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Regular Officer Training Plan (ROTP)-RMC 2000 - 2018 [Merged]

  • Thread starter Thread starter Travis Silcox
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JoBo said:
Yes. This comes directly from Captain Korn. He's a really great guy and he also did my interview. We had a good 5 minute conversation when I was at CFRC Vancouver on the 19th. That was one of the things he told me.

I did my interview with him too and he was really nice.  :D
littlewhitebuddha said:
She didn't say exactly, but I'd guess that's how many guys were merit listed. I wouldn't think guys who weren't listed would be counted as applicants since technically they didn't make it through the application. But who knows.

Just goes to show you how competitive the rotp program is and how prestigious it is to get accepted.  ;D
I got a call at 3:04 from my Recruitment Centre but I missed it!! I've called them back like 5 time and no one will pick up. I'm out of CFRC Vancouver.
Courtney.Williams said:
Fear not, those out of CFRC Halifax: I got my call today, accepted to RMC Kingston as EME. Hopefully you guys will hear first thing Monday!
Congrats! See you in August.

127phoenix said:
I did my interview with him too and he was really nice.  :D
Yes, super nice.
Congrats on all who have been accepted!  :salute:

A bit of an update on my situation. I have been told by my recruiting centre that I was most likely not selected for the first round. Therefore I have to move onto the second round if there are spots available. I know that there will only be a small number of spots available for the second and third round, but I am not going to give up hope and going to remain optimistic about the whole thing.

Good luck to all those still waiting, and again, congratulations to all those who have been accepted. Hopefully I can join all of you this summer as well  ;D
Cui said:
Congrats on all who have been accepted!  :salute:

A bit of an update on my situation. I have been told by my recruiting centre that I was most likely not selected for the first round. Therefore I have to move onto the second round if there are spots available. I know that there will only be a small number of spots available for the second and third round, but I am not going to give up hope and going to remain optimistic about the whole thing.

Good luck to all those still waiting, and again, congratulations to all those who have been accepted. Hopefully I can join all of you this summer as well  ;D

Damn. Well I'm sure you will be receiving good news in the near future! Like you said: Don't give up! Good luck!
Cui said:
Congrats on all who have been accepted!  :salute:

A bit of an update on my situation. I have been told by my recruiting centre that I was most likely not selected for the first round. Therefore I have to move onto the second round if there are spots available. I know that there will only be a small number of spots available for the second and third round, but I am not going to give up hope and going to remain optimistic about the whole thing.

Good luck to all those still waiting, and again, congratulations to all those who have been accepted. Hopefully I can join all of you this summer as well  ;D

I'm right there with you on that one Cui. I was told that the offers for the second selection would roll out in the beginning of June. Good luck, we are going to need it.  :salute:
Thanks guys, hang in there, since in my experience good news will come to those who are patient.  :)

selections aren't done!, I know following these posts it is difficult to not feel like you're are not being left behind when you hear about everyone else's acceptances, but time will not slow down for anyone and this selection has, in retrospect, just started so remain optimistic and aggressive towards your dreams.

Cui said:
Thanks guys, hang in there, since in my experience good news will come to those who are patient.  :)

I would strongly disagree, good news comes to those who are persistent and who have the courage to persevere. In my experience if I yielded for life and waited for things to happen, nothing ever would. Keep moving forward, keep being aggressive, use a delay or "rejection" to your advantage to strengthen yourself; and never take no for an answer.

my  :2c:
True, however, this is my second attempt at ROTP. I applied when I was in grade 12, but was not accepted. So I moved onto university, and applied again from there.

As well, I have inquired into joining the reserves, as well as the possibility of becoming a CIC officer if I do not get selected this year. Although I am hoping to be accepted this year, I have been looking for other ways to serve in the CF, since it is something that I've wanted to do for a long time.

I meant that it's not good to get too anxious over it, but yes, I agree that good news come to those who are persistent and persevere through the hard times. 
When I put in my ROTP application in september, I also put one in for the reserves in the hopes that I would get into the reserves to see what military life was like. They told me in Feb. that they closed my reserve file because there was no point in keeping it open because they would have no time to train me. Although they closed my file for the reserves they suggested that if I am not accepted to ROTP that I could apply to the reserves again as an offiicer while I was going through uni and help me pay for a little bit of it. Might be a good option for you to consider. You could probably do a CT and switch to Reg Force when you finish uni.

Just a suggestion based on what a recruiter told me.
There's nothing wrong with joining reserves of even going NCM in the reg force. I know we're all gung ho about being officers, but it's not like NCM's are anything less. Sure your pay grades are lower and you can't get into the officers mess, but you're the person who's actually getting shit done! We need good officers to lead, but in a way it's just as important to have proficient people to carry out the orders. My Plan B was to just go reg force as an NCM, and if you put the same motivation towards being an operator as you have towards becoming an officer then you're bound to go far. There are so many opportunities within the military, so don't think this is the be-all-and-end-all. It may sound trivial coming from a guy who's already got his acceptance but I know that if I want my subordinates to respect me that I've got to respect them first.
littlewhitebuddha said:
There's nothing wrong with joining reserves of even going NCM in the reg force. I know we're all gung ho about being officers, but it's not like NCM's are anything less. Sure your pay grades are lower and you can't get into the officers mess, but you're the person who's actually getting crap done! We need good officers to lead, but in a way it's just as important to have proficient people to carry out the orders. My Plan B was to just go reg force as an NCM, and if you put the same motivation towards being an operator as you have towards becoming an officer then you're bound to go far. There are so many opportunities within the military, so don't think this is the be-all-and-end-all. It may sound trivial coming from a guy who's already got his acceptance but I know that if I want my subordinates to respect me that I've got to respect them first.

