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Regular Officer Training Plan (ROTP)-RMC 2000 - 2018 [Merged]

  • Thread starter Thread starter Travis Silcox
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Hour and a half a day, 5 days a week Eat right. That should be enough focus.

Over do it and you'll be more inclined to quit.
Cui said:
I wonder what the RC staff talk about at their parties. They probably do laugh at the dumb stuff that we applicants sometimes say  :facepalm:

Nope, most don't even know about this site.  And those that do, don't care. 

As for calling us, if you are merit listed don't call us repeatedly "just to check in", we will call you if/when you are selected, RC's having nothing to do with the selection process.
Cui said:
Cool, I am a first year arts student at Waterloo, and will be a Sociology/Legal Studies double major starting this fall as a 2nd year.

I applied for civvy-u ROTP as well, didn't apply for RMC.

I applied for armour and logistics as well, just that they are in completely opposite orders haha.

Legal Studies, thats great! I'm assuming you'll be wanting to write the LSAT later on?

I am enrolled in a Specialized Honours program, but I am considering just switching to the regular Honours... I'd like a little more variety in the courses I can take. I took a Modes of Reasoning course this year and it was one of those life changing courses that completely changes the way you think/look at the world and interact with people.

As for all of the comments regarding how competitive applications are, I am leaving it all up to the members of the CF who take care of it. I had originally applied NCM, intending to complete my degree part time, and if I am not accepted into the ROTP, I will try and flip my application back and try to go that way. I figure all of the reasons I want to be an Officer are just as applicable as an NCM.

If I am declined, I will write a little more about myself, my background and my application to serve as a comparison for people. Right now, I don't think it does any good for us all to compare our stats or constantly question our worthiness.

If I were to put my two cents in regarding prep, if you google 20 msr training it brings up the remedial training program that the PSP staff use with people who have failed the shuttle run. I have been focusing on jogging until this week, and now I am mixing it up with this program so that I have experience with getting faster as I run instead of maintaining pace.

oaktown said:
Everyone a little too on edge to post? What's everyone planning for the summer - forget the contract and what not, who's got plans? I'm a reservist so I'm on course. Any others?

I am working for the month of May, and then travelling around the world all of June and the first week of July. Once I get home, I am off again to the Calgary Stampede! After that, it depends on whether I've made it this year. If I did, I will just relax and spend time with family until recruit camp. If I didn't, I'll be heading to Waterloo, UAlberta, or Carleton for engineering. If I am extremely unlucky and don't make it into any universities, I am moving east to find work (and perhaps a real winter!) and I'll reapply in September!

On another note, my friends are finding great amusement in trolling me. My phone buzzes once regardless of whether someone is calling or texting me (it is broken) and so for the last week and a half, they have been coordinating with each other to text me at random times between 8 and 4. I, of course, think it's a call (maybe even THE call!) and grab my phone, only to find them asking if CFRC has called and if I know I'm going to RMC or not yet. They find it hilarious. Needless to say, I am REALLY looking forward to learning the board's decision on my application.
gawnewiththewind said:
On another note, my friends are finding great amusement in trolling me. My phone buzzes once regardless of whether someone is calling or texting me (it is broken) and so for the last week and a half, they have been coordinating with each other to text me at random times between 8 and 4. I, of course, think it's a call (maybe even THE call!) and grab my phone, only to find them asking if CFRC has called and if I know I'm going to RMC or not yet. They find it hilarious.

