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ROTP at Civilian University 2004 - 2018 [Merged]

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I plan on applying to RMC/ROTP for the 2015-2016 year, my grades range from the high seventies to the low nineties, except in math. Would a grade lower than 75 in math eliminate my chances for RMC entirely? (I'd be applying for an arts degree)

Any insight would be greatly appreciated
jmaxwell said:
I plan on applying to RMC/ROTP for the 2015-2016 year, my grades range from the high seventies to the low nineties, except in math. Would a grade lower than 75 in math eliminate my chances for RMC entirely? (I'd be applying for an arts degree)

Any insight would be greatly appreciated

As I posted previously at the top of this thread  "Mandatory courses will include a Gr 12 pre-University English course completed or currently in progress and a Gr 11 pre-University Mathematics course both of which you MUST have a minimum "75%" average in respectively."

So if you do not have the required 75% in both those areas, then it makes no difference what your other marks are.
Jmaxwell I am in the exact same predicament as you are, so am in the process of upgrading my math mark and I indicated so on my application!
I am just waiting for my college transcripts to come in and then I will be applying.

Would anyone happen to know a rough timeline of when we'll hear back and (if we're accepted) when basic training would fit in before classes start?

Also, is it always a September start?
Spong said:
I am just waiting for my college transcripts to come in and then I will be applying.
Would anyone happen to know a rough timeline of when we'll hear back and (if we're accepted) when basic training would fit in before classes start?
Also, is it always a September start?

You're going to need your High School transcripts as well!

Once you apply and if you meet the academic standards and occupational requirements, your application will be processed.  If you manage to make it through to Merit Listing, you generally are not notified of acceptance/selection until late Apr or early May 15.  Classes always start in Sep.

Good luck!
I just sent my application. My average grade for secondary (Quebec) is 77%, but i will get my Cegep diploma in december with an average of +/- 80%. Do you know if they refuse a lot of people with those grades?
Good day,

If anyone is experiencing difficulties accessing the link contained within the email received after your submission of your online application for the Regular Officer Training Plan (ROTP) directing you to the Royal Military College of Canada (RMCC) portal for submission of required documents and questionnaire you are not alone.

There is a technical issue with the link embedded within the email which is currently being worked on. The link is correct and to access the link you will need to copy the link from your email received and paste it into your web browser for it to work.
I actually have a bit of a special situation and despite talking with recruiters more and more things keep popping up on me which I will likely have to do if I get selected to move on with the application process.

Currently, I am in High School in the greater Houston area of Texas and have submitted an application for ROTP via the Forces.ca website. I am a Canadian citizen, although I am living in Texas and going to High School on a Visa. I have taken my SAT reasoning and discovered recently that I need Math I and Literature subject tests taken as well. I have signed up to take these two in October and will have my scores rushed if needed. I also heard that if I send in my transcript I have to have it essentially "converted" before I give it to the forces.

So, I have two questions.

a.) What other requirements do I need to know about as an international student applying for ROTP?

b.) Just how competitive will I be amongst other applicants based on grades (or marks)/ extra-curricular activities/ fitness?

MOS's applied for
1.)Pilot 2.) Infantry 3.) Armored Officer

Currently in Texas, I go to an incredibly competitive high school and am actually in the bottom quarter among my peers (I'm not sure if class ranking is even relevant for the application, excuse me if it isn't). I currently have grades which range from 85-95% and have taken quite a few AP classes, which are on par with IB I believe. I am in NJROTC, which is a US Navy military program and am part of the Command Staff (5 Cadets) and have been to numerous state competitions, etc for the program. I am also in DECA, which is a business club and have competed for Finance competitions at the national/ international level. I do tons of volunteering for the school and community, I believe I went over 200 hours recently.
I can give a letters of recommendation as well I believe, one being from a recently retired US Navy Captain (0-6, just below Rear Admiral Lower Half) and from a US Congressman who is also retired from the Navy. My physical fitness is also very good, I can do 80+ pushups before beginning to lose form and 80+ situps in 60 seconds. I run 1.5 miles (2.4 KM) close to 9 minutes and can do 18 full extension pullups (palms facing outward).

So, with all these, how competitive will I be? and what other requirements will I need to fulfill once receiving the call from the recruiters? I am aware of the interview, medical exam, CFAT, and fitness test. I also have spoken to the recruiters in Calgary, so I am not completely blind on what to do, but I can't see them most of the time as I am at school in Texas.

Thank you in advance for any constructive comments and information.

How many separate trips will I need to take to the CFRC for testing and interviews?
I'm currently living in Texas as a High School student so it would be good to know how many flights I will need to take to complete the application process.

If anyone wants to help a bit further I put the link for my other thread below.
jeremy1995 said:
I just sent my application. My average grade for secondary (Quebec) is 77%, but i will get my Cegep diploma in december with an average of +/- 80%. Do you know if they refuse a lot of people with those grades?

Well from what I understand they are looking for well-rounded people to become officers. You don't necessarily need all A's to get in, but it certainly is something that will help a candidate. Now grades are not everything, as they take in to account your physical fitness, extra-curricular activities, and overall aptitude through the tests and interview. I'm getting all this info from a recruiter a spoke to over the summer so I believe I am correct.
Finally, I sent my application for Saint-Jean.

Choices: 1. MARS 2. Armoured Officer 3. Infantry

grade overall: 85%, 12% higher than the group average.

