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ROTP 2011-2012

Guys, seriously:

Stop stressing about the news, just focus on preparing yourself for basic training both mentally and physically. You're just going to give yourself ulcers worrying about hearing from the Forces, just focus on yourself and what you can do to get ready for your training.

So guys, what are you doing for PT? I'm currently in pre-season training for my rugby club and taking swimming lessons, as well as getting in runs on the treadmill and calisthenics at home when I'm not doing those two things. How about you guys? Let's just please try to get the conversation off waiting for news!

I'm riding my bike, doing pullups. When my school's tennis team starts up in a couple weeks I think I'm gonna join it. My speed skating season is over now and I need a sport to play haha.
For those that are interested in MMA, I'm a current 1st year OCdt and an MMA practitioner myself. There's a club run at the KMCSC that runs twice per week by the NCOs up at CFB Kingston. It's free, and anyone can jump in and out at anytime. It occasionally conflicts with your IMs but if you talk to your SPORO they'll usually approve of your participation with the club.

Hopefully this answers some questions.
That is covered by the military though, listen guys.. The selection goes through phases where the board layers through the each and every applicant. Some will be chosen this week and some won't be chosen till the middle of July.. It is great to see the energy but why not talk about why you joined ROTP or what you think the army will do for you.
For those of you applying to RMC, I would really consider checking out the site below for the RMC PPT fitness test. It's similar to the EXPRES test, but the standard is much higher. You may earn a total of 500 points, 250 being a passing score. There are 5 events (a possible max of 100 points per event); push ups, sit ups, standing long jump, beep test and agility test. Here is the kicker, you have to get the minimum passing mark for each event (I.e., level 9.5 on beep test for men and 7.5 for women) in order to pass, but meeting the minimum requirement only for all 5 events will not get you the 250 points needed to pass. Confused? I'll try to explain, if you are male and you only do 28 push ups, the minimum requirement, you only receive 40 points (made up number, I only know it's less than 50), therefore, you need to make up the hypothetical points in another event (5 events x 50 points = 250 points). Thus, you not only have to meet the minimum requirements for each event, but exceed in one or more event. I hope this makes sense to you guys. What I'm trying to tell you is TRAIN, TRAIN, TRAIN!

RMC PPT standards: http://www.rmc.ca/ji-ir/ji-ir-c-eng.asp

I hope this does not intimidate anyone, I just want to help you guys prepare. RMC can be the best experience, if you make it so. Good luck to all ROTP applicants.
Okay, I'll admit, that intimidates me just a wee bit, as the last result I got on a 20 meter shuttle run was stage 5.5. Mind you, that was at a Cadet test the day after a very hard rugby practice, so I was already extremely stiff and sore and not exactly at 100% of my physical capability. I am sure I could do better if well-rested. Still, stage 9.5? Damn. I mean, the push-ups and sit-ups and stuff won't be too difficult, but that shuttle run will be a *****.

Oh well, just more motivation for harder training  ;D And with rugby, swimming and my own training together, I'm sure I will be able to do it. RMC is my dream university, I'll have to do it.
OneMissionataTime said:
I can't understand why they would allow MMA when boxing is not covered,

They don't allow MMA.  The NCM that runs the club from the RMC gym does not have it registered under that name (although we all know that's what it is  ;D).  Part of the reason for not allowing MMA is it's current lack of regulation within all the provinces and Nationally.

OneMissionataTime said:
They allow sports like Taek Won do and even Judo, but sports with a-lot of striking IE: Boxing and MMA inflicts a lot of damage.

It's TAEKWONDO.  Learn to spell!  :rage:  This sport is represented by the world military sport council (CISM) and is actually one of the driving forces behind the changes that are made yearly to the World Taekwondo Federation.  As for MMA inflicting a lot of damage, I'd have to disagree.  Having trained in the sport for a time I'd have to say that it's one of the most technically challenging sports around.  If someone is doing damage or getting severely hurt, it's because they don't know what they're doing.

OneMissionataTime said:
Anyways, I popped the question to my SEM because I was an avid martial artist before I joined up and was told I wouldn't be covered if I sustained an injury in boxing. I'll get back to you on what he says.

