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reserve bmq


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does anyone know when the next reserve bmq starts in nova scotia halifax ?
Edited - puckchaser's suggestion was more relevant to the question. (can be removed if needed).
Ask your unit? Most BMQs are run on weekends now, and probably won't start until October.
I know i post a lot of questions, but ive tried to find this answer, but my girlfriend has to get major back surgery in july and i put my application in today (re-applied) and i she just got the call, and im her only way there (app 4 hour drive), so is it possible to start in bmq that is through out the year, if you ask and tell them the circumstances ? i can still start the job when ever they call me, i just can't do bmq until September, i really don't want to screw this up, sorry for the unnecessary text
If you just applied now,  theres no way you would be doing BMQ this summer..  as for even doing the weekend BMQ in the fall it isn't 100% you will be in the Reserves in time to be loaded on that.  Joining the CF and getting onto Basic Training isn't something that happens in the span of a couple weeks...
Dude,  you haven't even started the applicaton process/testing,  you still have a ways to go before you are enrolled and can start work with the unit.
Not to mention, you can't do a heck of a lot without the required training.
Well, i already did my aptitude test, my physical, and took care of all of the other necessary stuff. so would you say it'd take two - three weeks for an app to get back if you already have that information in. Oh and i know that you wont be able to do a whole heck of alot but i don't mind cleaning or peeling potatoes.
I'm starting to think we're being trolled.


Take my previous advice about proper punctuation. Get that out of the way BEFORE your next post.

I'm assuming your CFAT, PT, etc were done the first time you applied?  Do you know if they are even still valid?  What if some things expired and you need to do them again?  Don't assume all is good until the CFRC says so. 

As for timings,  what you and everyone it seems like fails to grasp is that no one here can give you that info.  The CFRC handaling your file would be the point of contact to ask for a possible time line.

Hello all,

I have been reading through the forums extensively for the last few days, and I know that I am about to ask a question that has already been asked, but from a different direction. Is there any way at all, that anyone knows of, for a reserve recruit to go to the regular force BMQ?

I am currently in the process of applying for the reserves as I already have a full time job. I have been debating joining the forces for many years, but school and working towards my career have stopped me. I've finally decided that I want to join so badly that I'm applying for the reserves on top of my full time job. I would go for reg force, but the job I have pays too well for me to give it up. And there is no base I could get posted to within a decent distance of where my fiance is currently posted (he is reg force).

Here's the thing. I want to experience basic /properly/. I want to know what my limits are, I want to be pushed, and I want to grow as a person. For those reasons, I want to go the reg BMQ so much that it feels like a physical pull in my chest. So, is there any way at all, that anyone knows of, for me to get in to the St Jean basic as a reservist? What would it take to get there? Or is it not possible at all and should I try to get over the desire to experience it?

Thank you in advance,
I would get over your desire to experience it, as Army reserve there is no requirement for you to go to St Jean and no reason for them to spend the money on you do a regular force BMQ vice a reserve one.
jmclark said:
Is there any way at all, that anyone knows of, for a reserve recruit to go to the regular force BMQ?

Topic: "Res man Wants Reg BMQ":
Thank you for all the responses. I hadn't found that thread on my own and it was an interesting read. I'm leaning now towards air force reserve if that can get me a proper basic. I realize that I'm being greedy by wanting something not many people get to experience. But it is completely fueled from the desire to be good at what I do and useful to those around me.
jmclark said:
Thank you for all the responses. I hadn't found that thread on my own and it was an interesting read. I'm leaning now towards air force reserve if that can get me a proper basic. I realize that I'm being greedy by wanting something not many people get to experience. But it is completely fueled from the desire to be good at what I do and useful to those around me.

I am sorry, this qualifies for ''Dumbest Things Said Today''...

What you just stated would be like me choosing to go to a university based solely on what the meal hall serves on Fridays
But it is completely fueled from the desire to be good at what I do and useful to those around me.

As someone who will be starting reserve BMQ in the fall, I've got to take issue with that.  Do you really think that by doing your BMQ on the weekends as opposed to full time, you won't be good at what you do or useful to those around you?

Just to clarify the trade I'm going for is RMS clerk so it's available in both. I wouldn't be changing my trade choice to go with one or the other. And I'm sorry if I offended you. But I want to be the best I can at what I do. And a reg BMQ will prepare me better than any weekend course could. Not that the weekend course is bad. But you have to admit being immersed in it for an extended period of time must be better if it's an available option
Deacon_Sk said:
As someone who will be starting reserve BMQ in the fall, I've got to take issue with that.  Do you really think that by doing your BMQ on the weekends as opposed to full time, you won't be good at what you do or useful to those around you?

Actually, what I found amusing was the statement that implied that an Air Force BMQ would be a "proper basic" followed by "completely fueled from the desire to be good at what I do and useful to those around me."  The non-army BMQ, BMQ (L) and PLQ courses are so dumbed down, it makes these points quite humourous.  Definitely not the challenge she desired as implied in her earlier posts.