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Reserve BMQ


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Hey everyone
just a quick question...
I'm am currently residing in Niagara falls, Ontario
just wondering where i would have to go to do my bmq?
like, the closest place where bmq is offered, thanks.
hey, I'm in Welland. I'm currently on BMQ for the Linc & Weld Regiment and they have us going to Hamilton with other guys from RHLI, Argylls, RCA, etc.


- We go to the St Catharines armoury where they bus us to Hamilton
Sweet, thanks for the help
yeah, im looking into the 7th toronto regiment (Field Artillery) So id be doing my BMQ/SQ in hamilton on weekends?
and what about my MOC? will that be at the 7th toronto regiment's moss park armoury? or is that in hamilton aswell??
Probably CFB GAGETOWN, NB LFCA TC MEAFORD for trades training.
im looking into reserves, isnt CFB gagetown for full time training... or am i terribly mistaken lol...
Nope for everyone.

Looking at the National Calendar looks like you will be going to Meaford for your trades course.


CFB GAGETOWN houses all of the Combat Arms Schools. That is to say the Tactics School, the Infantry School, the Armoured School, the Artillery School, and the Engineer School.
ah kk thanks man
one more question, sorry dude lol... do u know if i'll be getting bused 2 meaford... or i'll have to drive there?
Your unit will make all the arrangments for you to get to and from course.

You do realize that the course is run full time in the summer right?
yep, but i was looking into doing my bmq on the weekends
what do u recomend... weekends... or summer? and if ur a CF reservist , what did u do? summer or weekends?
oh ok, sorry for the misunderstanding... no.. i didnt know that.. is it only offerd in the summer or on weekends, too?
7RCA said:
oh ok, sorry for the misunderstanding... no.. i didnt know that.. is it only offerd in the summer or on weekends, too?

Trades courses as a rule of thumb are not I say again not run as weekend courses.
k man cool
so will i be going home at nights and have the weekends off then?
Weekends off yes, nights probably not you will be using them to get ready for the next days training.

How far is Niagara to Meaford?
Mapquest is tellin me approx. 3 hours 30 minutes from Niagara to Meaford
7RCA said:
ah kk thanks man
one more question, sorry dude lol... do u know if i'll be getting bused 2 meaford... or i'll have to drive there?
7RCA said:
yep, but i was looking into doing my bmq on the weekends
what do u recomend... weekends... or summer? and if ur a CF reservist , what did u do? summer or weekends?
7RCA said:
k man cool
so will i be going home at nights and have the weekends off then?

Army.ca Conduct Guidelines: MUST READ - http://forums.army.ca/forums/threads/24937.0.html

MSN and ICQ "short hand"http://forums.army.ca/forums/threads/33247.0.html

Regarding the use of "MSN speak" versus the employment of prose which is correct in grammar, spelling and punctuation, please see: http://forums.army.ca/forums/threads/34015/post-260446.html#msg260446

When you are doing a BMQ full time do not expect to have much time off.  As was mentioned your evenings will be spent getting ready for inspections, and in some cases, more training may occur after dinner time.  If you are doing a weekend BMQ then you are pretty much on the go from 7pm friday night until around 4pm sunday afternoon.  Either way, very little accomodation is made for free time on a BMQ.  The entire purpose of that course is to introduce you to the CF and indoctrinate you.  You cannot be effectively indoctrinated if you are still living your civilian life on the side. 

As  you progress in your career things will get less anal while on course, but that is a long way off yet.
Are you moving to Toronto for school? The commute to a parade night would be kind of difficult otherwise...if it's artillery you want, both 56th Field Regiment (St Catherines + Brantford) and 11th Field Regiment (Hamilton + Guelph) are closer to Niagara Falls.
NFLD Sapper said:
I meant your trades course is run full time in the summer.

Just out of curiosity how do people with full-time jobs work in a full-time course in the summer? I always thought reserve courses were on weekends.
A few courses are available on weekends.  The army offers the BMQ and some QL4 type courses on the weekends.  You can also do PLQ MOD 1-5 on weekends.  However to the best of my knowledge you must do SQ and your trades training full time over the summer.

How do people with full time jobs get the time off work?

It is not freaking easy.  I struggled with that myself for years before saying screw it and going back to school.  Now I have all the time in the world for training, but when i was trying to maintain a fulltime career it was very frustrating at times.