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Regular Officer Training Plan (ROTP)-RMC 2000 - 2018 [Merged]

  • Thread starter Thread starter Travis Silcox
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Why doesn't everyone who's applying for ROTP this year share a bit about your application process, what you've applied for, how far you are.

I can't believe how dead this forum is compared to last year's
Firstly, sorry for my English, I am French Canadian!

My son received an early offer during his interview and he accepted it. We come from Montreal and he'll go to CMR St-Jean during next 2 years before Kingston.
Didi30 said:
Congratulations! When and for what trade?

Armoured Officer

clownfool said:
Why doesn't everyone who's applying for ROTP this year share a bit about your application process, what you've applied for, how far you are.

I can't believe how dead this forum is compared to last year's

What exactly do you want to know? Just ask some specific things, I'll be glad to answer!
I have also been offered a conditional acceptance to ROTP for 2017-18.
I received my acceptance in the mail shortly after Christmas, but the letter was dated for December 12th.
It asked me to sign and send back the letter with my response no later than 14 days from the date on the letter, which at this point had already passed. I accepted and sent it off the same day. But my question is, will the late reply effect my acceptance at all? I'm sure I won't get penalized for slow mail but is there something else I should be doing now?

I'm also quite interested to know, is anyone who has already been excepted a female?
PaKa19 said:
I have also been offered a conditional acceptance to ROTP for 2017-18.
I received my acceptance in the mail shortly after Christmas, but the letter was dated for December 12th.
It asked me to sign and send back the letter with my response no later than 14 days from the date on the letter, which at this point had already passed. I accepted and sent it off the same day. But my question is, will the late reply effect my acceptance at all? I'm sure I won't get penalized for slow mail but is there something else I should be doing now?

I'm also quite interested to know, is anyone who has already been excepted a female?

PaKa19 - what trade and program have you been accepted for?

Hey guys,
I live in Qc and I'm on my last high school year, I've applied to the ROTP program and I've got an appointment for the 8th of February. I really hope I get in because joining the CAF has always been a dream of mine 😃 and I all wish you the best of luck to do the same

Sent from my ONE A2005 using Tapatalk

William.G.G said:
Hey guys,
I live in Qc and I'm on my last high school year, I've applied to the ROTP program and I've got an appointment for the 8th of February. I really hope I get in because joining the CAF has always been a dream of mine 😃 and I all wish you the best of luck to do the same

Sent from my ONE A2005 using Tapatalk

Good luck! Bonne chance à toi! Pour quel métier appliques-tu?
William.G.G said:
Hey guys,
I live in Qc and I'm on my last high school year, I've applied to the ROTP program and I've got an appointment for the 8th of February. I really hope I get in because joining the CAF has always been a dream of mine 😃 and I all wish you the best of luck to do the same

Sent from my ONE A2005 using Tapatalk

Bonne chance a toi! Mais c'est un peu tard a commence appliquer.
Yeah I know, I didn't know for a while in what I should go for during my CEGEP year(s). At last I decided to go and try with the military and I learned that I was borderline late since the recruiting period is so much earlier. I applied for Pilot by the way 😃

Sent from my ONE A2005 using Tapatalk


Does anyone know how tough BMOQ will be?
That is what concerns me the most at this moment.

Last day to apply and it looks like we have only three acceptances in this forum - is it just me or does this seem low??
BMOQ will assess you as a team player, as a leader, it will test your mental and physical stamina while putting stressors on you and  it will teach you very basic soldering and administrative skills. Its a steep learning curve but its designed that way. Is basic tough...if you make it through that and then all the other courses that are much tougher, in a few years you will look back and think it wasnt tough at all.

Sent from my Samsung S6 using Tapatalk

I know there have been many threads on this subject before, but would like to ask this question again. How important are team sports when applying for ROTP? I am a Grade 10 student who wants to be an infantry officer. This is something that I really want to do with my life. I have around a 90% average in school with some IB courses. I am also in very good shape as I go to the gym, cross country run, rock climb and occasionally swim (outside and inside school). I have lots of volunteer hours (60+) at a local veteran's home and I'm joining cadets this spring (after rock climbing end). I have no work experience. Will my lack of team sports hinder my application even though I am very fit, have extra-curricular activities and get good grades?

Thank you in advance!
Good day everyone,

My name is Dmitri, I am an applicant for the Regular Officer Training Plan, with the Royal Military College Saint-Jean as my first choice. I have already completed my aptitude & medical tests, as well as the interview for my desired occupations, which were: infantry, armor, engineer (with artillery in the back of my head). Here is a bit of information that may or may not be relevant for the answers: Fluent in Russian, English & French, attend to complementary Russian School for 9 years already, and hold a black degree belt in Taekwondo (8 years of practice with 7 hours a week).

After the completion of my medical examination, I was informed that my vision (-4.00, -3.25) is an issue for all combat trades, and therefor need to apply for something else in order to continue my application. However, I am not ready to simply give up, and I have already took a rendez-vous with a laser eye-surgery clinic (LASIK). Now this brings up a lot of questions;

-Should I apply for a different trade that interests me and hope to switch back after the preparatory year? What is required of me to be eligible for a transfer? What are the chances of approval?
-Should I apply for a civilian cegep on a pre-university course & apply next year after the eye surgery?
-Am I allowed to have the correction done either this month or the next one, and re-do the medical to have a chance to get into one of my initial choices?
-Do I have any other options?

I also have a few questions regarding the application procedure. I am currently finishing grade 11 in Quebec. My grades in grade 10 were decent, averaging from 90% in math, 80% on most of my other classes & around 65% on French. When I have sent my application, these were the only grades at hand, thus being the ones I applied for. My recruiting officer that is in charge of my application has told me that I meet the minimum requirements, and am required to hold a 70% average in grade 11. As some of you may or may not know, in Quebec, a school year is divided in three trimesters, the first two are the ones that you apply for any civilian college with, but added up, are only valued 40% on the end of year grade, with the third trimester being 60% 1. Due to loss of a family member, and very dear friend, I have been distracted and it has reflected on my grades, as they have suffered quite a lot. I now feel a lot more at ease, and /fully operational/ again. Now here are the questions regarding this issue;

-Is the College going to look at my current grades (the two trimesters) or do I still have a chance to get back to pace and bring all of them up (knowing myself, I am more than capable of getting at least 85% to a 95% in most of my classes) with the third trimester (that is worth 60% of the end of year grade)?
-If I have applied for the Social Sciences program, are my chemistry and physics grades going to affect my application (as I said up above, they have suffered)?

I am sure all of your replies will be of great help, and I thank in advance anyone who has taken the time to read or/and reply.
I hope you all have a great day!
For reference, perhaps,

Questions regarding CMR

will be merged with the Sticky,

Questions about getting into RMC 
10 pages.

See also,

Am I a strong candidate for RMC?
2 pages.


& Vision 

See also, the Sticky,

Vision Questions Megathread, Categories, Problems etc.
30 pages.


As always,  Recruiting is your most trusted source of information.


Be sure to talk to Recruiting about any plans you make that might impact your recruiting profile. There are waiting periods after surgery before any medical could be reviewed (very important for ROTP intakes) and there may be special considerations as to which type of eye surgery might be acceptable for your desired trade.  Again: Recruiting!
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