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Rogers - Crappiest customer service EVER!

*Growl* Cell phone repair during their "1 year warranty". They do not tell you that they charge you $25 per month for the use of their loaner phone while they fix the phone you bought from them. When this issue came up during our move, that was it for me.

If I knew that the company would not stand behind it's own products and demand additional fees so that I could continue to use a service that I am paying 3-6 weeks wait time for repair, I would have never entered into an agreement that demands $20 a month to break the contract.
Just being posted and with three cell phones, I called up Roger's and asked to have our numbers changed to the new area code.  I figured that having been a good customer (look, two of my cells are for teenage girls) for twelve years they would be more than happy just to switch numbers.  No dice.  To do so would mean I would have to 'change plans' which would add $30 per phone per month, or $1080 per year.  So I cancelled.

My final bill?  $1658.... that's right, $1658.

Anything Roger's on it I now avoid like the plague.
I actually have had fairly good luck with Rogers.  When we were posted to Edmonton we cancelled all our Rogers stuff.  And then as luck would have it, we were only 200m from the propane explosion in Toronto and then we had to reconnect everything because it delayed our move by a week.  When I got my final bill it was over $700.  I just about fell over.  I phoned and explained what had happened and we went through the bill and it ended up being $210.  So, that was a lot better.  But, if I hadn't asked and just paid the bill, I would of overpayed $500.
Bell Canada, on the other hand drives me insane!!
Otto Fest said:
Just being posted and with three cell phones, I called up Roger's and asked to have our numbers changed to the new area code.  I figured that having been a good customer (look, two of my cells are for teenage girls) for twelve years they would be more than happy just to switch numbers.  No dice.  To do so would mean I would have to 'change plans' which would add $30 per phone per month, or $1080 per year.  So I cancelled.

My final bill?   $1658.... that's right, $1658.

Anything Roger's on it I now avoid like the plague.

They pulled the same prank on me, when I was recently posted from Winnipeg to Cold Lake.  There was an increase of 20$ on my plan because of the region I was now in.  I told them "Well, then, cancel my phone line".  She replied that it would cost me 456$ to do so because of my contract.  I told her that I didn't care and I wasn't going to do buisness with them ever again for ANYTHING.  She transfered me to some other department and by "pure luck" there was currently a promotion in my new area with the exact same plan and price. 

You have to push them a little too ;)  But otherwise, I had great service with them.
So I may be a little closer to some closure with my Rogers relationship...finally.

A few months ago I went to put some items on the Canex plan. They did a credit check, and told me there was a outstanding balance, somewhere in the 240$ range, from Rogers cable.

Now, the only time I had rogers cable was in Ottawa, an account that I'd closed in mid-2004 when I moved. I'd returned the box, and paid what I'd assumed was my final balance. Silly me.

So now I had this amount that had been festering on my credit report for about 4 years. Funny thing, wasn't showing as past due, just outstanding.

So I called Rogers. The only thing they could find was my Rogers pay-as-you-go wireless account (I refuse to get stuck in a contract with that company). So I explained to them the situation, and they said it would have had to go to collections, and they told me the name of the collections agency. So I ended up calling IQOR (Don't even get me started on THEIR wonderful service) and spoke with their english-as-a-second-language class drop-out.

They did find my account, and gave me an account number to go with it, but they told me the account had been recalled by rogers in the summer of 2007, and I had to call their accounts receivable section. So I call them.

They can't access the account, it's been so long, and I have to talk to IQOR. IQOR says they had the account, but Rogers has recalled it, and I have to talk to them. Rogers says they never recall accounts, and talk to IQOR.

So, at this point, I have this ongoing game of phone tag, where I apparently owe money, I have the money, I'm willing to pay anyone, but I can't GIVE my money away!

Last straw for me was one of the Rogers people telling me I should check my equifax report, and would I like her to transfer me there. I said OK, not realizing that she was transferring me to a COMPLETELY automated system that asked me for a credit card number so that they could mail me a report, and THEN I could call and talk to a real person.

I finally asked to talk to a manager at Rogers, and they looked into it, and finally said. Yes, you do have a balance owing. But I need to call IQOR. This time, I call IQOR, and they tell me the account was closed, and do I want a release letter showing as proof of payment to give to Rogers?

So, I guess I don't have to pay anything, and all this cost me was another quarter-inch of my hairline.... Bastards.
If you want bw7 you can pay my $120 for a modem I returned. (I still refuse to pay for it!) Still working on them finding the blasted thing, I wish they'd just give up and realize it was them that messed up.
Hey Beadwindow 7
Forget Rogers and Chapeski,  I can give you the phone runaround, crappy service and I too can pretend English is a second language and I'll do it all for only $60!!!!!!! 
Half price, what a deal, eh? >:D
Hey Beadwindow 7
Forget Rogers and Chapeski,  I can give you the phone runaround, crappy service and I too can pretend English is a second language and I'll do it all for only $60!!!!!!! 
Half price, what a deal, eh? >:D

Hey now, he was talking $240, we can both get in on this action. Even if we combine our amounts he still makes off like a bandit!
wow...you two are the opposite of Rogers and IQOR...you'll actually take my money.
Oh yes, I'll take any money I can get. I am on a Pte's salary you know ;)
Chapeski said:
Oh yes, I'll take any money I can get. I am on a Pte's salary you know ;)

No sympathy from me!  I survived on an Ocdt pay for 5 years! (1200$/month before taxes)
Oh you officers and your O/Cdt pay, sheesh, I hear about it every time I mope about my lowly wage. :P
I have to whine about something, my pay just seems to be my target. Besides, I'm sure you guys got shacks when you were one that wage. Anyway, I digress, Rogers still sucks for customer service!
I got to shack (that we had to pay), but in the last year, I was on the economy.  So stop whinning :)