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Regular Officer Training Plan (ROTP)-RMC 2000 - 2018 [Merged]

  • Thread starter Thread starter Travis Silcox
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No, every candidate on BMOQ are expected to meet the same standard prescribed by the CF EXPRES.
Cui said:
No, every candidate on BMOQ are expected to meet the same standard prescribed by the CF EXPRES.

Well yes I understand that, but I mean during the actual course.. you don't rinse and repeat the EXPRES test everyday haha (I'm assuming at least!)
Though I haven't done BMOQ yet, I did do the recruit camp at the MEGA and I know that when you are on course, you are treated as an Officer Cadet. Not a prospective Infantry officer or anything like that. Everybody gets treated the same. This makes sense because people's trades often change after BMOQ.

Just a note; the physical fitness that they asked of me at the MEGA was a joke compared to what they demanded of me in my first weeks at RMC. I am convinced anybody can do both, but you should still do everything you can do to improve yourself as this will greatly decrease your chance of injury (which is a high likelihood at RMC). Strive to beat the RMC PPT scores. Don't even concern yourself with the CF EXPRES scores (unless you struggle in one particular area like pushups, then you should strive for at least the CF EXPRES).
OneMissionataTime said:
For all those who are going infantry or want to be infantry; prepare for some pretty rigorous PT. Long-ruck marching, long distance running and a lot of bodyweight pyrometric workouts, (Push-ups, pull-ups and Up downs and planks.). Most of the lads on my TPs could crush a run 5k in 19 minutes and were equally impressive in muscular endurance (by Express standards 70 Push-ups non-stop; 70 sit-ups in a minute; 20 pull-ups). To lead the best you have too be the best, in all aspects.

These are gonna be my benchmarks. I plan to be able to surpass them by August.
^ You do come off a little cocky, btw.

I received an email from a coach today and he said that the board sits on the 5th and that the offers go out mid to late April.

The timeline grows again...
Everyone seems like they are hearing different timelines, I was told that if I get accepted for the first wave I should know within the next two weeks. So, I am not too sure what to believe! As long as it's not too late, like May  :P
Yeah I was told that they sat on the 26th and that the earliest we should hear is the fifth.  ???

With regards to acceptance, I was told that the earliest I would hear from CFRC Vic would be mid-April/early May, but I could hear from them right up to the end of July.

For fitness standards, a REALLY good workout is Flower by Moby. You play the song and do push-ups/chin-ups/leg raises to the song (ie "bring sally up"=go up, "bring sally down"=return to start position). It is what they use in Tracy squadron at CMR to prep for the first year obstacle course. Another good resource is Daily Drill. It's for push ups, they email you daily with your workout. I find it works better for me than the 100 push-up program, you're able to adjust it if you're having trouble.

Anyways, good luck to everyone, and congrats LOLslamball! Hopefully the rest of us will be hearing good news soon! In the meantime, time for push-ups. Remember, pain is weakness leaving the body!
canada94 said:
Are Infantry applicant's during BMOQ held to a different standard then that of everyone else? Sorry if I am sounding trivial, this is a serious question!

Not during BMOQ; during BMOQ-L they have started in G-town too funnel infantry candidates through in pure INF O Serials. From what I heard, it is only on average 10% physically more strenuous then other BMOQ-L. However, there was more "hands on learning" and a lot more bumps, pull-pulls and platoon organized attacks.

For Phase III its pretty hard all the way through; until you hit range week.. Which is still difficult. Haha.. Extremely disheartening; since I remember dragging my ass through 20k ruck and watching the armoured boys roll up beside us in MTVLs and LAVs.
Heff18 said:
Here's my tip:

Every time you feel the need to check for updates, drop and give me 10!

