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ROTP 2011-2012

Anyone else applying for MARS?
And does anyone know anything about the Naval Officer Assessment Board that you have to attend?
I am applying for MARS as well. I am not sure about the NOAB though, I am still gathering information.
I'm applying for MARS as well and what I was told was that ROTP candidates no longer have to attend the NOAB, only direct entry option candidates have to attend.
Have any aircrew hopefuls received a call about going to the ASC yet? I got mine the other day, I'll be doing mine from the 24th to the 28th.
Nope, haven't heard any yet...although they haven't done my medical or interview yet. I hope thats the 24th to 28th of january and not decemember lol.
Yes, January. I should have clarified. Although I don't know that I would have objected to December anyways!
good luck man!

... has anyone else selected yes for attending RMC- St. Jean, as well as senior applicant? I'm hoping I get accepted for that if i don't get accepted for senior applicant. Or does anyone know how competitive RMC- St. Jean is?
Maverick94, you can still be sent to RMC-St.Jean as a senior applicant, you would do your first year of studies there and then you would go to the RMC in Kingston for years 2-4. So basically those that are accepted as senior applicants, get split up between St.Jean and Kingston.
My recruiter told me that RMC St-Jean should NOT be checked off as a school I'd be willing to go to, because I am applying as a senior applicant. So on my application RMC St-Jean isn't listed as one of my choices of institutions. Mind you I was a little confused on that portion of the ROTP questionnaire. I basically just wound up doing what the recruiter told me to.
Thanks for the info hockey!

I checked off Junior and Senior applicant as well as St. Jean, and my recruiter said that is was a good idea, cause I was keeping options open. It's interesting to see what different recruiters say.
Well the recruiter told me that I didn't need to be applying as a junior applicant just based off my high school and first year university marks. So I am not totally sure. Initially when I filled out the application I said I would apply as either, because I agree, its best to keep my options open. Although I wouldn't expect a junior cadet position for myself, I certainly wasn't going to say no if they offered me one. But then the recruiter told me otherwise. Perhaps this is just a small case of the recruiters from across the country not being on exactly the same page.
Hmmm, interesting. It sounds like it. I think the recruiters said it might be a good idea for me is because I'm graduating highschool at the end of grade 11. So I have all the University pre req's, but I'll be a year younger so they might want me to do the prep year? That was my logic for checking it off.
hey does anyone know the deadline for getting in the paper work for rotp cause im interested in applying and im just having some trouble getting the paper work cause i live far from any army office.
crippler6 said:
hey does anyone know the deadline for getting in the paper work for rotp cause im interested in applying and im just having some trouble getting the paper work cause i live far from any army office.

i wood mak an edumacated guess that this qustion has beeen askt in the passed feu pages onse or twise  and thad u shood downlod the forums frum the CFRG websight and fill them in and putt them into the male.
That definitely makes sense Mav, you seem like you could be a candidate for either. Since I already have a year of university under my belt, I assume that the whole Junior Cadet idea is pretty well out of the question for me. Makes sense that the recruiters would have told us different things.

crippler6, do a search. Refer to the Canadian Forces website, and best of all, contact your NEAREST Canadian Forces Recruiting Centre. Even if they are a day or more drive away, they are considered your local recruiting centre, and you will need to do all of your application through them. Contact them ASAP though. Also, you can get all the forms you need to fill out online.  www.forces.ca is great for that sort of thing.
Yeah, that would make sense to me why the recruiters would tell us different things, since what I gather Prep year is essentially doing gr. 12/first year of college, istead of university so you would be way ahead of everyone there.
George Wallace said:
i wood mak an edumacated guess that this qustion has beeen askt in the passed feu pages onse or twise  and thad u shood downlod the forums frum the CFRG websight and fill them in and putt them into the male.

My god GW, IT BURNS!!
Inky said:
My god GW, IT BURNS!!

Honestly.  How can anyone even dream of applying to a university, let alone RMC with the aspiration to become an officer in the CF, if they can't even use their initiative to read what has already been posted, and who also demonstrates the writing skills of of kid in kindergarden?
I have to say, I attribute the general lack of research and english ability to people's experience on other forums. On other forums, it might be alright to ask the same question thousands of times, and to use some sort of symbology that is barely discernible as English. A lot of people fail to realize that that is NOT alright when posting on army.ca for the first time. In general, I believe that most people who post like that could still potentially be great leaders in the CF one day. But that may just be me seeing the good in people.  That being said, there are also a lot of idiots out there who don't belong anywhere near the CF.