You COULD get covered for boxing (I don't have the associated references in front of me regarding what sports are not permitted so please don't quote me on this).  You would have to write a memo and submit it through your chain of command (yearly) for approval.  There's a CFAO somewhere which I don't have access to right now (sitting in class).  You can get more info from the PSP-types when you get in.  Once that memo gets approved then training is not a problem.  But you will have to submit a memo each time you enter a competition.  If you don't get permission it doesn't mean that you can't do it.  It essentially means that if you get hurt you can't claim it as a military injury.

Edited to add more info in the last para.
PrairieBoy said:
Okay, I'll admit, that intimidates me just a wee bit, as the last result I got on a 20 meter shuttle run was stage 5.5. Mind you, that was at a Cadet test the day after a very hard rugby practice, so I was already extremely stiff and sore and not exactly at 100% of my physical capability. I am sure I could do better if well-rested. Still, stage 9.5? Damn. I mean, the push-ups and sit-ups and stuff won't be too difficult, but that shuttle run will be a *****.

Oh well, just more motivation for harder training  ;D And with rugby, swimming and my own training together, I'm sure I will be able to do it. RMC is my dream university, I'll have to do it.

Don't sweat it, after FYOP the beep test will be easy, that's what they're prepping you for. It's funny because I was in the reserves before going to RMC and never had to do the beep test and never did it in high school like a lot of people I've spoken to. Therefore, RMC was my first experience of it. I just thought 7.5 was average and beat myself up when I could barely make it to level ten (I'm a 5'1" chic whose forte is NOT running :P). You can imagine my surprise when I did my first EXPRES test after graduating from RMC; level 4 to pass and 6 for incentive. I was always one of the first people to drop out of the beep test at RMC (most of my girlfriends could get to level 11 or higher, b*tches, jk), but I was one of the last to drop out at the EXPRES. So, moral of the story? RMC PPT sucks, but it really prepares you well physically.
Excellent, I guess I can pick up Taekwondo  :P again and I heard that the Forces even has a team. I am glad to hear about the boxing though.. Thanks Strike!

*Edit* . The thing I really liked about RMC and regretted not going there is that you are mentally and physically prepared for your courses. I only know of one RTU'ed RMC student ever. My friends that had DP1 last summer (For infantry) had to ruck 28k and out of the Class of 70, only 6 managed to do it and 4 of them were from RMC. I am not saying RMC is better, both RMC and Civi U have their strengths and weaknesses but at RMC your practically forced to stay in shape.. ( With morning PT and constant physical testing)..
OneMissionataTime said:
I am glad to hear about the boxing though.. Thanks Strike!

Just remember that you may not be covered (think long term medical pension) for any injury sustained while doing that sport.  Better to check a little deeper.  Maybe someone here has better access to the CANFORGEN than I do that actually states this.
Out of all the martial arts I feel Krav Maga would be the first to be rejected if the basis for rejection really is (doing too much damage as was stated earlier)
Haha I remember watching a show about it, it is the epitome of street fighting... Groin, joints , eyes, ears and throat... Use any weapon that you can find. I think they even rolled up magazines used them as striking rods...
Yeah we have used the magazine before. Yes it is a lot of "dirty" moves. I really enjoy it though. :)
No April Fools Jokes about getting an offer before everybody else?
The good news is that other than SCP and CFR no one has heard anything yet.  That means we are still in the game.
Maverick94 said:
I got accepted today guys!!! :D

Now if you are trying to tell the truth none of us will believe you. Should have waited till tomorrow to post if it's true!

I have come to the conclusion that I need to stop expecting it before mid April as I am going to go loony otherwise. Does anyone have an estimate of how many applicants there were this year and roughly how many they plan to accept?
I heard two years ago it was around 1500 applicants and last year 300 were selected. That is the only information I know of regarding applicants vs. acceptances.
During our swearing in ceremony last July in Toronto they mentioned the following numbers (approximately):

100,000 Inquired, 10,000 Apllied, 2,000 tested, 550 Selected.
