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Regular Officer Training Plan (ROTP)-RMC 2000 - 2018 [Merged]

  • Thread starter Thread starter Travis Silcox
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This is an update on my progress from a few posts up.

Today I received my followup e-mail after submitting my transcripts and my application has "been selected for further processing."  :o

I am pretty surprised as after reading many posts here regarding the importance of high school grades for ROTP, I was not really expecting to make it past the academic suitability selection board.

I confirmed back in May through my local CFRC that my previous CFAT scores were acceptable for my trade choices, so unless that has changed since May, I should be moving past that part of the process.

I wish the best of luck to everyone else who is still waiting to hear back!

Hi I'm just wondering how easy it is to participate in multiple clubs at rmc.
Specifically judo and tkd both.
I would like to try many of the clubs but I'm curious as to how many, (or which ones) can be done by one person without overlapping.
Any information is helpful.
Thank you in advance.
RMC Club List
For more information about our Recreation Clubs, please feel free to contact:

See bottom of list for contact information.
mariomike said:
RMC Club List
For more information about our Recreation Clubs, please feel free to contact:

See bottom of list for contact information.

This page is what brought the question to mind but I didn't see the contact info before. Thanks, will do
CanPatr said:
This page is what brought the question to mind but I didn't see the contact info before. Thanks, will do

You are welcome. Good luck.  :)
Dear Army.ca,

My name is Chris Kim who is currently attending a Maxwell Heights Secondary School in Oshawa.
My dream was to be in the Royal Military College of Canada since I was 13.
I just had few questions about RMCC and my future career as an infantry.
My goal is to attend RMCC under ROTP in the arts program, and I was wondering if I was capable of being accepted in to RMCC. (Currently in Grade 11.)

Semester 1

Tech Design: 73%
Fitness: 95%
Outdoor Ed: 88%
Math: 68% (Able to raise my mark up by the end of the semester to at least 75-80%)

Semester 2

English: 75-80%
Spanish: 90%
History 80%
Physics: 75%

Extra Curricular/Achievements:

School Rugby: 3 years of experience
School Wrestling: 1 year of experience
Certificate in CPR C and Bronze Cross
Certificate in Bronze Medallion
Honor Student in Maxwell Heights


Able to speak English(Fluent), Korean(Fluent), and Spanish(Almost Fluent.)

Am I capable?

Thank you for your time and consideration.
SChris.K said:
Dear Army.ca,

My name is Chris Kim who is currently attending a Maxwell Heights Secondary School in Oshawa.
My dream was to be in the Royal Military College of Canada since I was 13.
I just had few questions about RMCC and my future career as an infantry.
My goal is to attend RMCC under ROTP in the arts program, and I was wondering if I was capable of being accepted in to RMCC. (Currently in Grade 11.)

Semester 1

Tech Design: 73%
Fitness: 95%
Outdoor Ed: 88%
Math: 68% (Able to raise my mark up by the end of the semester to at least 75-80%)

Semester 2

English: 75-80%
Spanish: 90%
History 80%
Physics: 75%

Extra Curricular/Achievements:

School Rugby: 3 years of experience
School Wrestling: 1 year of experience
Certificate in CPR C and Bronze Cross
Certificate in Bronze Medallion
Honor Student in Maxwell Heights


Able to speak English(Fluent), Korean(Fluent), and Spanish(Almost Fluent.)

Am I capable?

Thank you for your time and consideration.

The math score looks familiar: you, me and the Mobile Infantry :) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FoPTPe33PQY
Something I rarely see put mentioned in forums related about acceptance into RMC is the CFAT. While you can be a outstanding in extra circulars and have great grades it won't matter if your bomb your CFAT. I would double check this but I read that the CFAT is worth up to 60% of your application, though this was for an NCO position and not ROTP/RMC. The CFAT can be tricky even for smart people who have had good grades. Often because people don't practice the some of the skills needed to complete the test. An example of this is long division, most people in high school in higher level classes would just pull out their calculator, sometimes doing this for years. Myself in an AP math class I was astonished by the fact that more than half the class forgot how to do long division because they had been using a calculator so long. I'm not saying this will happen but it has happened and can happen.

