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Regular Officer Training Plan (ROTP)-RMC 2000 - 2018 [Merged]

  • Thread starter Thread starter Travis Silcox
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gawnewiththewind said:
I am also going for mech engineering! Where outta Vancouver are you from? Too bad about the Canucks! I watched the entire game, and they scored just as my friend showed up and I had to answer the door! By the way, I'm outta Victoria

Good luck to everyone still waiting! And congrats to everyone accepted. I am looking forward to August!

Cool. Yea too bad for the Canucks. :(Likewise I am also looking forward to August, and meeting you and several other officer cadets. I'm from Coquitlam by the way and to tell you the truth I am still in in a bit of shock that I got accepted lol. The excitement is building each and every day.  :o
Congratulations to everyone who has received their calls. Has anyone heard from CFRC Windsor yet?
Ajraddatz said:
The officer called me from their home. It surprised me quite a bit since the CFRC was closed then.

That is beyond strange. Are you pulling our leg?!  ::)
matthew1786 said:
That is beyond strange. Are you pulling our leg?!  ::)

Haha, sounds bizarre, right? CFRC Windsor's Detachment Commander called me from home on a Saturday to schedule my interview.
Got an offer for NCS ENG yesterday afternoon for whoever was asking! (at RMC, BEng - civil)
Good luck to all waiting!

I got the call earlier this afternoon ;D Accepted for MARS at civilian university.  Saw the blinky light on my blackberry and thought it was a reply to a text.  Nope.  Voice mail from CFRC Kingston  :nod: 

If you're still waiting, hang in there.  To be honest, I had almost written myself off after seeing other people from my area post that they had received offers and I still hadn't.  I guess being anxious makes you jump to conclusions.
Hello everyone  :salute: you may address me as JJ.  I have been following this thread all throughout my application and through the ''waiting game'', yet now I have created an account to announce that I have just been offered a position as Electrical/Mechanical engineering at RMC Kingston  ;D I got accepted from the recruiting center in Ottawa, Ontario by the way  ;) For all of you still waiting don't lose hope  :)  :cdn:
trevorreid said:
Got an offer for NCS ENG yesterday afternoon for whoever was asking! (at RMC, BEng - civil)
Good luck to all waiting!


Congrats Trevor! What CFRC?

31engnr said:
I got the call earlier this afternoon ;D Accepted for MARS at civilian university.  Saw the blinky light on my blackberry and thought it was a reply to a text.  Nope.  Voice mail from CFRC Kingston  :nod: 

If you're still waiting, hang in there.  To be honest, I had almost written myself off after seeing other people from my area post that they had received offers and I still hadn't.  I guess being anxious makes you jump to conclusions.

JJFz6r said:
Hello everyone  :salute: you may address me as JJ.  I have been following this thread all throughout my application and through the ''waiting game'', yet now I have created an account to announce that I have just been offered a position as Electrical/Mechanical engineering at RMC Kingston  ;D I got accepted from the recruiting center in Ottawa, Ontario by the way  ;) For all of you still waiting don't lose hope  :)  :cdn:

Congratulations to the both of you!

I phoned in today during my lunch period. I've been accepted to RMC St. Jean as a Signals Officer while pursuing a degree in Computer Science.

Thank you all for your support!!!
scriptox said:
I phoned in today during my lunch period. I've been accepted to RMC St. Jean as a Signals Officer while pursuing a degree in Computer Science.

Thank you all for your support!!!

That is great news! Congrats!  :)
Well guys and gals, I finally made it. After 2 years of work and perseverance I have been accepted!

Received a call from the Ottawa RC at 5:30 with an offer for civy u as a CELE. Second choice, but still an occupation I will be excited to have.
KY-Ottawa said:
Well guys and gals, I finally made it. After 2 years of work and perseverance I have been accepted!

Received a call from the Ottawa RC at 5:30 with an offer for civy u as a CELE. Second choice, but still an occupation I will be excited to have.

Congrats! Well deserved!  :)
First off congratulations to everyone one their offers!

But I've got a story to tell: So me and my cousin both applied to ROTP out of Ottawa, him for RMC and me for CiviU. This is my second time applying and I've been in the system for two years now. My cousin on the other hand basically made the decision to apply in the middle of winter. He had alright highschool marks, squeaked through the CFAT, and crawled through the interview, but eventually got merit listed in time. So then we hear the offers are coming out in Ottawa this week, and whaddya know, he gets his call first thing on Monday. First try, fresh outta highschool, a couple weeks shy of 18. I'm really proud of him and I think RMC will forge him into a great officer, but you just gotta understand that sometimes "Higher" works in mysterious ways.

And second off, CFRC Ottawa called my parents' house today and left a message for me to call back, but I didn't get home in time, so I'm going to inquire first thing tomorrow morning. Fingers crossed! 
littlewhitebuddha said:
First off congratulations to everyone one their offers!