That's 120 push-ups already today, good prep for Recruit Camp  8)

<<Edited to correct my glaring, although mildly amusing, error.>>

So reading through the entire ROTP 2011-2012 thread... I have decided to adopt this motto!  :blotto:

Also, it is going to be quite amusing to see who will post about their bogus acceptance call on April 1st.  ;D
matthew1786 said:
So reading through the entire ROTP 2011-2012 thread... I have decided to adopt this motto!  :blotto:

Also, it is going to be quite amusing to see who will post about their bogus acceptance call on April 1st.  ;D

Damn it.. you didn't have to bring up the April 1st thing.. way to ruin the fun  ;D
So distraught, I called my file manager today and he said their waiting on my medical file to come back from the Medical Office, I am assuming for my eyesight, but sucks he said to call back in a week or two....Hopefully I can make it into the second admission board now  :'(

Again will keep updating, Good Luck again to you all!

Mitch :salute:
For whoever has been following the budget reveal, it is most likely a very sad day for all of us here in this thread hoping for good news in mid April. Whatever money the CF had budgeted to expanding its regular force size from ~68k personnel to ~70k personnel was just thrown out the window. This means that selections will probably only be made to replace positions that open up, and that isn't even accounting for the 7200 government jobs being eliminated through attrition. This will also delay the selection process as they are most likely re-evaluating how many applicants are to be accepted.

Things just got a heck of a lot more competitive. It has been a pleasure gentlemen.  :salute:
matthew1786 said:
For whoever has been following the budget reveal, it is most likely a very sad day for all of us here in this thread hoping for good news in mid April. Whatever money the CF had budgeted to expanding its regular force size from ~68k personnel to ~70k personnel was just thrown out the window. This means that selections will probably only be made to replace positions that open up, and that isn't even accounting for the 7200 government jobs being eliminated through attrition. This will also delay the selection process as they are most likely re-evaluating how many applicants are to be accepted.

crap just got a heck of a lot more competitive. It has been a pleasure gentlemen.  :salute:

Now now, let's not speculate, and fuel further anxiety. I say that despite whatever news we hear, we should still hold our heads up and hope for the best. Let's not make assumptions about the situation. We'll hear about it when we hear about it. Be optimistic, who knows, maybe it will be one of those "glass half full" turnouts.

Don't give up hope.  :salute:
matthew1786 said:
For whoever has been following the budget reveal, it is most likely a very sad day for all of us here in this thread hoping for good news in mid April. Whatever money the CF had budgeted to expanding its regular force size from ~68k personnel to ~70k personnel was just thrown out the window. This means that selections will probably only be made to replace positions that open up, and that isn't even accounting for the 7200 government jobs being eliminated through attrition. This will also delay the selection process as they are most likely re-evaluating how many applicants are to be accepted.

Things just got a heck of a lot more competitive. It has been a pleasure gentlemen.  :salute:


Looks like Kingston will be fine
Cui said:
Now now, let's not speculate, and fuel further anxiety. I say that despite whatever news we hear, we should still hold our heads up and hope for the best. Let's not make assumptions about the situation. We'll hear about it when we hear about it. Be optimistic, who knows, maybe it will be one of those "glass half full" turnouts.

Don't give up hope.  :salute:

I agree, we should still hold our heads up high and be optimistic as some will still make the cut.  :)

it would be naive to ignore the facts that were revealed to us about the new budget. About five years ago the DND was promised a 20 billion increase starting in 2011-2012 over the span of about a decade or so. Today, that +20 billion turned to -2.1 billion over a shorter period. That most likely translates to virtually zero growth.  :dunno:

OK enough about that! Time for push-ups before bed!  ;D

Edit: Brain Fart
matthew1786 said:
. . . Whatever money the CF had budgeted to expanding its regular force size from ~68k personnel to ~70k personnel was just thrown out the window. . .
I'm not sure the CF had any money budgeted for this.  I'm not expert in these things, but about a week ago (so before the budget announcement) I heard a brief from the Chief of Air Staff where we were told that the manning level of ~68,000 would be maintained.

Don't wear your raincoat until it rains.
I second what jwtg said. All the higher ups in the military said that the manning level of the CF will be maintained. This means that we still need to actively recruit because all the baby boomers are retiring. I would not expect the number of slots available for ROTP cadets would decrease much, if any. Another thing to point out is that those 7200 government jobs being eliminated through attrition will not be coming from the CF. It is possible they will come from elsewhere in the DND, but not from the CF. The CF higher ups have been pretty clear about that before and after the budget was revealed.
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