the special assignments in Iran after the first year of undergrad.

Just kidding, you'll scrub toilets for your first summer.
Uncagedhen said:
So I'm currently in grade 11

Did they stop teaching highschool kids how to do basic research? There's a whole website here full of information. The same website is also full of people disinclined to respond to other people who are too lazy to do their own homework.


Use the Search Function.

We expect people on this Site to display some initiative, just as we expect people in the non-virtual CF to. "Hoping" won't get you anywhere. Personal effort may.

Also, no - Hollywood is not an accurate portrayal of reality. It rarely even comes close. It seldom even bothers to try.

Once you've done some reading here, and formulated some reasonable questions based upon that, you will stand a better chance of getting answers.

Locked, until then.
Earlier this year at a competition I was approached by the varsity fencing coach and was asked to think about attending RMC the following year. I am currently in grade 12 living in Hamilton, Ontario aged 16 (birthdate december, 21, 1997). I will be getting a tour at RMC this friday. I am very new to the whole idea of RMC and would love to learn more, I have read many pages on this site and also on RMC's website. The overall application process needed and when I have to see recruiters is foggy to me and I would like to learn more about the whole process. I would also like to know what questions I should ask while at RMC for the tour.

I understand that RMC is not just about athletics/academics but also leadership and think that I can fit into all of these categories.

I wish to go into aerospace engineering.
You will want to have your application submitted as soon as humanly possible.  If you wait until the deadline (whenever it is), you run the risk of being negatively impacted by potential delays (medical issues, scheduling issues, potential administrative errors on the part of you or the CF, etc.).

Many RMC applicants have already begun the application process.  If you're serious about possibly going there, get down to your local recruiting center and start inquiring about occupations compatible with your desire degree program.

As far as questions to ask on your tour- what do you want to know?  It's that simple.  Many here could as easily type up a list of questions for you as they could a list of answers, but it's worth nothing to you if it's not the information that you want to know.
Is there a location that clearly states what needs to be done for an application?

And on regards to the questions I have some personal ones as well of general ones but what are questions I need to ask. As I do not know what I do not know.
FencingRecruit said:
Is there a location that clearly states what needs to be done for an application?

And on regards to the questions I have some personal ones as well of general ones but what are questions I need to ask. As I do not know what I do not know.

Apply Online --->  http://www.forces.ca/en/page/applynow-100

and then go from there!  If you have the opportunity to take the tour, then by all means do it!!!  I'm sure you will think up questions while you are there.

Just because you apply, doesn't mean you are comitting yourself to anything.  There is a very strict screening process involved.  If you have access to Guidance Counsellors at your school, they might be able to provide you with information, such as this --->  http://www.forces.ca/en/page/advisors-210

Paid Education --->  http://www.forces.ca/en/page/paideducation-96

PS - after you apply online, you will receive an email with further instructions that will point you to the link below, which is the RMC Academic Questionnaire.

Hello, I am finished highschool... went to College and didn't like it. I am interested in becoming a MARS officer or Health Admin Officer ( I know very different) but I want to keep my options open. I have mid 80 grades and received the Ontario Scholar 80 + award. I play many sports such as Junior Hockey, have served leadership roles in school and extra-curricular. My only issue is I have a 70 in English and a 66 in math. I realize these marks are not high enough and I am in the midst of redoing them through a correspondents program. My question is: Will they accept my correspondents marks over my previous high school marks
Hello, I am finished highschool... went to College and didn't like it. I am interested in becoming a MARS officer or Health Admin Officer ( I know very different) but I want to keep my options open. I have mid 80 grades and received the Ontario Scholar 80 + award. I play many sports such as Junior Hockey, have served leadership roles in school and extra-curricular. My only issue is I have a 70 in English and a 66 in math. I realize these marks are not high enough and I am in the midst of redoing them through a correspondents program. My question is: Will they accept my correspondents marks over my previous high school marks
SamKingston said:
Hello, I am finished highschool... went to College and didn't like it. I am interested in becoming a MARS officer or Health Admin Officer ( I know very different) but I want to keep my options open. I have mid 80 grades and received the Ontario Scholar 80 + award. I play many sports such as Junior Hockey, have served leadership roles in school and extra-curricular. My only issue is I have a 70 in English and a 66 in math. I realize these marks are not high enough and I am in the midst of redoing them through a correspondents program. My question is: Will they accept my correspondents marks over my previous high school marks

Yes, they should take any marks, which are at an "equialent or higher level" into consideration when doing the academic averaging.  So based on the marks you have presented, if you re-took the same courses or similar courses at a higher level, those would/should be considered during the review process.
Thank you very much I greatly appreciate your help with all of this. It is quite overwhelming coming into a different culture but so far it has been very welcoming.
toughenough said:

Of course I have done research and found questions I want/need to ask, however I thought the incite of persons who have gone through a similar experience and/or have more knowledge on the topic would be better advised to offer me advice then simply googling the answer. This was not a mere act of laziness. I have read many of the forum posts and saw that many of the responses are "Do your own research" and I was trying not to be one of these. So my question to you is what are things you wish you knew when applying to RMC both positive and negative.

Thanks for your reply.
Your tour should include meeting members of the current team, some of whom were like you and didn't think about RMC until they were approached/recruited by a varsity coach.  Seek these people out and talk. You might also discuss the possibility of attending RMC without being in ROTP.

Being a varsity recruit increases your chances of ROTP acceptance.  Your team is also an additional support group to help you through FYOP and the hard days that follow.
Do find out from your visit the time required for sports. Time management is crucial for survival and overwhelming some times.
Defender90 Thanks for the advice I'll be sure to seek out others that are close to my situation. CDFALRMAN I am pretty sure that the time for sports is quite large however you MUST do intramural sports at RMC unless you are on a varsity team so I don't think it would make a large difference. However in saying this time management is extremely important, also considering I want to pursue engineering.
FencingRecruit said:
Defender90 Thanks for the advice I'll be sure to seek out others that are close to my situation. CDFALRMAN I am pretty sure that the time for sports is quite large however you MUST do intramural sports at RMC unless you are on a varsity team so I don't think it would make a large difference. However in saying this time management is extremely important, also considering I want to pursue engineering.

Varsity sports = ~2 hrs a day + some weekends

Intramural sports = ~2 hrs a week.

Committing to a varsity team is a much bigger commitment than simply playing intramural sports.

Just saying.
I can see that as well, I currently manage a part time job, volunteering, school work, and training 4 nights a week. Also its a really good program and I'm getting recruited for it.
jtwg is right BUT

Depending on squadron, varsity may be excused some PT and some duty.  During FYOP, varsity attend afternoon practices instead of FYOP fun.
FencingRecruit said:
I can see that as well, I currently manage a part time job, volunteering, school work, and training 4 nights a week. Also its a really good program and I'm getting recruited for it.
I have no idea how this was a response to my post, but what do I know?

Trust me when I say that your high school time management skills will need an upgrade (which you'll get during FYOP  >:D ) in order to balance varsity commitments, academics, physical fitness (no, not necessarily synonymous with varsity commitments..), bilingualism, and duties/leadership positions; that being said, many have done it before you, and many will do it after, so it is certainly achievable.

Good luck with the recruiting process. 
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