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Regular Officer Training Plan (ROTP)-RMC 2000 - 2018 [Merged]

  • Thread starter Thread starter Travis Silcox
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yoman said:
Depends on the person. RMCSJ has quite a few differences when compared to RMC. Some good things and some not so good things.

Just like everything right?  I spent 1 year on Prep Year and loved it.  Best RMC year by a mile.

Just like everything in the military, the situation is what you make of it.  If you're minded with the fact that "it sucks and I should be here", then it will definately suck.  However, if you take the positive attitude, look for the positive points and try to make the best of it, you'll most likely enjoy it.
SupersonicMax said:
Just like everything right?  I spent 1 year on Prep Year and loved it.  Best RMC year by a mile.

Just like everything in the military, the situation is what you make of it.  If you're minded with the fact that "it sucks and I should be here", then it will definitely suck.  However, if you take the positive attitude, look for the positive points and try to make the best of it, you'll most likely enjoy it.

I totally agree. I was just stating that if you are going to be in Saint-Jean for prep year, then your going to be here for 1st year as well. I know of some people who were surprised to here this so I wanted to help avoid any future surprises people may encounter.

If anybody would like me to expand on life at RMCSJ I would be more then willing to share my experience here so far.
Marshall said:
I thought they looked for 80%+ Average at least and not 70% for RMC anyways.. I must of misread somewhere.

Wrong. We have cadets here who had low 70s on their application. I knew a cadet (who left for personal rather than academic reasons) who had a high 60 average, and was denied at every other university he applied to. He was accepted based on his sports and community involvement, as well as his time in the reserves. Well, I'm assuming that's what it was, because he sure didn't get in here based on his marks.
Ok so finally I've decided to settle down on the offer. I'm going to St.Jean for a year, and supposedly it starts in the summer. The person that I talked to on the phone said that it's going to be like a grade 13. But who is going to pick the courses? I mean, I don't wanna go in for physics when I applied for a degree in compsci/business at RMC. Anyone know what it's gonna be like in the prep year? Like, the daily schedule, what to bring and etc, what you are allowed and not allowed to do, when you can leave campus, when you can wear civy clothing, etc? Thanks in advance.
1. I'm going to St.Jean for a year, and supposedly it starts in the summer. It started August 3rd last year.

2. But who is going to pick the courses? They do. The courses you take will depend on whether your in arts or sciences/engineering.

3. Anyone know what it's gonna be like in the prep year? I was never personally in prep year (I'm in 1st year) but we mostly have the same routine. Here's the link for last years joining instructions http://www.cmrsj-rmcsj.forces.gc.ca/deo-ocd/ir-ji/ir-ji-eng.asp#AnnexeE. I'll add my personal comments tomorrow when I have some more time. I'll be more then willing to answer any further questions after you've had a chance to read the joining instructions.
Prep year was the best RMC year by far.  School is easy, our staff was amazing and the group of people that I was with was amazing.  We had a blast!
Hey again all, this question isn't for me it's for my friend whos wanting some info and making me post a question (and since this site has probably the best info out there on everything CF i'd figure what the heck). He's in a 1 year college certificate program along the lines of "general arts and science" program and wants to go to RMC, if he gets the certificate finishing this year and has good marks can he enter or qualify for RMC prep year? (he doesn't have the marks or U credit to enter ROTP) Get back to us, Thanks all :)
as well, i have another question. uhm, well so i've called and went to the recruitment centre to confirm my acceptance. they said i have been selected for the ROTP and everything, but will i get an official letter or information package soon? :O i've been waiting for it for like forever.
i_am_red said:
will i get an official letter or information package soon? :O i've been waiting for it for like forever.

In due time, don't worry. I got my official acceptance letter signed by BGen Lawson about 4 weeks before heading down to RMC last summer. At the same time you should get an info package of sorts.
Congratulations on your offer!  I would like to make a couple of points for you:

first, going into RMCSJ for prep year usually means two years (prep and first) and then transfer to RMCC for second to fourth year and graduation.

second, you will receive an offer letter and it should arrive very soon.  If you haven't received it within 2 weeks of your call, you should ask them again where it is (talk to your career counsellor).

