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Regular Officer Training Plan (ROTP)-RMC 2000 - 2018 [Merged]

  • Thread starter Thread starter Travis Silcox
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oaktown said:
For offers - RMC is the militarys school, its their first choice, its their bread and butter. Whether you put RMC or not they will fill RMC first with who they want there. For example I was finished my first year at civi u when I got my offer and it was for RMC and I didn't even put RMC on my application. Your offer will come, it will be very standard - your rank, your pay grade, what year you will be in and where, how much time you will serve and what uniform you will be wearing (army, navy, air). I went back and forth for 2 months trying to get them to change mine to a civi U offer, and to recognize my current pay grade in the reserves - because your pay can never go down in the forces I.E. If you are at pay level 5 for rank X and are promoted to rank Y typically your pay goes back to pay level 1 for the new rank, but if pay level 5 for rank X was higher, you should stay at that pay. They wouldnt budge on either. Lastly I would suspect that most civi U offers will be for people who are either already done a year or 2 at civi U, or are in a program that is not offered at RMC I.E. Environmental Studies, etc. Otherwise I suspect whether you put RMC or not, the offers this year will primarily be for RMC.

You are making alot of assumptions of how things work and they aren't correct.
If anyone has the exact "selection" process, for the offers and so on, I would love to know haha

However regardless I will be calling my recruiter tomorrow to clear somethings up with my worries :D
canada94 said:
If anyone has the exact "selection" process, for the offers and so on, I would love to know haha

However regardless I will be calling my recruiter tomorrow to clear somethings up with my worries :D

Hatchet Man said:
There is a form that is sent to the CFRCs that says whether or not they are suitable  for subsidization (ROTP) at a Civi U in either arts/sci/eng and RMC.

Quoting myself.  Depending on what that form says it will be entered into your info required to merit list you.  CFRG looks at the M/L, and makes a decision on who gets a call, based on all the info available to them (CFAT scores, occupational preferences, your interview and how you scored there, highschool marks, any other pertinent issues that maybe included in the system about you ), and how that relates to what the CF needs in terms of personnel (projected attrition, current shortages, whats open/closed to what category of applicant), and based on all that, they will decide who makes the cut and notify them with offers via the applicants CFRC.
Melbatoast said:
Nine credits at university typically means three courses (depending on the school).  A full year at university is normally worth 10 courses (30 credits) depending on the program, it could easily be more.  Also, "university" credits earned in high school are often not recognized - the universities you are interested in should have transfer credit guides that you might want to investigate.

In ontario highschools one credit is earned for every course completed each semester. Typically students finish high school with a total of thirty two credits where eight are earned each grade year. Fora student to be able to apply to a university program they must have six grade 12 credits at the university level. What many students ask is whether or not they have to attend the prep year at RMC or not. If the student has their OSSD and the appropriate credits for their program, they do not.

Anyways, I just wanted to clear that up for anyone who is currently not in secondary school anymore or who may have been just curious.

Hatchet Man said:
Quoting myself.  Depending on what that form says it will be entered into your info required to merit list you.  CFRG looks at the M/L, and makes a decision on who gets a call, based on all the info available to them (CFAT scores, occupational preferences, your interview and how you scored there, highschool marks, any other pertinent issues that maybe included in the system about you ), and how that relates to what the CF needs in terms of personnel (projected attrition, current shortages, whats open/closed to what category of applicant), and based on all that, they will decide who makes the cut and notify them with offers via the applicants CFRC.

Ahhh Okay, thanks Hatchet Man, sorry for over looking you're past comment, because that makes a lot of sense.

Well, the thing is, the prep year is meant for students in Quebec who has to complete their CEGEP (I don't know a lot about the Quebec high school system, so if anyone wants to elaborate, feel free). Applicants from other parts of the country may apply for the junior year if they feel that they might need some educational upgrade.
Cui said:
Well, the thing is, the prep year is meant for students in Quebec who has to complete their CEGEP (I don't know a lot about the Quebec high school system, so if anyone wants to elaborate, feel free). Applicants from other parts of the country may apply for the junior year if they feel that they might need some educational upgrade.

Quoting the application questionnaire


Senior Applicant:  A senior applicant is an applicant who meets the minimum admission
requirements for admission to RMC of Canada – Kingston or  RMC St-Jean, into First
Year Arts, Science or Engineering. Candidates who do not meet the academic
prerequisites outlined in the RMC Undergraduate Calendar must apply as a Junior

Junior Applicant:  A junior applicant is normally an applicant from the province of
Québec who is seeking admission on the basis of their Secondary V education and
requires the Preparatory Year of study.  Students from other provinces who possess a
high school diploma but do not meet the normal admission criteria for first year, may be
for admission as a junior applicant
.  All junior applicants will complete the
Preparatory Year and normally the First Year  at RMC  St-Jean and on successful
completion will continue their university studies at RMC of Canada Kingston

Note the bolded part, particularly the italics.  Given the competitiveness of the ROTP program in general, and the main intention of the Jr. Applicant stream (Quebec students), if you are applying with a HSD but don't meet the normal admission criteria, don't be suprised if your not offered a spot. 
Hatchet Man said:
Quoting myself.  Depending on what that form says it will be entered into your info required to merit list you.  CFRG looks at the M/L, and makes a decision on who gets a call, based on all the info available to them (CFAT scores, occupational preferences, your interview and how you scored there, highschool marks, any other pertinent issues that maybe included in the system about you ), and how that relates to what the CF needs in terms of personnel (projected attrition, current shortages, whats open/closed to what category of applicant), and based on all that, they will decide who makes the cut and notify them with offers via the applicants CFRC.

