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RMC Officer Sues to Avoid Saluting, Toasting Queen?

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Good2Golf said:
I'm sure his legal name change was pre-2005, so the authorship is strange.

I found this, don't know if it is the same Harold Kenny, but it has to do with Irish Language Week. Looks to date back to fall of 2002.


Last Paragraph, 5th page, right hand side.

and then there is this
Last revised,  Dec 2004.

This article
mentions that (in regards to the date) his name change was recent.
And academic papers and publications often go years between writing, refereeing and publication; nothing particularly odd there.
Habitant said:
To put a positive note on this...

Isn't it a wonderful reflection of our country that a man, a commissioned officer, can exercise his rights so fully and so contrary to what we all believe. When I see stories like this, I become even prouder of our system the I already was.

I am a monarchist, and actually a member of the monarchist league of Canada, but I respect this man's right to speak his mind.

That said, he lost the case today, so it's time for him to shut up, toe the line, or release. ;-)

Absolutely --

and the very first time that he refuses to toast the Queen ... he should be immediately charged with disobeying a lawful command and with acts prejudice to good order and discipline. So spoketh the judge.

Because, even myself or many troops posting in here who haven't one iota of an ounce of respect for this hypocrite -- would STILL salute that Commisssion that he is wearing. And, if one of my troops EVER refused to salute this man -- I'd charge them instantaneously with the same-said infractions.

That's the way it is. That's why we are the professional force that we are, and if this guy can not comply with the basic protocols for respecting that Commission or his CiC -- then nail him legally -- then let him go. It happens to "lesser" people every day in this outfit ... this guy is NO LONGER special says the court. So, I see no more reason for him not to be treated appropriately and IAW the Code of Service Discipline.

RMC Commandant should plan a quick Mess Dinner ...  >:D
heh.... and make the good Captain "Mr Vice"....

Mr Vice, The Queen!
Colin P said:
Time for an RMC "outreach" program mentoring Afghan Officers, in Kandahar of course.
Put 'im in the Tower of London, with all the other taitors


Just have a letter sent to him that Her Majesty no longer feels compelled to retain his services, thus freeing him of his obligation to toast Her.
Frostnipped Elf said:
If you read the thread and the news items - he is an Associate Professor at RMC and a member of PPCLI.
Maybe a trip back to a battalion would help sort this individual out.

geo said:
heh.... and make the good Captain "Mr Vice"....
I made the same comment in a conversation earlier today.
*writing something just to follow conversation automatically*

Dimsum said:
*writing something just to follow conversation automatically*

As an aside, why didn't you just click on the notify button up top right?
Sig_Des said:
As an aside, why didn't you just click on the notify button up top right?
This is my 3,345th post, and I had no clue what "notify" on the top right did.  I thought it notified the mods that the thread was whack!

Mortarman Rockpainter said:
This is my 3,345th post, and I had no clue what "notify" on the top right did.  I thought it notified the mods that the thread was whack!

Quality vs Quantity, my friend  >:D
Mortarman Rockpainter said:
This is my 3,345th post, and I had no clue what "notify" on the top right did.  I thought it notified the mods that the thread was whack!


That would be the button in the bottom right corner of a post --- time to get you OUT of Battalion!!  >:D

Oh PS -- Just a small point ...

All the "taitors" are already banished to PEI -- they worked with me over there.  ;) >:D   :-*
More people are noticing:


Tuesday, January 22, 2008
Let us be done with him

This perfectly reflects how civilianizing the influence human rights has been on the military in recent years. Because just how in the hell does a Canadian Forces officer with the Queen's Commission, who took an oath faithfully swearing allegiance to Her Majesty, who teaches at the Royal Military College of Canada, carry on an eight year challenge against his Commander-in-Chief, is allowed to even question the central tenet of the Canadian Constitution as a serving officer, even to the point of appealing the decision of the Chief of the Defence Staff (the CDS!) to the Federal Court, without getting thrown out on his ear for disobedience and court martialed for flagrant disloyalty.

At the very least, if Capt. Aralt Mac Giolla Chainnigh (formerly Harold Kenny) cannot force himself to toast the Queen over a pint in the Officers Club, the military should send him off to Afghanistan where he may find he has more pressing things to occupy his thoughts. We can be thankful that a judge has finally put an end to his treasonous chutzpah shennanigans:

Officer’s lawsuit against allegiance to Queen dismissed

    A member of the Canadian military who launched a court case around his refusal to pledge allegiance to the Queen had his Federal Court application dismissed Monday.

    Capt. Aralt Mac Giolla Chainnigh argued that he was subjected to a form of "institutional harassment" by having to pay respect and show loyalty to the Queen or the Union Jack.

    He launched a grievance in 2001 with the military which was later rejected by the Chief of Defence Staff Gen. Rick Hillier. He then asked the Federal Court to review Gen. Hillier's decision. In the decision released Monday, Justice R.L. Barnes wrote that the military was "both correct in law and reasonable" to reject his grievance.

    "I cannot think of any Canadian institution where an expectation of loyalty and respect for the Queen would be more important than the Canadian Forces," Judge Barnes wrote in the 27-page judgment. "Whether Capt. Mac Giolla Chainnigh likes it or not, the fact is that the Queen is his Commander-in-Chief and Canada's Head of State. A refusal to display loyalty and respect to the Queen where required by Canadian Forces' policy would not only be an expression of profound disrespect and rudeness but it would also represent an unwillingness to adhere to hierarchical and lawful command structures that are fundamental to good discipline."

Indeed. Let us be done with him. Justice Barnes deserves a firm handshake, a pat on the back, and a pint on the house.

God Save the Queen!

Cross-posted at The Monarchist
I just finished reading Justice Barnes' opinion.  While a little dull, it was certainly well written and helped put a few complaints that others in uniform often make into perspective.
Back in the days of his majesties navy, he would of been flogged to within an inch of his life by the "quartermaster" (good job for you vern) when that was done he would of been doused with pure vinegar, hung by the arms in shackles on the deck for a week secured to the main mast and been left to the elements. Whether or not he survived or not would have been of no consequence, because he had insulted his majesty and was to be treated and punished as a traitorous dog.

But again this was a time when "Blimey" could still be found in the english dictionary.
His name change was pre 2005 -

.... ironic RMC sent a message to all students and staff re-affirming a little known saluting area today... lol

Thank you Muffin!
I hope you make a point of having a "spin" by that place today >:D
JBoyd said:
So we know he swore to the Queen, but why wouldn't he have just sworn to God? or is he an athiest as well?
You must "be faithful and bear true allegiance to Queen Elizabeth the Second, Queen of Canada, her hiers and successors" in both versions.  The oath includes the statement "So help me God" at the end, and the solumn affirmation stops after the word "successors."  God is optional, the Queen is not. 
The fella is in & on a daily basis, does not have to swear to god or swear allegiance to anyone in particular...

He carries a "Queen's commission"... and he needs to bear allegiance to his sovereign... which he has at many times in the past.
If he can't do so anymore out of conscience.... then it is time for him to fold it up, tear it up and send it back to sender.... & get the F%&? out
geo said:
The fella is in & on a daily basis, does not have to swear to god or swear allegiance to anyone in particular...

He carries a "Queen's commission"... and he needs to bear allegiance to his sovereign... which he has at many times in the past.
If he can't do so anymore out of conscience.... then it is time for him to fold it up, tear it up and send it back to sender.... & get the F%&? out

Don't get me wrong, I completely agree.
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