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ROTP at Civilian University 2004 - 2018 [Merged]

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I have applied to RMC and really only want to go there.  I have recently applied to a few other schools just in case I am awarded an ROTP scholarship, but not accepted to RMC.  My question is about salary while at a Civi U, the CF pays for tuition, but do you also recieve a salary?  Also if you wish to live in student housing will they pay for it, or if you live off campus will they pay for that as well?  Is there a limit to what will be covered?  If only so much will be covered and you have other expenses come up are you allowed to have a job? 
From the information that I've gathered in this forum,

macknightcr said:
My question is about salary while at a Civi U, the CF pays for tuition, but do you also recieve a salary?


Also if you wish to live in student housing will they pay for it, or if you live off campus will they pay for that as well?

No. It will be your(our) responsibility to find a housing in or off campus. So it will not be covered by CF. Search for PLD in this forum. It's a Post Living Differential in which you may be qualified for extra money every month.

Is there a limit to what will be covered?  If only so much will be covered and you have other expenses come up are you allowed to have a job?

Basically anything that are directly related to school, it's covered(books, lab, tuition). Also I remember reading from this forum that you can claim transit pass and gym membership if you happen to purchase one. About the part-time job, you can have one as long as you are permitted by the upper to do so.
macknightcr said:
Is the salary the same as those who attend RMC? $17 K I think.

Yes, somewhere around that figure.

1st years = $1,465
2nd years = $1,495
3rd years = $1,530
4th years = $1,558

Taken from http://www.cmp-cpm.forces.gc.ca/dgcb-dgras/ps/pay-sol/pr-sol/rfor-ofr-eng.asp
Hi Guys

I hope to be attending Ryerson for Aerospace come September, I was just wondering if there are any other Ryerson hopefuls in here!

In regards to PLD, I live in Toronto, and will continue to live in Toronto during the course of my years at university, however I will no longer be working ( as part of the ROTP agreement) and it will be extremely difficult to pay rent with the salary provided. I know PLD is an option and have read up on it, but I do have some lingering questions:  Does that only apply if I am relocated? Or can I claim it as an Officer Cadet to assist in paying rent?

Thank you in advance!
Lumber said:
Going down to USMA is most definitely not a booze-soaked jaunt. It's coming up to RMC from USMA that's a booze-soaked jaunt. :cheers:

Yeah man, you should see the sorry sad faces of the USMA cadets on the day they have to go back down south, most of them definitely want to transfer up here, partially because they are of legal drinking age here! Awesome people, but I'm glad I don't go to a jail to be educated!  ;)
breezie said:
Yeah man, you should see the sorry sad faces of the USMA cadets on the day they have to go back down south, most of them definitely want to transfer up here, partially because they are of legal drinking age here! Awesome people, but I'm glad I don't go to a jail to be educated!  ;)

Swing and a miss.
Hello Everyone,

  This is my first time posting a question on this very informative site(My hats off to you all).  I am applying to the University of Toronto as a mature student (I am 30 years of age), and I am also completing a Bridging program that is offered through Woodworth College(They are affiliated with UofT) to be considered a suitable applicant. If successful I will be automatically enrolled at the university, and I will begin my undergraduate studies.  My real concern is that the CF would frown at the fact that my Highschool grades were unsatisfactory, and I had to resort to applying as a mature student.  So what I am really asking is if there are any CF personnel here who have gone the same route (Mature Student) to enter ROTP.  I am just trying to get a heads up before heading over to my local CFRC.  Cheers.
ProudofallofU said:
This is my first time posting a question on this very informative site(My hats off to you all).  I am applying to the University of Toronto as a mature student (I am 30 years of age), and I am also completing a Bridging program that is offered through Woodworth College(They are affiliated with UofT) to be considered a suitable applicant. If successful I will be automatically enrolled at the university, and I will begin my undergraduate studies.  My real concern is that the CF would frown at the fact that my Highschool grades were unsatisfactory, and I had to resort to applying as a mature student.  So what I am really asking is if there are any CF personnel here who have gone the same route (Mature Student) to enter ROTP.  I am just trying to get a heads up before heading over to my local CFRC.

ProudofallofU I think that in general if you are accepted into Uni, and for a programme that is ok for the trades that you want in the CF, then your high school marks aren't really important (only for RMC). Basically if you are in uni then you can be in ROTP. Hope this helps.
ProudofallofU said:
My real concern is that the CF would frown at the fact that my Highschool grades were unsatisfactory, and I had to resort to applying as a mature student.  So what I am really asking is if there are any CF personnel here who have gone the same route (Mature Student) to enter ROTP.  I am just trying to get a heads up before heading over to my local CFRC.  Cheers.