Do you know how being unsuitable for RMC fits into this process?  I have heard that it has no effect and when the board comes to a civy-u name that they want they decide if that trade has enough funding to send said applicant to civy-u.  I have also heard that RMC is filled up first and civy-u applicants are left until all RMC spots are filled.

I am in second year university and unsuitable for RMC.  I'm not stressing out, from what I have heard AEC numbers are low, due to the new testing,  and no matter how the selection goes there is nothing I can do to change it.  Just curious on how the system works.
Hatchet man care to share what assumptions I'm making that are wrong? Please keep in mind I've gone through the process before, I was offered a contract, so what I say is based on that experience not on assumption. Also note my choice of words, "I suspect", not "I know".
LOLslamball said:
Do you know how being unsuitable for RMC fits into this process?  I have heard that it has no effect and when the board comes to a civy-u name that they want they decide if that trade has enough funding to send said applicant to civy-u.  I have also heard that RMC is filled up first and civy-u applicants are left until all RMC spots are filled.

No I don't, the CFRG production cell has their criteria (which would include all the stuff I mentioned) and makes their decisions based on their criteria and the info they have about the candidates.  The exact how they make that decision, I am not sure.  I don't work at CFRG in production.  And even if I did, it would probably not be something I would be disclosing on the net anyways. 

oaktown said:
Hatchet man care to share what assumptions I'm making that are wrong? Please keep in mind I've gone through the process before, I was offered a contract, so what I say is based on that experience not on assumption. Also note my choice of words, "I suspect", not "I know".

For offers - RMC is the militarys school, its their first choice, its their bread and butter. Whether you put RMC or not they will fill RMC first with who they want there. For example I was finished my first year at civi u when I got my offer and it was for RMC and I didn't even put RMC on my application. Your offer will come, it will be very standard - your rank, your pay grade, what year you will be in and where, how much time you will serve and what uniform you will be wearing (army, navy, air). I went back and forth for 2 months trying to get them to change mine to a civi U offer, and to recognize my current pay grade in the reserves - because your pay can never go down in the forces I.E. If you are at pay level 5 for rank X and are promoted to rank Y typically your pay goes back to pay level 1 for the new rank, but if pay level 5 for rank X was higher, you should stay at that pay. They wouldnt budge on either. Lastly I would suspect that most civi U offers will be for people who are either already done a year or 2 at civi U, or are in a program that is not offered at RMC I.E. Environmental Studies, etc. Otherwise I suspect whether you put RMC or not, the offers this year will primarily be for RMC.

Ref the bolded areas.  "Suspect" when used as a verb is is a synonym of assume. http://www.merriam-webster.com/thesaurus/suspect .  As I pointed out some of the above replies there are other factors that you are probably not even aware of that can lead to how a particular job offer is presented to a person, including how your job offer was presented to you.  Some potential factors that may have influenced your case, you may have been deemed unsuitable for civi u but not RMC.  You may have been suitable, but not competitive.  It may have been more cost effective for the CF to send you to RMC, etc.  Unless you were told the exact reasons by CFRG for their decision, you are making assumptions.
I was told the exact reasons. My file was selected as one of the top and because of this they wanted me in their institution, doing their program. It is common sense that if the military supports a school - RMC - that their main priority is to utilize it to its fullest potential. Second - that is the standard letter of offer. I got it. People I know got it,so unless they changed it, that is how your offer will likely come. Yes I recognize there are special cases and circumstances, but it is a pretty standard letter, change a name, an institution, pay grade, etc. then send it off. Third and final this is a forum for discussion. To pass on experiences, to ask questions, and to provide support. I recognize you have CF experience with the reserves, as do I. I also have had the benefit of going through this entire process once before. When I share my experiences, and my opinions, that is what they are and nothing more. Keep in mind one of the fundamentals of leadership "Learn from experience and those who have it". My apologies for "assuming" but at the same time you are assuming I am incorrect. You are assuming there are other factors I do not know about. You also assumed about the criteria " which would include all the stuff I mentioned".  I appreciate the knowledge and support those of us with experience can pass on, but lets just pass it on as best we can and not attack one another. That is neither productive or beneficial for anyone here seeking some assistance.
oaktown said:
I was told the exact reasons. My file was selected as one of the top and because of this they wanted me in their institution, doing their program. It is common sense that if the military supports a school - RMC - that their main priority is to utilize it to its fullest potential.

