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Regular Officer Training Plan (ROTP)-RMC 2000 - 2018 [Merged]

  • Thread starter Thread starter Travis Silcox
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First of all, forgive my English please, I come from Quebec and I'm not bilingual.

So, I'm 18 years old and I applied for the PFOR (in English I think that it's ROTP) and I'm now waiting for the results of my health condition. I got 82% overall in highscool and I'm now at the Rimouski College in civil engineering program and I have 86% with 30 R quotation. I play hockey in a competition league and I coach in a Midget team. I won many scholarships and I'm very athletic.
I'm here today to ask you if you think that I have my chance to be accepted in the Civil Engineering Program at the RMC next year. I don't know if this program is full, but I know that it has a lack of construction officer in the CF.

Thank you for your answers and answers by email are welcomed too!
(Sorry for my English!)
Hello Migperreault

Your candidature is looking very good. Your grades are excellent and you keep an active lifestyle ( and keep it up). Your coaching experience will be of great value, it shows that you are willing to lead and help others succeed. I am presuming you successfully passed your CFAT for the trade you opted for. You did your medical. The only thing left is your interview. Prepare well for your interview and you will have a strong candidature ready for next year.

I am not worried for your chances.  You are still young, If next year is not your year, don't despair, be even more prepared for the next. You have time on your side, just don't waste it.

Je te souhaite le meilleur des chances et succes
Thank you The eternal learner!

I made the interview and I think that all was good... some questions were hard but I think that I did well and the interviewer was surprised about my marks and my experience in the civil engineering field with my summer jobs.

I don't know how many students are accepted in the program, but I hope that I will be ok with my health to finally be accepted at Kingston.

Thank you!
It's April! Hopefully we all get some great news this month, I think we all deserve it.

Anyone who has made it this far in the application stage has a good shot, so think optimistic!
About the budget.

It was Lt.-Gen. A. Leslie who before retirement headed a massive study on the CF and DND on how relocate resources to meet federal deficit budgeting or maximize the DND/CF budget. It outline's a 1.1 billion dollar reduction which is inline with what our current federal budget outlined as well. Read through it as it is very interesting and outlines some key areas such as recruitment, restructuring, and so on.

Also, for all new applicants this year. Good luck and remember to keep a positive attitude and don't give up if you don't get the news you want to hear! If you want, work for it and it will come to you.
Recruiting Center: Rimouski, Quebec
Regular/Reserve: Regular
Officer/NCM: Officer
Trade Choice 1: Construction Engineering Officer
Trade Choice 2: X
Trade Choice 3: X
Application Date: January 15th 2012
First Contact: January 15th 2012 (Schedule)
Aptitude Test:January 16th 2012
Interview:January 20th 2012
Medical: January 25th 2012
Merit Listed: April 2nd!!
Position Offered: X
Enrollment/Swear in: X
Basic Training Begins: X

Waiting for ROTP news! The recruiter said that we will have news this week or the other!!
nairna said:
It was Lt.-Gen. A. Leslie who before retirement headed a massive study on the CF and DND on how relocate resources

He was involved in a report on how to "reallocate" resources, not "relocate".
migperreault said:
... The recruiter said that we will have news this week or the other!!

Doesn't reading this make your stomach cringe or is it just me? We're days away from knowing who's accepted.. I think I'm going to keep a bucket beside my bed at night since I'm so nervous.

-Phoebe  :cdn:
Phoebe said:
Doesn't reading this make your stomach cringe or is it just me? We're days away from knowing who's accepted.. I think I'm going to keep a bucket beside my bed at night since I'm so nervous.

-Phoebe  :cdn:

Yes, yes it does.  ;D
I cannot wait to find out, even if it is a no, I think I gave it a good run!

BUT hopefully it is a yes! Been waiting since October (when I finished all the necessary steps)!

Hello all,

I posted a few times last year and a couple of times this year and figured I would add one to the list.

You may guess by my first sentence, I was not accepted last year. My recruiter last year told me I was a sure thing and that I had nothing to worry about; turned out he was wrong. I was so sure I was going to be accepted that I was almost calling myself O'cdt. When I called the recruiter in early April to receive the negative news, I was more than devastated. I remember being in a state of shock for a couple days. In the weeks leading up to that day I felt I was already a part of the CF team and that call ripped that away.

Now this is NOT meant to be a downer on all the excitement; it is an attempt to make sure everyone is hopeful but ready for the possibility of this match going to a second round (2013). Despite not being accepted, I continued with my plans. My wife and I moved to Ottawa, I began Aerospace Engineering at Carleton and pushed on developing myself as much as I can. I volunteered everywhere I could, including an Air Cadet Squadron, improved on my French skills, and athletics.