Extracurricular: Lot of sport, martial art, training... Contrariwise, I have never been involved in any community project or had any leadership activity. I don't if this will kill my application, I hope not.

Oh, and do someone know how many slots are open for MARS/Armoured/Infantry this year at Saint-Jean? It will change nothing to my application but I am curious.

Have a nice day and good luck everyone.
This whole post is terrible.

yoaa2 said:
I got accepted to RMC this year and I voluntarily released 3 days after getting to Kingston.
Pretty much speaks for itself, in terms of your expertise on the matter at hand.

It wasn't that hard, but I am a very independent person and I've been living on my own since my 16Th birthday, so I really didn't enjoy to be treated like a prisoner. 
Anyway, I also I didn't get the job I wanted, so I didn't  see the point in going through Basic training + FYOP (First year orientation program = hell)  to do something I didn't even want to.
Although excessively dramatic, there is a grain of truth here.  If you're not in a MOSID that you'll enjoy, the hardship simply won't be worth it.
Also, on my first few days here, some current RMC students told us to f.u.c.k off before it was too late. I've only met a few students who were happy to be there... two out of about 10.
You got there in early August and left three days later.  At that point, I'm willing to bet that the vast majority of RMC students were either away on summer training (as happens for all ROTP students) or on leave.  Need I inform you of how miniscule your sample data is?  Including what....second language training students?  Holding platoon?  If this was enough to sway you one way or the other, you are far too impressionable.
(By the way the instructors are using swears as a form of punctuation. You better get used to it)
Watch 'Basic Up' on youtube; swearing is not unique to RMC.  In fact, especially if you're army, you'll find that the language used by instructors at RMC is quite tame compared to other places.
Plus I was told that education-wise, it is very general. If you are applying for the "free university" it doesn't worth it. You have to go through too much crap for it.
You were told?  By who?  Your tiny sample of students?  You spent 0 hours in academic classes at RMC.  What you didn't factor in is the strong reputation RMC academic programs have, the success of RMC students at academic, engineering, and other competitions, and the rare benefits of RMC like a very low instructor to student ratio (much lower at RMC than most other universities, meaning that you actually learn from your profs instead of TAs).
Please, follow your dreams, that's all that really matters. If you are motivated to do military career and that you don't mind the yelling, the short nights, the stress and the physical training, please go ahead and apply, they will be more than happy to recruit you.
And I'll add that, if your dreams include studying at RMC, ignore everything that yoaa2 had to say here.
However, if you have any doubts and that you are doing it for the free university, please, do not apply, as you won't enjoy yourself here. You don't want to be stuck doing a job you don't like for 10-13 years for the sake of your mental health and happiness.
Again, a grain of truth, but you don't have nearly enough ammunition to back your claim that people won't enjoy their time at RMC simply because you didn't enjoy your five minutes.
You put the matter eloquently jwtg, but I'll simply say that as far as pure academic reputation goes, RMC has declined in the last decade or so. However, while it might not have the academic standing of McGill or other Canadian universities, simply studying at RMC is a leg up in your future career, if you intend to stick around after your mandatory service period. It also has the benefit of throwing you into a military environment for the duration of your degree, so you'll learn a lot of stuff. I personally attend Civvy U, but the folks that attended RMC or CMR St-Jean on my BMOQ platoon loved it and mostly had good things to say about it.
Hello guys,

I'm also applying for ROTP 2015-2016,

Im 21 years old, a bit older than most applicants.  Was not able to apply since i was not a citizen of Canada. Currently a Seneca college student (on my last year will be graduating April 2015) in Police foundation with a GPA of 3.7 and highschool average of 86% with all sciences math and ofcourse english.

The only thing that is stopping me from handing in my application is that I'm currently not sure if I should go for NCM MP after graduation or study a Criminology degree at a civvy U and try for MP Officer.

From what I understand, they only accept a few MPO candidates for ROTP. Did anyone check or talked to their recruitment offocer how many they are accepting this year if at all?

If anyone else are applying for civvy u or are in their post secondary education and applying, please share your application process!

Best of luck for all applicants!
Hi there,

I am a 17 years old female grade 12 student who applied to the forces on September 29, 2014. I selected the ROTP option and am intending to study history at RMC to become a logistics officer (preferably in the army). My grade 11 overall average was 85%. My English mark however was lower than 75% (it was 73%). Also, I took mixed math (MCF3M1) and I got an 85% in that course. My questions are, can I use my grade 12 English mark over my grade 11 one, and does my math credit count. That is my only M credit, everything else is university.

I have put all my eggs in one basket, so I need this to work out  :(

I'm sorry I can't help with your specific answer however, as good life advice, do NOT stand around with the "one basket" option, just in case.

I couldn't see myself going anywhere else and that is why I say "all my eggs are in one basket". RMC is the only place I want to go. If I do not get in this year, God forbid, I will apply next year and the year after that. It is my dream school.
MuddyCross said:
I couldn't see myself going anywhere else and that is why I say "all my eggs are in one basket". RMC is the only place I want to go. If I do not get in this year, God forbid, I will apply next year and the year after that. It is my dream school.

And when you are ninety-nine?
I'll be dead..? Like obviously I am going to be realistic with myself. If I do not get in the first year I am going to go to another university, but I am going to continue to try and transfer over.
I just want to know if I can use my Grade 12 English instead of my grade 11 mark and if my MCF3M1 math counts as a university math.
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