Again you are assuming.  You (nor I for that matter) aren't aware of exactly how the ROTP selection board comes about making its decisions for filling spots in RMC and Civ Univerisities. As for the first 2 sentences in the above quote you didn't say that before you wrote

For offers - RMC is the militarys school, its their first choice, its their bread and butter. Whether you put RMC or not they will fill RMC first with who they want there. For example I was finished my first year at civi u when I got my offer and it was for RMC and I didn't even put RMC on my application.
  You make an assumption of how the whole process based on your one personal experience, which was lacking the follow on of what you were specifically told.  As many people, in many threads have mentioned personal experience will vary and trying to compare contrast how things go for other people is futile.

Second - that is the standard letter of offer. I got it. People I know got it,so unless they changed it, that is how your offer will likely come. Yes I recognize there are special cases and circumstances, but it is a pretty standard letter, change a name, an institution, pay grade, etc. then send it off.
  I never commented on this, I said "Ref the Bold"  The section about job offers I didnt bold.

Third and final this is a forum for discussion. To pass on experiences, to ask questions, and to provide support. I recognize you have CF experience with the reserves, as do I. I also have had the benefit of going through this entire process once before. When I share my experiences, and my opinions, that is what they are and nothing more. Keep in mind one of the fundamentals of leadership "Learn from experience and those who have it". My apologies for "assuming" but at the same time you are assuming I am incorrect. You are assuming there are other factors I do not know about. You also assumed about the criteria " which would include all the stuff I mentioned".  I appreciate the knowledge and support those of us with experience can pass on, but lets just pass it on as best we can and not attack one another. That is neither productive or beneficial for anyone here seeking some assistance.

This is a discussion forum yes but the site guidelines are clear, people aren't to make broad assumptions or as what others would call going outside their lanes on things they don't have direct experience or knowledge about.  Its great you have first hand about how your process worked and are willing to share.  You can talk about your own personal experiences all you want,  you just have to refrain from extrapolating your personal experience into how things are run for everyone, which is what your writing suggested.  Also I never assumed or suspected how your process went down, I did point out for your benefit and others, things that could have been a factor in the decision making process, but as it turns out you already knew what happened in your case which is fine, other people could still benefit from knowing how things could have occured.  And my experience goes a little bit beyond just the reserves, hint its not a coincidence the last few of my posts have in the recruiting section of this forum.
Very fair posts. I mistook how you were addressing my posts and in honesty the guidelines of the forum. Thanks for pointing them out. Yes those are my experiences and I can only share them. Apologies for any assumptions and extrapolating. Best of luck.
Cui said:
Well, the thing is, the prep year is meant for students in Quebec who has to complete their CEGEP (I don't know a lot about the Quebec high school system, so if anyone wants to elaborate, feel free). Applicants from other parts of the country may apply for the junior year if they feel that they might need some educational upgrade.

In Quebec, the public (post-elementary) school system follows this sequence:

High School: Grade 7 to Grade 11... referred to as Secondary I to Secondary V. Years = 5
Pre-University Cegep Diploma: in comparison to other provinces = Grade 12 + 1st year University. Years = 2
University Degree (Engineering): Years = 4

It seems as though the prep year is meant for the students in Quebec who have completed 5 years of high school as opposed to 6 years like everywhere else in Canada. I would have to speculate that the CF has decided that they would prefer to have all students entering RMC educated to the same level. Hence, why not take advantage of this 1 year and create a 1 year "prep" program for Quebec students that would already give them a military background prior to RMC?

On the civilian side, when Cegep is completed, all of the credits you achieve in your second year are transferred to University, and you start University as a U1 student. Students coming from outside of Quebec to study at a Quebec University start their degree as a U0 student.

If you add the total number of years studied before University, you have Quebec = 7 and Everywhere Else = 6.
If you add the total number of years studied upon completion of High School, you have Quebec = 5 and Everywhere Else = 6.

Hope this explains it clearly!  ;D

The only question that remains is... why is everything so backwards here in Quebec?!  :facepalm:
This raises the question then about the acceptance numbers
Since students from quebec have to do the prep year are they counted as part of the ROTP applicants each year or a separate budget entirely

Just curious if anyone knows :)

As always Goodluck to all :)
Chalupas said:
This raises the question then about the acceptance numbers
Since students from quebec have to do the prep year are they counted as part of the ROTP applicants each year or a separate budget entirely

Just curious if anyone knows :)

As always Goodluck to all :)

I'm not sure if they "have to" or not, you'd best ask a recruiter to confirm that. As I stated though, I speculate that it is probably much preferred.

If I would have to assume based on little experience and a high degree of logic, I am inclined to believe that students accepted into the prep year are automatically transferred to RMC (barring any and all exceptional cases).  :2c:
My recruiter told me that (I'm from quebec with no CEGEP) I have more chance because I'm applying prep year because they had difficulty to fill it.

I don't know if it is true or not, I don't base my application with this little argument.
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