I am in the running this year as you are and share your excitement. However I know that if things don't go through again this year, I will continue my work and apply again, and again, and again. I am going on two years since I first set foot into the recruiting centre in Winnipeg and I don't intend to let these two years go to waste.

The fact that you have made it this far speaks a lot regarding who you are but know that sometimes it takes a few tries to get the real prize. If you aren't selected this year, don't be discouraged, a year is plenty of time to become that much more competitive and get it next year.

Good luck to all and whether I make it this year or not, I will be in the "ROTP 2013-2014" as either a competitor or as a supporter.

A beautiful and well written post, KY. I sincerely hope you make it this time!

Do you mind if I ask what trades you were/are applying for?
Yea, I'd be very very interested to know what trades you applied for too. You seem like a great applicant and believing that you didn't get accepted is difficult to comprehend.

-Phoebe  :cdn:
Thank you, I hope that my post is able to inspire/support others on the board.

I have applied for:

Aerospace Engineering Officer AERE
Communications and Electronics Engineering officer CELE
Construction Engineering Officer

I agree with what KY-Ottawa said. Hope for the best, and if not this year, then there is always next year.

The CF is not going anywhere, and some extra life experience outside of the military is never a bad thing. I was not selected to attend RMC for ROTP last year, in fact, I didn't even make the merit list since my high school marks were not high enough. Mostly due to me slacking off in grade 11. However, I pulled my socks up in grade 12 and was accepted to all civilian universities that I applied to. I am almost finished my first year at the University of Waterloo.

I was in cadets, and I thought that I would go straight to RMC right after I retired from cadets. However I was not selected, and chose to attend Waterloo. I feel that during my year away, I became a more mature person, and got a lot of fresh perspectives about life in general through going to school away from a military setting, and from volunteering at various things. However, I still desire to serve my country as an officer in the Canadian Forces. Right now preference would be to stay at Waterloo and finish my degree through ROTP. However if I do get offered RMC I would still accept. I feel that I grew a lot as a person in the past year, and that those experiences would definitely help me become a better officer in the CF.

So moral of the story, work hard, hope for the best, and that getting some life experience is never a bad thing. 
Cui said:
I agree with what KY-Ottawa said. Hope for the best, and if not this year, then there is always next year.

If you do not get selected this year, there is always next year. The CF is not going anywhere, and some extra life experience outside of the military is never a bad thing. I was not selected to attend RMC for ROTP last year, in fact, I didn't even make the merit list since my high school marks were not high enough. Mostly due to me slacking off in grade 11. However, I pulled my socks up in grade 12 and was accepted to all civilian universities that I applied to. I am almost finished my first year at the University of Waterloo.

I was in cadets, and I thought that I would go straight to RMC right after I retired from cadets. However I was not selected, and chose to attend Waterloo. I feel that during my year away, I became a more mature person, and got a lot of fresh perspectives about life in general through going to school away from a military setting, and from volunteering at various things. However, I still desire to serve my country as an officer in the Canadian Forces. Right now preference would be to stay at Waterloo and finish my degree through ROTP. However if I do get offered RMC I would still accept. I feel that I grew a lot as a person in the past year, and that those experiences would definitely help me become a better officer in the CF.

So moral of the story, work hard, hope for the best, and that getting some life experience is never a bad thing.

Just FYI but if you are already in a civillian university, and you are accepted for ROTP, then that is where you will stay.  There are exceptions but they are very few and far between.
Hatchet Man said:
Just FYI but if you are already in a civillian university, and you are accepted for ROTP, then that is where you will stay.  There are exceptions but they are very few and far between.

Yep, I am in my second year at a civilian university. When I advised my recruiter that if I were given an offer for RMC I would take it, she told me that there was no chance that I would ever get such an offer; that it was impossible. She advised me that if selected the only offers coming my way would be for ROTP civi-U.
Hatchet Man said:
Just FYI but if you are already in a civillian university, and you are accepted for ROTP, then that is where you will stay.  There are exceptions but they are very few and far between.

My son was not initially accepted and completed a full year of university before being accepted for last year.  His first choice was to continue at civvy u, but he was selected for RMC.  He started over as a first year, with a couple of his courses from civvy u being accepted (I think he could have had more, but he just chose to repeat them.)  Perhaps the decision on where they are sent is based on program.  However he was more than happy to go to Kingston and is having the time of his life!
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