But I've got a story to tell: So me and my cousin both applied to ROTP out of Ottawa, him for RMC and me for CiviU. This is my second time applying and I've been in the system for two years now. My cousin on the other hand basically made the decision to apply in the middle of winter. He had alright highschool marks, squeaked through the CFAT, and crawled through the interview, but eventually got merit listed in time. So then we hear the offers are coming out in Ottawa this week, and whaddya know, he gets his call first thing on Monday. First try, fresh outta highschool, a couple weeks shy of 18. I'm really proud of him and I think RMC will forge him into a great officer, but you just gotta understand that sometimes "Higher" works in mysterious ways.

And second off, CFRC Ottawa called my parents' house today and left a message for me to call back, but I didn't get home in time, so I'm going to inquire first thing tomorrow morning. Fingers crossed!

If you both applied for the same trades then he may have done better than you on the interview.
This year's my second time applying (took a fifth year of highschool to upgrade marks/competitiveness) and I was accepted so I'm sure you can be too! Good luck and keep your head up.
Kayghee said:
If you both applied for the same trades then he may have done better than you on the interview.
This year's my second time applying (took a fifth year of highschool to upgrade marks/competitiveness) and I was accepted so I'm sure you can be too! Good luck and keep your head up.

What did you get accepted for?
littlewhitebuddha said:
First off congratulations to everyone one their offers!

But I've got a story to tell: So me and my cousin both applied to ROTP out of Ottawa, him for RMC and me for CiviU. This is my second time applying and I've been in the system for two years now. My cousin on the other hand basically made the decision to apply in the middle of winter. He had alright highschool marks, squeaked through the CFAT, and crawled through the interview, but eventually got merit listed in time. So then we hear the offers are coming out in Ottawa this week, and whaddya know, he gets his call first thing on Monday. First try, fresh outta highschool, a couple weeks shy of 18. I'm really proud of him and I think RMC will forge him into a great officer, but you just gotta understand that sometimes "Higher" works in mysterious ways.

And second off, CFRC Ottawa called my parents' house today and left a message for me to call back, but I didn't get home in time, so I'm going to inquire first thing tomorrow morning. Fingers crossed!

Don't be discouraged by your cousins "quick and easy" acceptance to the program. I don't know all of your details but just the fact that you are a second round civy u applicant leads me to believe that you are a similar to me. The ideal candidate for ROTP is a straight out of high school sports nut with straight As for marks; which we are not.

I am 9 years older, not part of a sports team and too married  ;). We usually have to do a little extra to stand out and sticking it out into round 2 is a big sign of proper intentions.

You applied through Ottawa and received a call within the week the results were in; I'd say that is an excellent sign.
Good morning guys. I just wanted to update you on my status, I received an informal call and email notifying me of my acceptance this morning. If anyone was skeptical about this dream it would have been me.
I have been chasing this dream for six years and been rejected for so many reasons it's almost impossible for me to believe anything is going to actually work out.
Of course I have been following these posts since day 1 last year and my anxiety has been off the charts.
I also know that lots of accepted people have been saying keep your head up which can obviously be difficult with all your thoughts clouding your head, so instead, my advice would be to never give up no matter what you hear. I know that this response seems life or death for your dream, don't let it be. If this is really what you want, no question then I can promise you that if you know in your own mind that no answer will ever stop you from getting the job you want, than you've already been accepted. The most powerful aspect of any application is determination and it shines bright. On the flip side if you don't know this is what you want to do in anyway! get the heck out of the system and let someone who really wants this job to fill in that spot. I have trained new guys coming in to the Infantry and within a day I can tell if they are determined enough to succeed. The ones who aren't always quit and I always see a line up of people waiting to fill their spots but have to wait for another year to do it.

For those who are sitting at home in a bucket of sweat with a ratty map posted on the wall and colourful pins marking the location of each acceptance, my stats are below:

Accepted PLT, Component Transfer, ROTP Student Civy U (U of T - International Relations) just finishing 1st year
22 yrs old
CFRC Mississauga - although this doesn't matter since I got my call from Ottawa D Mil C7
Infantry Reservist since Feb 07'
CFAT - I'd say squeaked by
Interview - pretty good
CFASC - failed ASCO test, passed Pilot Sim (obviously)

For other CT's I have been told to wait for the formal letter which is on it's way in the mail. So I feel that the call was more of a courtesy and the real information will be in a letter.


Hey Stretch,

Great news on your acceptance!  I was in the same boat as you,  I'm turning 22 and joined the infantry with 4 RCR back in early 2008 and got accepted for ACSO for a BA.  Are you headed to RMC Kingston or RMC St Jean?  I got word that I'm spending a year in St Jean first and then finishing the last 3 in Kingston.  Something to do with lack of space in Kingston and due to random selection, they want to even out the class sizes to fit more candidates who would normally go to Civvy U into Kingston or St Jean. 

Are you a Corporal or Master Corporal?  I finished my mod 6 this past summer and hopefully will be able to keep my pay grade. Did you hear any information on that for yourself?  I totally agree with you about perseverance and to keep trying if this is your first time applying and you don't get good news back.  I myself am an Infantry instructor know what it takes for guys and girls to get through the courses and trust me, they are not easy.  But if it is truly your dream, then anything is possible.  I've seen a 18 year old female troop about 120 lbs take a C6 off a 24 years old 200lb dude on an 8 km ruck march. 

Which Regiment are you from?  QOR, 48th?

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