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Regular Officer Training Plan (ROTP)-RMC 2000 - 2018 [Merged]

  • Thread starter Thread starter Travis Silcox
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My son got his call out of Halifax yesterday -  MARS at RMC!  Was hoping to continue at Civi Uni but RMC was the offer.
  I was accepted as an AEC, and my first year is at RMC St. Jean. I applied out of CFRC Hamilton.
  Congratulations to all who have gotten the calls, and good luck to those still waiting!

Question: I originally applied to study in Business Administration. I am now looking to major in Military Psychology & Leadership. Both are Arts degrees. Will RMC accept this switch?
cainechapman said:
  I was accepted as an AEC, and my first year is at RMC St. Jean. I applied out of CFRC Hamilton.
  Congratulations to all who have gotten the calls, and good luck to those still waiting!

Question: I originally applied to study in Business Administration. I am now looking to major in Military Psychology & Leadership. Both are Arts degrees. Will RMC accept this switch?

On my ROTP (AEC) conditions of ROTP sponsorship there was a part that read something like "I understand that other degree programs are acceptable but that sponsorship in other programs is subject to further approval"

So probably yes, but you need approval.
LOLslamball said:
On my ROTP (AEC) conditions of ROTP sponsorship there was a part that read something like "I understand that other degree programs are acceptable but that sponsorship in other programs is subject to further approval"

So probably yes, but you need approval.

At RMC, first year arts students study a common curriculum of 'core courses.'  Upon completion of first year, OCdts at RMC (and incoming from St. Jean) will select a program to major in from those programs offered by the Arts department.

So basically, at RMC, you have a whole  year to decide what you would like to study.

Slamball's information is probably specific to Civ U.

Feel free to PM  with any questions.

**EDIT: To add: Slamball, your information might also be correct if someone is trying to switch programs after completing studies in one.  For example, at RMC we don't pick a major (in Arts at least) until second year, meaning after first year we have lost nothing by selecting a different program than we applied for, provided it's good for our trade.  After second year, there may  be an approval process to switch programs.  Or if you want to go from engineering to arts, etc.
Hey everyone.

Awesome to hear about everyone getting acceptances! Congratulations.

I got an offer yesterday for Artillery Officer with the first year at St. Jean  and then at Kingston earning a Bachelor in Engineering. (For those interested; I applied through CFRC Kitchener but I got the call from a Sgt. at CFRC Hamilton).

I turned down the offer though.

This was my third occupation choice  and I have  become a lot less certain about what I want to do in the last little while. So I decided I didn't want to commit to this when it wasn't the occupation I truly wanted and I wasn't sure about the path. It was weird to be turning it down after being so eager a little while ago (I even started this thread aha) but I think this decision is the best for me at this point, although it was a hard decision. I'm definitely not ruling out that I may want to apply DEO later or even to ROTP later in University, so I may still see you guys at some point ;)

But to everyone joining the ROTP program I want to wish you the best of luck and I'm sure it will be an amazing experience.

And to everyone that doesn't get an offer, if there's one thing Tom Cruise taught me it's that "You don't need to wear a patch on your arm to have honor" aha.

Best of Luck

- Kieran
Hello everyone.  I have been following this posting for a while, but have been so nervous about my application that I thought my posting would be whiney/negative

I have word that I have been accepted for my first choice ENGR (2nd choice SIGS 3rd choice NCSO)

I am a CT from the army reserve, have one year of service (took me 20 months to get in the first time)

I spoke to someone "higher up" and was informed that there are still more offers going out, and that they "expect" to have all the offers out by May 11th (however I would say that deadlines are not usually met in recruiting)

For everyone still waiting, keep persevering and best of luck ("easy for you to say" you reply)
Just got a call from my file manager at CFRC Hamilton. It looks like I will be attending RMC Kingston for all four years of school instead of going to Saint-Jean just for my first year.

Cheers and good luck to those still waiting on their news.
I forgot to mention...

