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Reserve training vs. regular training.

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Hi, im planning to join the reserve during summer and probably will stay for the time it takes for me to finish university(and will probably strongly consider joigning the forces afterward).

I checked out the physical minimum requirement, and can exceed them(except for chin-ups where I do the bare minimum).But I still wonder just how different is the training given to reservists from the training given to the regular army?

And how much push-ups/ sit-ups/ pull-ups/ etc are you expected to do at the end of basic training?

The "training" is virtually identical in that both reserve and reg force training must result in the student achieving pre determined checks on variouse subjects. The difference lies in the length of time the courses run and subsequently the stress level that is put on a person.For example if you knew you only had 4 weeks to make it through would be less stressfull than months. As well the reserves typically dont get to train on all the weapons/equipment that the regs get.And ammunition is another thinge more scarce in the reserves.

As for pt by the end of basic, dont worry about it. If you are deemed fit to start the course, the instructors will bring you up to a common standard by the end of the course.
How exactly did you deduce that? Can you tell me what part of my thread could be construed as misleading?
How exactly did you deduce that? Can you tell me what part of my thread could be construed as misleading?

Because Tess, and most of us who have been here a while, know how threads on this subject end up in a big hurry.   It's not necessarily what you said but more what is most likely going to be said.   Started out pretty inocently but i'm sure it will turn into an inevitable flame war........experience demonstrates.

Cheers...and call the fire department   ;D
Okay fair enough, a little constructive criticism then, maybee next time simply lock the thread after the answer has been given. A simple check of my profile would tell you I was a reservist myself and have never posted anything durrogetory about reserves. Just trying to give honest answers vice the traditional post of "do a search"
Okay fair enough, a little constructive criticism then, maybee next time simply lock the thread after the answer has been given. A simple check of my profile would tell you I was a reservist myself and have never posted anything durrogetory about reserves. Just trying to give honest answers vice the traditional post of "do a search"

I did look at your profile and i realize what you intent was.  Just saying that i pretty much know how this is gonna end up as soon as guys with 2 days in the regs or 1 weekend in the reserves start piping up !!
Okay fair enough, a little constructive criticism then, maybee next time simply lock the thread after the answer has been given. A simple check of my profile would tell you I was a reservist myself and have never posted anything durrogetory about reserves. Just trying to give honest answers vice the traditional post of "do a search"

Why do actually expect people to give the same answers each and everytime when they have been asked before? Myself and the other senior members hate to use the response "Do a search" but it used when the question has been asked before not out of malicious intent.
Res generally stumble around, looking useless, and generally living up to their looks.  Regs ALL get ninjasniperdiverjedi training. We also learn a secret handshake, and are immune to prosecution under the Criminal Code.  When regs retire, we all get a fabulous villa in the South of France, with hot and cold running supermodels.  Regs rule, res drool...... ;D

Kat Stevens said:
Res generally stumble around, looking useless, and generally living up to their looks.

:eek: !! You just summed up my entire experience in the reserves!
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