Don't spend to much time worrying about if you are good enough to get in. Instead focus on doing the things you enjoy and keeping grades up while staying in shape. The recruiters do the best job they can at finding the best person for the job. Worst case scenario is that you don't get accepted but if you are really set on a career as an officer you can still attempt to get into the ROTP through a civilian university. If for some reason you can't do that, you could join a reserve unit and do university while being a reservist. As a reservist you have a part time job, a summer job and some bursaries to get you through university. If you play it smart you can transfer into the ROTP with your university degree and reservist training. Though you may want to think hard about doing that as the transfer over to regular forces from reservist can be lengthy. Which could possibly make it faster to go through university and then straight to the ROTP without going through the reserves but there are pros an cons for each side.
SChris.K said:
Am I capable?

Welcome to Army.ca.

See Reply 15 above.

There is only one way to find your answer: apply.

In the meantime, start mining relevant older threads for useful information and helpful tips.
Dimsum said:
imagine what the French guy from Chicoutimi or a Newfie from the 'Bay will do to it.  :nod:

Very true.

Also, don't worry about your last name, man. Mine's pretty easy to pronounce and it has been mispronounced as well as misspelled (it's five letters).

Good luck with your application.
Dhenyss said:
Hi all,

I am a Grade 11 student in Alberta. Just recently, I decided to make the acquisition of an education at RMC and an officer's commission in the Combat Arms my goal and passion. I plan to carry this forward immediately after finishing Grade 12. Below, I've organised my applicable skills and qualifications according to the four pillars of cadet life at RMC. Please advise me on my potential level of competence in the recruiting process.

First off, welcome to milnet.ca. Second, all any of us can do is urge you to speak to a recruiter and apply. The wait is difficult, but I'm sure you can do it, and you've certainly got a long and good-looking CV. Study hard for the CFAT, chase that dream, and with luck and skill in hand, you'll achieve your desires.

This is my advice to all of those seeking solace in this subforum: don't stress! I know that doesn't mean much for you right now, and I know how eagerly you seize on any scrap of "approval", how relieved you are when some random dude on an unofficial internet forum says you might have a chance at the brass ring. I was in your shoes just this past summer, and if I had taken my own advice seriously I would have gotten a lot more sleep over something I couldn't affect anyhow.

Frankly, the fact that any of you are on here, asking questions, and doing research means you're pretty serious about this whole thing. Work hard, keep your heads down, don't stress, and good luck! I look forward to seeing you guys get accepted and start your careers.

Also, dancing is great. I love dancing. But only with the lights off, the blinds drawn, and the room fully swept for hidden cameras...
ZeiGezunt said:
First off, welcome to milnet.ca.



If you look at when the OP posted, you will find that it was almost exactly four years ago.  By now, they have done one of two things: enrolled in ROTP; or Not. 

That's alright. Some of what you wrote may be helpful to SChris.K, who posted somewhat more recently.

I don't know if either of them would want to dance with you, though.
proudmama said:
At CMR, Judo as the required sport option runs about 5 hours per week.

And those hours are effective!  Its about 2 months into Judo and one cadet not only had earned his yellow belt but last week brought home gold for his division in a local judo tournament. No judo experience before.
I'm interested in what there is to do for recreational at RMC. I know there a clubs and sports at RMC. I'm more interested in things outside of those categories. One thing i'm definitely interested in; is if there is a place to play darts whiten RMC or if you would have to go into Kingston. I play darts on a competitive level hoping to get to the international level.

Another question I have is how much can your room deviate from standard. E.G. could you put a dartboard up on your wall or door(without drilling hole).
Not sure about where you can play darts;

Standard-wise, its been a while since I graduated, but you can definitely put up dartboard on your door during normal times (obviously not during fyop and during big inspections like commandant's inspection etc.
noahjsc said:
I'm interested in what there is to do for recreational at RMC. I know there a clubs and sports at RMC. I'm more interested in things outside of those categories. One thing i'm definitely interested in; is if there is a place to play darts whiten RMC or if you would have to go into Kingston. I play darts on a competitive level hoping to get to the international level.

Another question I have is how much can your room deviate from standard. E.G. could you put a dartboard up on your wall or door(without drilling hole).

There are a few dart boards in the drinking mess, have a pint and play, I know I used to all the time.

I have a question regarding the application process.

I have just completed the interview and the medical assessment (though I'm still required to submit few more documents).

I was told that I have been given conditional acceptance to RMC for all the trades I applied.

Does this mean I passed the interview and just need to wait till the security screening/reference checks to be done?

Thank you.
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