I have read all 26 pages of this post, and not one has answered some of the key ideas of this post. I have applied for RMC last year in ROTP program, first offer I had was for civi U and I declined, second offer that they gave me was for an Armoured officer in RMC, which I am wondering if I should have accepted (yes I declined, thinking that if I were in armour I would just get shipped off the day I graduate).
The main question, or subject of interest that I would like to know about is the social life.
-How often do you get to go to town?
-When can I expect holidays?
-Are there room inspections everyday?
-Is the workload hard?
-Can we bring computers?
-Are we allowed visitors?
-Is it anything like basic but on a daily schedual?
And my other question was: How easy is it to change trade once you've been accepted into RMC? Because I had applied for Pilot, I sucsessfully completed all my testing, but for some reason was not offered that trade. So If I had gone into RMC as an armoured Officer, would it have been easy to request a trade change?
I am re-applying for RMC this year in hopes of acheiving my goal for becoming a PLT, and hopefully I can get some feedback to clear my confusion before re-applying.