Again, I'm going to see how this develops. Thank you for the advice. I do have a number of friends who are NCMs in the reserves. I would not mind being an NCM at all. Though my preference would still be for officer, not for the prestige of it, but I enjoy the planning and the added responsibility that comes along with it.

We'll just have to see where life takes us. Like I said, I would be happy to serve in the CF in any capacity, since it is something that I have always wanted to do for a long time now.
good day everyone,

I got my offer a couple of days ago, it looks like ill be going to st-jean in september for a year before moving to kingston.
I got accepted as an aerospace control officer cadet in aeronautical eng.

good luck to all
stretch said:
selections aren't done!, I know following these posts it is difficult to not feel like you're are not being left behind when you hear about everyone else's acceptances, but time will not slow down for anyone and this selection has, in retrospect, just started so remain optimistic and aggressive towards your dreams.

I would strongly disagree, good news comes to those who are persistent and who have the courage to persevere. In my experience if I yielded for life and waited for things to happen, nothing ever would. Keep moving forward, keep being aggressive, use a delay or "rejection" to your advantage to strengthen yourself; and never take no for an answer.

my  :2c:

I think you might have contradicted yourself in the first sentence.
127phoenix said:
I think you might have contradicted yourself in the first sentence.

what I meant is that we will continue to hear people talk about the next steps after acceptance, even though there are people still waiting. It doesn't mean that it is over for those people and they shouldn't think of it that way.

littlewhitebuddha said:
There's nothing wrong with joining reserves of even going NCM in the reg force. I know we're all gung ho about being officers, but it's not like NCM's are anything less. Sure your pay grades are lower and you can't get into the officers mess, but you're the person who's actually getting crap done! We need good officers to lead, but in a way it's just as important to have proficient people to carry out the orders. My Plan B was to just go reg force as an NCM, and if you put the same motivation towards being an operator as you have towards becoming an officer then you're bound to go far. There are so many opportunities within the military, so don't think this is the be-all-and-end-all. It may sound trivial coming from a guy who's already got his acceptance but I know that if I want my subordinates to respect me that I've got to respect them first.

this is very true and any self respecting officer that I have ever known, has taken the experienced advice of his sargeants and experienced personnel into great value when making any sort of command decisions.

bemason said:
When I put in my ROTP application in september, I also put one in for the reserves in the hopes that I would get into the reserves to see what military life was like. They told me in Feb. that they closed my reserve file because there was no point in keeping it open because they would have no time to train me. Although they closed my file for the reserves they suggested that if I am not accepted to ROTP that I could apply to the reserves again as an officer while I was going through uni and help me pay for a little bit of it. Might be a good option for you to consider. You could probably do a CT and switch to Reg Force when you finish uni.

Just a suggestion based on what a recruiter told me.

This is a great idea, infact very similar to the one that I had when joining. I'm not sure I entirely understand why they would have "closed your file" because they didn't have time to train you, but if it was because you had an ROTP application in at the same time I could understand.

Cui said:
Again, I'm going to see how this develops. Thank you for the advice. I do have a number of friends who are NCMs in the reserves. I would not mind being an NCM at all. Though my preference would still be for officer, not for the prestige of it, but I enjoy the planning and the added responsibility that comes along with it.

We'll just have to see where life takes us. Like I said, I would be happy to serve in the CF in any capacity, since it is something that I have always wanted to do for a long time now.

It would seem to me that you have the motivation to succeed, we will see how far it takes you. And with that I look forward to seeing you in the ol' relish someday soon hopefully. I send my best wishes for your acceptance.
The reason explained to me was there were no more bmq sessions being run that wouls finish by the time I would have to report to school in the fall.
bemason said:
The reason explained to me was there were no more bmq sessions being run that wouls finish by the time I would have to report to school in the fall.

Interesting. I was told that by a recruiter that no applicant was able to "double dip" (apply for ROTP and to the reserves at the same time). Also, my friend was doing BMQ as a reservists on weekends: Fall 2011.
Conz said:
Interesting. I was told that by a recruiter that no applicant was able to "double dip" (apply for ROTP and to the reserves at the same time). Also, my friend was doing BMQ as a reservists on weekends: Fall 2011.

Mine was as well. In halifax the course fills up months ahead though so they wern't going to be able to fit me in until the summer... Second time I was almost in and got cut. The first time I was going for Nav Res and lost my spot due to budget cuts. On the up side though when I did my CFAT when I was 16 I qualified for MARS which I wanted to do so didn't have to do it again this time round.
I qualified the first time I wrote it too, but then this year my file manager gave me the opportunity to write it again and I blew my last score outta the water. It honestly makes your application so much more competitive. A large portion of the overall scoring is based on the CFAT so never hurts to give it a go and really nail it home.
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