I'm going to Civvy U for Electrical Engineering at Carleton University (but applied to switch into Dahousie as my wife has been posted to H-fax, she is Air Force)
JoBo said:
Congrats! You must have been smiling this entire weekend. Perhaps we'll have to organize a dinner or something this summer as a meet and greet for people who were accepted in the greater Vancouver area. I'm from Richmond myself.

A get together sounds like a fine idea!

Anyone have suggestions?
Before reading the rest of this post, let me just mention that I am 1000% committed to attending RMC this fall. It has been my lifelong dream since I can remember.

However, has anyone thought of accepting a University offer as a fallback plan in the event of God knows what?

I just accepted an offer to Queen's I plan on overturning this summer for example.

Alex.Landry said:
Before reading the rest of this post, let me just mention that I am 1000% committed to attending RMC this fall. It has been my lifelong dream since I can remember.

However, has anyone thought of accepting a University offer as a fallback plan in the event of God knows what?

I just accepted an offer to Queen's I plan on overturning this summer for example.


I was actually thinking of doing this as well. I'm glad to see that I'm not alone on it. I plan to accept an offer to either Queen's science program or McMaster's medical radiation program, make the deposit (which is around 100 dollars I believe), and then cancel the offer once I am sworn in.

Does anybody advise against this?
scriptox said:
I was actually thinking of doing this as well. I'm glad to see that I'm not alone on it. I plan to accept an offer to either Queen's science program or McMaster's medical radiation program, make the deposit (which is around 100 dollars I believe), and then cancel the offer once I am sworn in.

Does anybody advise against this?

I'd say that's a good idea. You never know what could happen between now and august. I hate to say it but there's always a chance that you will get hurt say working out or some thing and not be able to go. Good to just keep your options open
In fact, I openly suggest that everyone that has received an offer does this. I look forward to cancelling this acceptance in order to go to RMC  ;D
Does anyone know if AP credits from The College Board are accepted by RMC? It sounds like they are not, but I am en route to receiving recognition for five, so it would be nice to hear confirmation from someone in the know before canceling my last two exams (they're next week). I've tried emailing/calling about five different people and have been unable to find out anything concrete.

JoBo said:
Congrats! You must have been smiling this entire weekend. Perhaps we'll have to organize a dinner or something this summer as a meet and greet for people who were accepted in the greater Vancouver area. I'm from Richmond myself.

Sounds like a good idea to me.
Alex.Landry said:
Before reading the rest of this post, let me just mention that I am 1000% committed to attending RMC this fall. It has been my lifelong dream since I can remember.

However, has anyone thought of accepting a University offer as a fallback plan in the event of God knows what?

I just accepted an offer to Queen's I plan on overturning this summer for example.


If you're already accepted to RMC, I don't see how it makes sense to accept an offer from another University.  The worst that could happen is you miss orientation or FYOP in the event of an injury.  Anything worse than an injury, and university at any school probably wouldn't be an option next year.  I went to Queen's last year; and you have to understand that, by accepting an offer, there's someone out there who won't be getting on offer as a result.  Its not really fair to accept something that you're not committed to.
TKD Armour said:
If you're already accepted to RMC, I don't see how it makes sense to accept an offer from another University.  The worst that could happen is you miss orientation or FYOP in the event of an injury.  Anything worse than an injury, and university at any school probably wouldn't be an option next year.  I went to Queen's last year; and you have to understand that, by accepting an offer, there's someone out there who won't be getting on offer as a result.  Its not really fair to accept something that you're not committed to.

I think you may have misread the the post. The poster is asking if accepting an offer from a civy u before hearing from ROTP is a good idea or not; my personal answer is yes.

You are putting 100% of yourself into ROTP (if you aren't then halt the process now) but sometimes that isn't enough and you will need to try again next year like myself and many others. One thing you do not want to do is put your life on hold while waiting for ROTP as it will not come to those who are not constantly working and developing. You can always withdraw from a university offer once RMC comes through.

The ROTP application is like the little kid riding his bike with no hands and trying to get his parent's attention. It is a balance of paying attention to what you are doing while keeping the attention of the forces on you and positive. If stop your bike to wait for them to look at you there will be nothing of interest to look at.
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