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ROTP 2011-2012

Well I got off the plane a couple hours ago, and I am back home. Today was a great day! Succeeded with the CFAT, apparently I did very well. I actually was shown my marks by accident during my medical, and I was quite pleased, even if the marks are meaningless out of context (ie, when they aren't in comparison with the average CFAT results). The medical was straight forward, they basically just asked me about my medical history, any surgeries I've had, any family medical history, etc. They made me do a funny duck walk thing, a couple push ups to make sure my arms work, a hearing test, an eye test, the general. Nothing to worry about there. The interview went well; mine was close to 2 hours, but it was much easier than I had expected it to be. There was much less emphasis on my personality and skills then on my knowledge of the trade I was applying for. So, even though I thought the interview was easy, I can not emphasize enough the importance of knowing ALL the trades you are applying for.

The recruiting staff in general seemed pretty impressed with my application, and I was deemed suitable for all trades I applied for.

So, the next step for me is Aircrew Selection in the next couple weeks, hopefully before the new year.

Also, I was told that the early selection hearing has been cancelled for this year, and that there will only be one selection hearing. So it sounds like nobody will receive and offer until about March or April at the earliest.

It feels great to have done those last couple steps! After ACS in Trenton, I essentially just wait, which is something I will have to get used to if I want to be a pilot. Good luck to everyone with the rest of their applications!!!
pudd13 said:
So, the next step for me is Aircrew Selection in the next couple weeks, hopefully before the new year.

Don't you have blood tests and a thorough optometrical exam to do outside of the recruiting center before being scheduled for ASC?
I also am waiting for my CFRC to call me to schedule ASC. Hope to see you there!
Uhh yeh, I never understood the duck walk thing either. The Kitchener CFRC guy said, "okay now squat. okay now duck walk to me" I didn't know what a duck walk was so I hobbled over to the man and stood up.
Yes, the blood tests and eye tests have to be done, that is correct, but I was expecting that, so I actually made an appointment for each for this morning, immediately after my interview, just to cut down on that waiting time. My eye tests have already been faxed down, and my blood results should be within the next couple days. I was told that they will call me and schedule me for ACS once the blood results are in. It sounds quite possible that we might scheduled for the same ACS then trampbike. Perhaps we will see each other there!

I was giggling the whole time I was duck walking. I talked to me dad about it, he's an RCMP officer. He said they used to do that for hours on end in their high-browns when he was in training.
Just got my application in today, CFAT, medical, and interview are all on the 22nd. I applied for Pilot, Engineering officer, Armor officer, in that order. I noticed some people actually have to FLY to their nearest CFRC! Thats brutal! Mines a five minute drive away!
Ok, so I'm officially gettng nervous! I found out how my marks are for my Grade 12 classes so far into the term.(There's only like 2 weeks left.) They aren't even in the 90's. But I'm working my tail off and I still have the top 5 marks for each of my classes! My teachers are just incredibly hard markers. I'm not trying to find an excuse...but it's still a downer when my future of getting into RMC depends on this. =[
I guess I'll go ask what else I can do to raise them up further....there's gotta be a way.
aWARMcanadian said:
Just got my application in today, CFAT, medical, and interview are all on the 22nd. I applied for Pilot, Engineering officer, Armor officer, in that order. I noticed some people actually have to FLY to their nearest CFRC! Thats brutal! Mines a five minute drive away!
Agreed that's gotta be brutal! CFRC New Westminster it legit 20 minute walk(5 minute bus ride) from where live. Anyway.. Good Luck to everyone again!(I think I my have changed my mind on what type of Officer I might want to be.. I'll keep everyone posted.)
Hey Bowen, don't be too worried. Just keep on working hard. If your teachers are all hard markers, I recommend you go and chat with them, and explain what your dreams are, and explain that the marks you have NOW are very important, and then ask if there is anything you can do for extra credit, or if there is a way you can increase your marks on previous assignments or anything like that. It might be a stretch, but it might pay off. Worst comes to worse, at least that way your teacher knows you are trying very hard at that point, and will likely do more to accommodate your learning. Those are just my thoughts though.

Good luck on the 22nd aWARMcanadian, it's a big day, but in my opinion, its all pretty straight forward. Make sure you do well in the CFAT though, because if you don't pass that, you won't even get to do your interview!
Man... you guys are all way out of my league. Jesus, what am I doing? Thinking I can get into the Royal Military College is like a chimpanzee thinking it can fly. It's just not going to happen.

I may as well just change withdraw my application and then reapply for Enlisted. That's the only way I'll ever serve my country.
Hello pudd13

I was wondering what kind of marks you had in Grade 11 and 12. I live in Vancouver and I am also applying at RMC. Mr trade is pilot. Just wondering what kind of marks and volunteer work and community involvement you had and if I would make a competitive candidate as well.

And congratulations on your successful apptitude, medical, and interview.

Good luck for your ACS.
PrairieBoy said:
Man... you guys are all way out of my league. Jesus, what am I doing? Thinking I can get into the Royal Military College is like a chimpanzee thinking it can fly. It's just not going to happen.

