So ships are supposed to be named by their role not their tonnage. It the Canadian tradition Destroyers do area air warfare and command and control functions, frigates are General purpose. There is a lot of overlap in naming with regards to tonnage and different countries use different naming conventions. The Germans and French for example use frigate for any blue water escort vessel. Germans go further with AAW frigate, ASW frigate etc... The new german frigate is 10'000 tons. But it doesn't have any anti sub capability, and self defence air capability only. Its a "destroyer" tonnage but a frigates capability.
There is some discussion that a modern definition should be regarding the ships total capability. Destroyers can perform in all areas of naval warfare and have the sensors to do so. Frigates can perform well in most areas of naval warfare usually lacking in one area (area air defence for example), Corvettes are good in one or two areas of naval warfare with only self defence capability in others.
In Canada's case these corvettes will likely have a self defense gun (57-76mm), a decent sensor package, one fire control radar, some electronic warfare defence, a single sonar (towed or hull mounted), strike length vertical launch systems. Their job is to be a sensor package and missile truck for continental defence. In a continental defence role they are to plug into other assets to teamwork defend Canada. Sonar to work with MPA's, radar to connect with NORAD, large missile capability for BMD capability or other things. So frigate or corvette, call them what you will, that's the job they are supposed to do.