I applied ROTP successfully and I did not complete high school. My marks weren't that great either for the courses I did complete. I applied to a university as a mature student in preparation to my CF application. I completed the first year courses part-time and achieved good marks in those courses. I took courses I felt the CF would be looking for (English, Math, Physics) and submitted that transcript along with the high school transcript. When I applied to the universities for my ROTP application, I noticed some of them processed my application as a transfer student and others as a mature student. I think that the improved marks in the university level courses proved that I could complete the academic requirements to complete an undergrad degree and were taken more into consideration than the high school marks (which were many years old as well).
For the Recruit Camp, what would Civy U ROTP people bring? I know RMC has a list of things to bring, but I think it's meant for RMC students since it's pretty extensive.

- Some civilian clothing (+underwear, socks, running shoes)
- Toiletries
- Towels
- Required documents
- $150 in cash

Anything else? Thanks in advance..
If on my application I only apply to civilian universities and say I do not wish to begin my studies at RMC am I less likely to be accepted into the ROTP program? I have already outlined my reasons in the essay I was just wondering before I do the final submit. I am applying for pilot only at the moment I don't know whether this is relevant or not, just that it makes a competitive program even harder to get into. My primary concern is getting into the program.

Note: In no way am I slandering the reputation of RMC I have just decided based on my research that I prefer civilian universities lifestyle choices. That doesn't mean I wouldn't go to RMC if they offered it to me I would just rather do civi u.

Thanks in advance
This is where I get confused as well. I'm already in my second year, my program is not offered at RMC and I'm told I don't have a prerequisite for RMC, but I can still apply? There wasn't any solid information provided to me other than what sounded to me like gueses and run arounds. I'm quite confused, and slightly frustrated on the matter because if my application is less competitive because I took U data management instead of U functions for a degree in international studies which only math courses in the course calendar is data management courses anyway would to me seem incorrect on the CFs part and highly inadequate as an application structure in terms of current and relative data.

Does anyone have any information that could help clear this up?
Nairna, I'll be honest, I have no idea what you said in your post.

Silentstriker, my understanding is that when the applications are reviewed, and students start getting accepted, they fill the RMC slots in the ROTP program first, and then once all the RMC slots are full they will start to fill the civi university slots. However, they will put you straight into civi uni if you select that as your first choice, and there is a greater need for officers in the canadian forces then there are slots at RMC. That is to say, (and this is ONLY FROM MY UNDERSTANDING, not sure if its fact), they fill RMC first with people who have RMC as their first choice. Then, they offer the ROTP to civi uni student applicants who a) chose civi uni as their first choice, or b) didn't make it in with the group that chose RMC as number 1. If you wanted to be certain on this, it would be best to contact a recruiter, as I am sure they would have more information.

However, you mention that if you were offered RMC, you would take it. So, it is HIGHLY recommended that you put on your application that you wish to attend RMC, but then list it as your second choice (or third, if there are two civi schools you would prefer over RMC). This way, you are maximizing the number of ROTP slots that you can potentially fill, while still indicating what you prefer.

I hope that answered your question (and possibly yours nairna), and I hope all goes well with your application.
Silentstriker- I don't know but I can tell you that it "should" not be an issue to only apply for RMC or only apply for Civy U. I was in a briefing the other day and of the say 70 of us there were around 4 pilots (still competitive) but I feel if you looked at RMC it'd be around the same amount.

So it should not make a difference but ask a recruiter, they will know.

Nairna- Call a recruiter but...if you don't have the pre-reqs they probably would not let you change. What's wrong with continuing at your Civy U?
Rogo: nothing is wrong with it, in fact that is what I want to do, but the recruiter mentioned that I may not be eligible for ROTP because of it, but that makes absolutely no sense to me. Lol
Silentstriker01 said:
If on my application I only apply to civilian universities and say I do not wish to begin my studies at RMC am I less likely to be accepted into the ROTP program? I have already outlined my reasons in the essay I was just wondering before I do the final submit. I am applying for pilot only at the moment I don't know whether this is relevant or not, just that it makes a competitive program even harder to get into. My primary concern is getting into the program.

Note: In no way am I slandering the reputation of RMC I have just decided based on my research that I prefer civilian universities lifestyle choices. That doesn't mean I wouldn't go to RMC if they offered it to me I would just rather do civi u.

Thanks in advance

I was accepted ROTP for Pilot and I did not mention RMC anywhere in my application nor my essay. I only listed three civilian universities as my program choices.
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