I may as well just change withdraw my application and then reapply for Enlisted. That's the only way I'll ever serve my country.

With all due respect, Eff That S***! If being an officer is really what you want then do your damn best to make it happen. Don't pull out of the program prematurely. You never know what could happen or how you stack up against the majority of applicants. This site by its very nature attracts the most dedicated and involved applicants. Never give up till its over.
Pudd13: Good job on the completion of your application, sounds to me like it went very well.

PrarieBoy: That is not the right kind of attitude you need my friend. You need to be positive! Just do your very best, that is all any of us can do.
Shiska is right. This forum will, in the opinion of this applicant, be used by those that are very involved with the process of becoming an Officer Cadet. You cannot compare yourself to others on here. You have to go in not thinking but knowing that you are a competitive applicant. Do not withdraw on the basis of what you read on here. The only reason to withdraw your application is because you personally feel 100% through and through that an Officer in the Canadian Forces is not for you. If you want it, go get it.
I totally agree with the above, don't count yourself out yet if being an officer is what you want. If you think the job description of NCMs suits you better, fill you boots, but if you like the job of an officer, go for it.
That being said, keep your options open. Apply to other universities so that you can put civi U down in addition to RMC, get a game plan together for what you'll do if you don't get in this year (if you can do some university on your own dime, it probably looks good), and as always, keep making yourself a better applicant. Also, if you think one part of your application is lacking, work on it and/or try to compensate in other areas.
...You guys are right, of course. It's just... I was fired today for mediocre job performance, which is a bit of a body blow to my self-confidence. However, really, it was a crappy job and I was motivated by nothing other than to make my daily dollar, so what else would they expect? There's better jobs out there to keep me afloat between now and whenever I end up sworn into the Forces. And I will end up sworn in one way or another, I know that I will, because there's nothing else I want in life.

Thanks for giving me a kick in the ass, I needed it, haha.
I'm going to quote the great warrior Obi-wan Kenobi. "You must do what you feel is right of course." Only you can know what is the best path for you right now. You got let go from a part time job? Use that as an experience to move forward, find a job that will keep you engaged and motivate you. Learn to use your past to better your future. Captain of the Magic School Bus Ms. Frizzle told her crew members regularly, "Take chances, make mistakes, and get messy!" That is what life is my friend, a series of challenges we need to overcome to move forward and be better as a result. If you think your not ready now? Wait, the CF will be there. Your not sure Officer is what you want? Do NCM. There are so many doors, you need to open them. You have time, find out what is best for you and do it. As another great warrior named Yoda once said, "Do, or do not, there is no try."
Nairna, I absolutely love the inspirational quotes, they are awesome.

PrairieBoy, don't give up. It is as simple as that. Everybody will always run into people that they think are better than them, and thats just how it is. You just need to strive to better yourself; its irrelevant whether you become better than someone else or not. When you are in your interview, its not about "what are you the best in the world at?" or "what can you do better than john smith." Try not to compare yourself to others on here, but try to compare yourself to two years ago, or two months ago, or two weeks ago, and ask yourself if you have done anything to improve yourself. If you have, and you want to be an officer, then that is exactly what you will do.

And, as a side note, I don't think there has been a single ROTP graduate who, at one point or another, hasn't been discouraged or felt like they weren't good enough. It's all part of it. Some people have it happen to them during their application, other people during FYOP, or during a certain academic course, or whatever. The people that make it through this stage are the people that truly want to, the people that have a real passion and motivation, and thats who the CF wants as officers. They don't want perfect people who don't know failure.

And lastly, I will just make the point that you can't always believe EVERYTHING you see on here. Not that I don't believe most of what everybody says, but if somebody really wanted to, they could come on and talk about they have everything from high 90's average, to a bazillion hours of volunteering time, to being the captain of every team sport ever played, and say they still had a tough time in their interview, just to discourage other people who don't have as many qualifications. That may be confusing, but what I am saying is that some people might buff up their own story in an effort to discourage others, and prevent them from applying, or perform worse on the CFAT or interview due to anxiety, and thereby reduce the applicant pool. Now, I don't really think thats an issue on this thread, because it would be pretty low to be like that, but the point is, its a waste of time comparing yourself to others, because who knows what you are even comparing yourself to.
Pudd13: Thanks, I thought of everyone on here as I wrote them ;)

PrairieBoy: Pudd13 is right, there could be misleading information on here, for example I read something today that one person posted earlier in this thread that was completely opposite to what they wrote last. This was clearly to make their situation this year seem less negative then it was last year.
Damn so busy with school lately, haven't had the time to get file transferred and re-apply to ROTP so far. Hopefully I'll head to New Westminister Recruiting Center this week and get the ball rolling. At least I've been working out a ton and started crossfit!
I am applying for Rotp very soon. I haven found every other form required online, but i can't seem to find the questionarie. Can anybody help me out? Or is it even online?

Thank you very much

- Eric