I am very confident that going to RMCSJ will be a great experience for you and wish you luck in your career.

MKO said:
first, going into RMCSJ for prep year usually means two years (prep and first) and then transfer to RMCC for second to fourth year and graduation.

hey MKO, so are you saying that i will go for prep year, another year at st.jean (counts as first year at rmc) then 2nd-4th year at RMC? so it's basically like a 5 year process? either way is fine i guess, i just thought it was 1 year prep year, then 4 years at RMC
i_am_red, I'll go ahead and answer some of the questions you asked, simply because I was in the same boat you are last year and would have loved to have my questions answered when I was heading in. I am finishing prep now, and will be back for 1st year next year in St-Jean.

First off, be aware, as others have stated, that the decision to send you to St-Jean is based on a myriad of reasons, as I had completed a college degree, yet still got Prep.

To begin with, you'll do three weeks of what is called FYOP (First Year Orientation Period), which is basically lots of PT, inspections, drill and administration stuff, led by the military staff there, to get you into it. RMCSJ's and RMCC's FYOPs differ quite a bit from what I've heard, as RMCC's is led by 3rd and 4th year OCdts. FYOP sucks because it is mind-numbingly boring, but stick it out. It gets better after.

You'll be part of one of three squadrons there: Iberville, Richelieu or Tracy. Each squadron is led by a Captain/Lieutenant-Navy and a Sergeant/PO. Each squadron is split into 2 flights: 1st years and prep years, and then further divided into sections of 10-12 people.

Once your 3 weeks of FYOP are completed, school starts, and the focus shifts from military to education. The weekend before school starts is when us first-year seniors (deemed "seniors" to differentiate from those in RMCSJ who just arrived) will be arriving from BMOQ (Basic Military Officer Qualification), and the ORBAT will be announced, designating the OCdts who will hold command positions throughout the year.

The weekly routine is mostly wake-up, dress, form-up for roll-call and then class. During spares you're free to do whatever: workout, homework, nap (although the staff from some of the squadron's don't like this very much, but it's how I spent the better part of my free time). Twice throughout the week you'll have organized sports, depending on what you choose to do.

Strewn throughout the year are weekend exercises or military classes, most of which are done in preparation for BMOQ which you'll do during your first summer. The exercises are fun for the most part, but we all hated the classes because, again, they are mind-numbingly boring.

This upcoming year should be better than the last, since this was the first-year the college had been officially re-opened since it closed in 1995. Most of the things that were crap this year should be fixed, so it'll be a smoother experience for you guys and gals coming in.

That's pretty much it for the structure and routine. How much you like it will mostly be based on how you choose to involve yourself in what's going on, and you'll make some great friends there that'll make you forget the ones you left back home.

Hope this helps, see you in a couple of months.

RMCSJ's FYOP/PYOP resembles RMC's recruit term and not so much their FYOP.
What kind of mark do I need to get in english to get into RMC (either Arts or Sciences)
Im doing the cource in summer school right now and i got a 71 for the mid-term.
I need to make a decision on whether to drop it and take it in day school or to just keep it.
Well it really I suppose depends hows strong your other marks are but a minimum A ( 86%)
It seems a lot of kids have very high marks its very competitive. My son had a 90% Average in Grade 11/12.RMC do look for well rounded students its not all academics
apple123 said:
Well it really I suppose depends hows strong your other marks are but a minimum A ( 86%)
It seems a lot of kids have very high marks its very competitive. My son had a 90% Average in Grade 11/12.RMC do look for well rounded students its not all academics

Yea but im not in Grade 12 yet (I just finished grade 11).. Im only doing the grade 12 Eglish cource right now and I need to know if I should just drop this cource and take it in day school.
apple123 said:
Well it really I suppose depends hows strong your other marks are but a minimum A ( 86%)

I wouldn't listen to a hard and fast minimum someone gives you on the internet. Yes ROTP is competitive, but no one here can tell you the mark you need. Do your best.
yea but im sure there is a minimum mark I would need for English (which is not like 86...)
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