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Reserve physical test


Reaction score
  O.k., so this thursday I"ll be applying for the Seaforth Highlanders Reserves.  I just finished my self medical and did the 2.4 Km i 10 min. 32 sec. -push-ups, 30 and sit-ups, 22.

How's this for someone who just swims and bikes for exercise ( I also play Soccer) but I havn't started a work out schedule.  Although I will be starting tomorrow!

any feedback would be great!

-thanks, -Vercingetorix
I'm not exactly sure what your question is.  ??? 
I think he is lookign for feedback on how he is doing on a physical level.

I think that you are doing ok. Good run time. Definatly work alot on your core strength(abs, lower back) and upper body. Pushups and chin ups are great. Leg raises, sit ups, crunches, all those help core stuff.
foerestedwarrior said:
I think that you are doing ok. Good run time. Definatly work alot on your core strength(abs, lower back) and upper body. Pushups and chin ups are great. Leg raises, sit ups, crunches, all those help core stuff.

Absolutely. Upper-body strength is incredibly important (I'm doing BMQ on weekends and I can tell you that extra pushups always pay off.) Even if your run time is good, keep pushing yourself on the track, because good cardio will help you not just on the course, but throughout your life. Best of luck.
  Cool thanks for the feedback guys, I didn't hink I needed more work on the upper vody, but I'll take it from the guys that know the best,

Thanks again.