That's so evil  >:D

I would do this to them if they dared do that to me ( see attachment )

Just got looking at my last years notice of selection and terms of service. To give a rough outline of how it played out for me last year - ***1)This is just my experience and doesn't mean it will be the same for you or this year at all and 2) Use this info how you wish to help you sleep at night or plan your summer again acknowledging it was based on MY experience and could very well be different ***- My notice of selection arrived  27-Apr it included: That I was selected, for which institute, degree program, MOSID, and who I needed to respond to with my intentions and by when (Also I was told this response was just of my intentions, until you sign anything nothing is official...as seen since I ended up turning down my offer) AND, my terms of service arrived 14-July it included: Posted to (institution), Rank, Pay, MOSID, Transfer date, and terms of service (length)..it then said again you have x-amount of days to reply before moving forward...and I was told this reply was a bit more of a commitment more like 99% yes I'm in, but again NOTHING is official, especially with the military until the paper is signed and even then until you are on the ground....this is from past experience with courses etc.

Hope this info gives you all some more insight. Also I hope all are keeping busy and well.
oaktown said:
Just got looking at my last years notice of selection and terms of service. To give a rough outline of how it played out for me last year - ***1)This is just my experience and doesn't mean it will be the same for you or this year at all and 2) Use this info how you wish to help you sleep at night or plan your summer again acknowledging it was based on MY experience and could very well be different ***- My notice of selection arrived  27-Apr it included: That I was selected, for which institute, degree program, MOSID, and who I needed to respond to with my intentions and by when (Also I was told this response was just of my intentions, until you sign anything nothing is official...as seen since I ended up turning down my offer) AND, my terms of service arrived 14-July it included: Posted to (institution), Rank, Pay, MOSID, Transfer date, and terms of service (length)..it then said again you have x-amount of days to reply before moving forward...and I was told this reply was a bit more of a commitment more like 99% yes I'm in, but again NOTHING is official, especially with the military until the paper is signed and even then until you are on the ground....this is from past experience with courses etc.

Hope this info gives you all some more insight. Also I hope all are keeping busy and well.

Thanks oaktown, it's nice to have a source that has been there/done that as far as receiving an offer goes.
oaktown said:
Everyone a little too on edge to post? What's everyone planning for the summer - forget the contract and what not, who's got plans? I'm a reservist so I'm on course. Any others?

Student Border Services Officer with Canada Border Services Agency.
migperreault said:
Student Border Services Officer with Canada Border Services Agency.

what is that

Border guard for the summer.

If you are a post-secondary student, like in university or college, I don't know about CEGEP, you can work for the Canadian Border Services as a border services officer.

A border services officer is just someone who makes sure that people have the proper documents (i.e passport, visa) when they come into Canada, and also that they don't have anything that they are not supposed to have (i.e. weapons, drugs, organic product, etc.).

Students will be employed for the summer doing that, I don't know if it's under the supervision of an actual border services officer or not, someone who know more about it can shed some light about it.
Cui said:
If you are a post-secondary student, like in university or college, I don't know about CEGEP, you can work for the Canadian Border Services as a border services officer.

A border services officer is just someone who makes sure that people have the proper documents (i.e passport, visa) when they come into Canada, and also that they don't have anything that they are not supposed to have (i.e. weapons, drugs, organic product, etc.).

Students will be employed for the summer doing that, I don't know if it's under the supervision of an actual border services officer or not, someone who know more about it can shed some light about it.

Students work along side seasoned BSO's.

They typically only work in primary inspection though.

They also work in postal and commerical operations.

They no longer work at land crossings since officers are now armed.
The Travel Is There said:
Students work along side seasoned BSO's.

They typically only work in primary inspection though.

They also work in postal and commerical operations.

They no longer work at land crossings since officers are now armed.

Cool, thanks for the info. I thought about applying, but then since I have to travel for the summer, I can't really commit to it for the whole summer. But good to know.
Not to increase anxiety or anything haha ... But I called my  local RC (London, ont) and was told that all first round selections have been made and they have been sent to the national center for final processing and approval and distribution of offers will begin within the next two weeks, closer to may 1st was the date I was given
Chalupas said:
Not to increase anxiety or anything haha ... But I called my  local RC (London, ont) and was told that all first round selections have been made and they have been sent to the national center for final processing and approval and distribution of offers will begin within the next two weeks, closer to may 1st was the date I was given

Failed!  ;D
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